Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Embassy of Ukraine in UAE in cooperation with the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with the support of Dr.Hersh Chadha OPM (Harvard), ARPS has the honor to present an exhibition dedicated to events of the Revolution of Dignity

During the autumn and winter of 2013-2014, the political changes in Ukraine have become a powerful process of irreversible events. The exhibition reveals the theme of mass protest movement that became personal for almost every Ukrainian. It was a difficult time when the line between personal and political nearly disappeared, and for everyone who at the time of the worst street fighting was in the center of events the choice became completely conscious. In the middle of the protest phenomena of Ukrainian Maidan people got together, they were quite different in age, profession and vocation. Side by side they defeated police aggression, found themselves in the cold under the ice stream water cannons, carried the wounded and buried the dead.

The exhibition is a reflection of Maidan not just as a political phenomenon, but as a unique phenomenon, where the spirit, disobedience process and general protest became known as the Revolution of Dignity, and these few difficult months were experienced personally by each participant of events. Many photographers worked on Maidan for all time. Each of them worked out the theme of the Revolution through their own experience, so many pictures, that currently exist in the media and their own archives, are so different. Some authors photographed Maidan in the gap between the most important moments. These are photos that illustrate a life of the tent city. But several authors tried to get into the heart of the action to directly take off from inside the most dramatic moments.

Photographic works made by the representatives of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

The exhibition includes authors who are different in age and vision, but they reveal the fullest and most truthful picture of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine. We would be happy to welcome you and share this outstanding exhibition at the Embassbuilding (address: Abu Dhabi, 13th street, villa 4) every working day from 9AM till 2PM. 

