Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
The Erasmus+ SEAL-NR project team from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design held an organizational meeting with colleagues from universities in Ukraine on March 14, 2025!
The SEAL-NR project uses both synchronous and asynchronous virtual exchange (VE) technologies to form 21st century skills among educators and youth.
As part of the Grant implementation, the first stage includes:
- registration of teams from Ukrainian universities and participation in a questionnaire to study the requests and needs of lecturers and students;
- holding a training cycle “Forms and Technologies of Virtual Exchanges” for the academic staff (leaders and facilitators) - will take place in the form of advanced training for teachers on the use of digital technologies and virtual exchange technologies in the educational process, as well as providing the opportunity to undergo international academic mobility at EU universities;
- the cycle of training sessions for youth and students on the topics “21st Century Skills” and “Socio-Psychological Adaptation to Emergency Situations” that will be conducted in the form of international academic mobility at EU universities.
- pitching innovative startups at international youth debates and within the framework of the international project competition “Future Generation has a Smart-Idea";
- participation in the preparation of the international scientific monograph “Virtual exchange practices and skill development programs for adaptive leadership in the new reality”.
We invite teams from Ukrainian universities to participate in the Grant activities!
