Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Students of our University at the swimming competition

It's no secret that our university is actively involved in all sports.

And, of course, we could not miss the swimming competition among universities within XX Games Pechersk district. The competition was held on December 5 in the basin of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine.

The competition our university were the best swimmers: Dmitry Artemenko (group BTU-13), Sergei Zhеliba (group BAK1-14), Jaremenko Anna (group BPTT-12) and Dominina Varvara (group BMR2-12). Sustain and inspire athletes coach-teacher of the department of physical education and health Alla N. Kholopova.


The confrontation was a sharp and exciting. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, the team was unable to take KNUTD prize in the competition. But our students swimmers did not lose heart, and were all the same happy and cheerful.

After all, the main principle of the Olympic Games said: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games - not to win but to participate, as well as in life, the most important thing - not the triumph but the struggle."

We wish our athletes and swimmers in the future confidently defend the honor of our University.


Department of Physical Education and Health
