Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Competitions among students 1 - course table tennis and football

September 10th on the sports fields of our University competitions were held among the students of the 1st course with table tennis and football on the Day of Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine.


Involvement in sports freshmen, selection to national teams, promote healthy lifestyle - the main purpose of the competition.

The results of the competition: 

Table tennis

Boys  Girls
I - Yevgeny Shevchuk BP - 15            I -  Snezhana Hreschuk BPP - 14
II - Nikita Potapenko BIT - 1 - 15  II - Nadia Fmoka BT - 15
III - Alexander Hopkalo BAK - 2 - 15        III - Julia Shaposhnyk - BDI - 2 - 15




I - National team of Kiev college of light industry

II - Kyiv College of Light Industry (I - course)

III - BP - 15

IV - Faculty HBT

V - College KNUTD (team)

VI - BIT - 15

VII - BAK - 15

VIII - BEC - 15


Congratulations to the winners and participants.

Welcome to sports clubs.
