Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Meeting of the subsection "Physics"

In the framework of the XIV All-Ukrainian scientific conference of young scientists and students "Scientific development of young people at the present stage" was a meeting of the subsection "Physics".

Before beginning of conference scientific adviser of the subsection, professor Kovalchuk O.V. made welcoming speech.
Students of junior courses, for which this was only first steps in scientific research, take participation in this conference. They presented their scientific works. In most of them conducted its own experimental research in modern technologies.
All reports made at a high level and accompanied by visual presentations. The participation of students from Lutsk national technical University was pleasant fact for students of our University.

29.04.15 Students  - winners received awarded diplomas for the best scientific reports:

1 st place – student of BMST- 14 Pashkovska Maria

2 st place – student of BMST- 13 Trofimuk Anna

3 st place – students of BSMKab- 14 Kosych Marina, Gubal Natalia

Special award have been observed reports:

"For best scientific research" Yushak B.V., Knyazev M.R. students of LNTU

"For the best presentation of research" students of BAК2-14 – Koshel  Olexandr, Zubovich Anna
