Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


"DREAM of Pereyaslavschina": Everyone can help!

Everyone celebrates the arrival of spring in different ways. Unusually KNUTD teachers met this day. Together with the charity fund "Blagodar" faculty staff visited the Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of children "Dream of Pereyaslavschina." In the center there are 30 children aged from 3 to 18 years, including settlers from the ATO area.

More than fifty volunteers collected a lot of useful and necessary things: clothes, shoes, office equipment, toys, hygiene products, food and much more.

But children were delighted not only by gifts on this day. Rich program did not give children any moments of relaxation: a charity fair of things and toys, a variety of workshops, stylized celebration of Shrovetide, the performance of the puppet theater and launching of sky lanterns with the wishes of the children at the end.

Day was very rich and heavy, but sincere smiles of children and fun lights in their eyes made it a great pleasure!

Thank to God, if even one, though of the smallest child's dream come true on this day. Together we are stronger!
