Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Participation of students in the speech club and the conference of FL department (German section) in April

In April 2016 the German teachers of the Department of foreign languages of KNUTD held 2 language club meetings for "German for Specific Purposes" and also the XV all Ukrainian conference of young scientists and students (German section).

April 6, 2016 there was a meeting on the topic "Competitive potential of young specialists in modern conditions". Students got to know and defined the concepts of "qualification", as the practical skills and knowledge, and "competence" as personal qualities. The job advertisements in German specialized magazinesaccording to the University majors were studiedand compared to domestic ones. Students identified and discussed the requirements for applicants, as well as their personal competencies and opportunities for their expansion and acquisition in order to be competitive in today's labour market.

Familiarization with the concepts of “qualification” and “competence”

Students define their competencies (personal qualities)

April 26, 2016 there was a meeting on the topic “The environment protection is our duty."

Students identified the date of April associated with environment:

“Environment day” is held every year on the 3rd Saturday of Aprilin Ukraine;

“Earth Day” is held worldwide on April 22;

“Day of remembrance of Chernobyl disaster” – on April 26.

Activities, concerned to “Environment day”, the personal contribution of each student to environmental protection that can and must make every conscious citizenwere discussed. Students answered a question “Is it easy to take care of the environment?”

Members of the language club

The conference of young scientists and students (German section) was held on April 27, 2016. The 1-4 courses and master’s students took part in the conference. The wide range of problem-oriented, general technical and specialized topics was presented. The reports arouse the interest and active discussion of the participants and guests. Students demonstrated rather high level of German language knowledge.

Participants and guests of the conference

Participants and guests of the conference

Student O. Kasumov (BIO-2-12), I place

Student E. Kolesnichenko (BIT-1-14), II place

Student A.-M. Kravets (BCF-2-13), III place
