Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Graduates of the Faculty of Design have successfully completed an internship abroad

In the framework of cooperation between the Kiev National University of Technology and Design, and the world-renowned master of photography, honorary Doctor of the KNUTD, Professor H. Chadha in September this year were invited for an internship in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), two graduates of the Faculty of Design: photodesigner - Alexandra Imaldinova (Department of design) and model - Anastasia Yurko (Department of art costume modeling).  

For three weeks they worked hard, carrying out tasks of their mentor. To help our girls were given a team of experts, which consisted of consultants-photographers, makeup artists, stylists, drivers and others. Every day was laid out by the hour, and if assigned task performed improperly, it was necessary to remake, despite the 40-degree heat, lack of their own professional- or life- experience.

Industry, perseverance and competence of our graduates was appreciated by Professor H. Chadha, who at the end of training issued a certificate to the probationers which confirms receipt of his special knowledge and practical skills.

About the impressions of their trip Alexandra and Anastasia reported Nov. 13. At  the opening of the personal photo exhibition of Alexandra Imaldinova "Dubai. Essay "came teachers and students photodesigners, fashion designers, stylists.

Vice-Rector KNUTD on scientific and pedagogical work and international relationship V.V. Chaban awarded to trainees Certificate about promoting Photo Design at the University.


Extremely interesting photo story about a fabulously beautiful city of Dubai, which organically combines modern technologies with  historical and cultural heritage and which the visitors were able to see in the University Museum.

No less interesting and useful proved to be a master class in which Alexandra and Anastasia reveal the secrets of the fashion shooting, shared their knowledge about interactions between the photographer with the client, explained the criteria used to assess the results of their internship.


In conclusion, the students thanked the young skilled workers for the opportunity to join to the new approaches in the photorelay and expressed they wishes for continued success. Traditionally, colleagues and friends used  photo technology  for its intended purpose.

