Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Games of "Health" Pechersk District

December 2, 2014 Chess competition held between teachers and university staff Pechersk district traditionally held in Kyiv National Linguistic University in chair of physical education. 

Our favorite team competition. That's now a persistent struggle we have won only place III.

Were distributed as follows:

1m. - KNLU

2m. - KNUKiM

3m. - KNUTD

4m. - NTU

5m. - NMAU

6m. - NUPESU

7m. - Izzy

Delivers thank participants, it is the Department of Mathematics teachers  Mazurok O.O. and  Mazurok Y.V.

 What in recent years always compete for prizes just for our University.

Special thanks responsible for participating in the competition chess century. teacher of Physical Education and Health Savchuk O.


Chair of Physical training and Health
