Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Creating of physical laboratory for students of college of KNUTD

On physical department lessons with students of college KNUTD were conducted during five years. were department Fifth year Most sections of physics students study firstly, so it’s necessary to apply visual methods for demonstration principal processes and lows of physics. For this purpose the special educational laboratory for college’s students was created in auditorium 4-0907.

In educational laboratory the special demonstrational band for illustration of physical phenomena, explanation of physical processes and for visualization of behaviors of physical objects are submitted.
During auditorium’s lessons students have possibilities to carry out the laboratory experiments themselves on the equipment, which especially were developed for their level of training. The special blackout of part of laboratory were achieved for optical phenomena.
Creating such conditions for studying of college’s students promotes professional orientation campaign among them as potential students of KNUTD. Lecturers of department of physics help by their good attitude to future applicants, to adapt for conditions of studying in high school
