Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Performance of our girls on The Cup of Ukraine

On the eve of a New Year celebrations our women's team surprised at tugging of war. Like a month ago, in September, on a celebration of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports, where our team took third place (the first time).

This time, on competitions of the Ukraine Cup, which was hold on November 21 at the University of Tax in t.Irpin, our girls got bronze medal. Men's team failed at this competitions. Before the competitions were a welcome words from our guests: particularly from the Ministry of Education, representatives of city and district councils and the President of the Federation of the strongest athletes of Ukraine by Kiba V.M.

The composition of our team:

  1. Verhushyna Elena BIS-12 (ESF)
  2. Ilienko Karina BV-14 (TSM)
  3. Maxymchuk Catherine BVkdsk-13 (TSM)
  4. Opanasenko Xenia BSH-12 (TSM)
  5. Podryhulya Alla BShMKsk-13 (TSM)
  6. Pashchenko Anna BV-12 (TSM)
  7. Ulyanenko Alina BSH-12 (TSM)
  8. Eremenko Anna BPTT-12 (TSM)
  9. Inna Goncharenko SpHF1-14 (FHT)

Also congratulations at the successful performance of members of the department of physical education and health, coaches, senior lecturer O. Savchuk and senior lecturer K. But.

We wish our athletes to do their best for great achievements with our university.


Department of Physical Education and Health
