Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference «Informational and analytical provision of efficient business activity of the enterprises within economic security concept under conditions of EU integration»

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference

«Informational and analytical provision of efficient business activity of the enterprises within economic security concept under conditions of EU integration»


Dear colleagues!


We invite you to participate at

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference

«Informational and analytical provision of efficient business activity of the enterprises within economic security concept under conditions of EU integration»


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Institute for Corporate Security Studies (Slovenia)

Belarusian State University (Belarus)

Higher School of Insurance and Finance (Bulgaria)

Wekerle Business School (Hungary)

Baku Business University


University of Marie Curie Sklodowska (Poland)

High School of Management in Warsaw (Poland)


International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference

«Informational and analytical provision of efficient business activity of the enterprises within economic security concept under conditions of EU integration»

27th of May, 2016


Conference languages: Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, English.


To participate at the Internet conference, you need to send to the Organizing Committee documents (before the 12th of May, 2016):

  • application form (Download application form);
  • abstracts (up to 3 pages);
  • scientific articles in the collective monograph (optional);
  • a copy of the payment receipt of the registration fee.


The organizing committee will sent payment details only after receiving the application of the participation and (or) the abstract


All the materials must be sent through the e-mail




Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Nemirovich-Danchenko str., 2

Educational building 4, Enterprise Economics Department (room 4-1008), Department of Accounting and Auditing (room 4-1004а)


Organizational committee: «Informational and analytical provision of efficient business activity of the enterprises within economic security concept under conditions of EU integration»



Enterprise Economics Department: tel. (044) 256-21-56

Loiko V., Doctor of Sciences, professor (044) 256-29-05

Shatska Z., PhD, associate professor (067-717-80-77), (044) 256-21-56


Department of Accounting and Auditing: tel. (044) 256-21-90

Skrypnyk M., Doctor of Sciences, professor (044) 256- 21-90

Ambarchian V., PhD, associate professor (097) 072-76-24, (044) 256-21-90,

Organizational committee e-mail


The first information notification

 until 05/01/2016

The second information notification

 until 05/12/2016

Acceptance of applications, abstracts, articles

 until 05/12/2016

The publication of conference proceedings

 until 06/01/2016



The conference fee is 50 grn. (including VAT). The deadline for payment – May 12th, 2016. Conference fee includes the publishing of conference proceedings and their placement on the official web-site of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

Banking requisites:

Received by: Kyiv National University of Techno9logies and Design

Code of legal entity: 02070890

Receiving bank: УДКСУ у Печерському р-ні м. Києва

Bank code: 820172

Account no.: 31252228103551

Purpose of payment: «Organization fee (First name, surname of the participant


Participants of the conference (students only in co-authorship with scientific adviser) can also place scientific articles in collective monograph, which will be published after the conference and sent to the post address of the authors. The articles must be sent before the 12th of May, 2016.  


Plenary, sectional sessions, workshop reports and round tables are planned for the following directions:

Session 1. Accounting, economic analysis and audit within up-to-date management concepts.

Session 2. Improvement of accounting, economic analysis, audit and taxation in the context of economic security provision.

Session 3. Economic analysis and financial management as the means of economic security provision.

Session 4. Investment and innovative issues of economic safety on different hierarchic levels of national economy.

Session 5. Management of economic security of legal entities under the terms of EU integration.

Session 6. Informational systems and technologies in economic security management.

Session 7. Economic security of higher educational institutions.

Session 8. Security of banking activity.

Session 9. Up-to-date concepts of management and marketing in the context of economic security. Session 10. Un-to-date trends and challenges in global economy.



Abstract: 2-3 complete pages. The format of sheets – A4 (a space – 1, Times New Roman, a font – 14, all the margins – 20 mm, an indent – 15 mm). The abstracts should be typed using the MS Word program.

- in the middle of the page – title of the abstract using bold italic type;

- next line on the right – full name, scientific degree, academic title, workplace;

- next line – the title of educational institution;

- next line – the title of the abstract;

- the main section of the text must be separated from the title with one single space.

Abstract sample



Ivanenko І., PhD, associate professor,

Kyiv National University of

Technologies and Design


Main text

