Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The student scientific–practical conference “Modern scientific research and development students’ works”

On April, 23 -24 the student scientific – practical conference “Modern scientific research and development students’ works” was held at the Foreign Languages Department, KNUTD. The students’ research papers were presented and discussed at the conference.

In the English language section the winners are:

I prize Slobodianyk O. L. (BAK 2-14)

II prize Yankovskii Yan V. (BHF 2-14)

III prize Zubovych A. D. (BAK 2-14)


Also we are glad to announce the names of the most active students in the following nominations:

“For having a good command of the foreign language”

Samoilova A. Y. (BОА 1-13)

Mokhanko Viktoria (BЕК -11)

Panfilov Mykhailo BІТ 2-14

Kravets Y. A.  (BТE -12)

Aleiev Y. M. (BMSТ -13)


The most relevant issue

Aleiev Y. M. (BMSТ -13)

Kozlovskii Vlad  (BІТ  1-14)

Burkovetskii Dmytro (BIТ 1-1)


“Scientific approach in topic development”

Boichuk Dmytro (BHТ -14)

Lisovskii Ivan (BTE-13)

Potekha Denys (BMR 2-12)

Khodakivskii Maksim (BІЕ 1-12)

Samoilenko V. Y.Віра Юріївна (БДІ 1-14)


The most active participant in the conference

Manuel – Antonio Maria (BHF 1-14)

Gulina O. D. (BPО 1-14)


In the German language section the winners are the following:

I prize Pleshkova (Tolkushkina) O. I. (BPP -12)

II prize Kasumov O. O. (BIO 2-12)

III prize Kolesnychenko Y. Y. (BIT 1-14)



The names of the most active students were mentioned in the nominations:

“Scientific approach in topic development”

Yaroshenko V. A.

Sheligatska O. V.

Mankivska S. V.


The most relevant issue

Sheligatska O. V.

Mykhailiuk O. V.

Igolkina V. I.


For having a good command of the foreign language”

Pleshkova (Tolkushkina) О. І.

Kasumov О. О.

Kolesnychenko Y. Y.


The most active participant in the conference

Kravets A – M A.

Yaroshenko V. A.

Blagodeteleva Y. S.


In the French language section the winners are:

I prize Kozlitina O. A. (BPO -11)

II prize Gusenets Y. V. (BAK 1-13)

III prize Kolotilo N. A. (BShMKsk -14)


The names of the most active students were mentioned in the nominations:

The most active participant in the conference

 Onishchuk A. S.

 Klymenko O. O.


Scientific approach in topic development

Mukhin V. V.

Gribanova K.


The most relevant issue

Kutyr V. I.

Stoyanenko V. O.


For having a good command of the foreign language”

Tukin N. V.

Кotsiubynslii I. R.
