Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Team KNUTD again at height

Bil'yard - is one of the hottest games of the early 19th century. So now the sport is reborn on the territory of our country. Championship Pechersk district of  Kyiv among universities, held February 24 at the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, united all amateurs and professionals among the faculty and staff of the sport.

Our team represented the best of the best bil'yardystiv University. This is not negatively was a decisive step towards victory. But we opposed professionals titled "medalists and world champions, Europe."  In persistent struggle, our team found itself  very skillfully.

The second place won the tournament unsurpassed master cue stick senior lecturer in physical education and health Chernov SM.

Also welcome the successful performance in these competitions senior lecturer in physical education and health Prokopchuk L. and O. Savchuk.

We wish all the participants of the competition health and success in the fight for prizes.


Department of Physical Education and Health
