Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student Design - Studio KNUTD completed another creative work

The facade at the entrance to the dormitory №5 appeared unusual painted walls in the style of comics youth. The design studio at the request of the commandant of the hostel Larisa Drondovoy Arkadievna and student dormitory council has developed and implemented a plan to refine and beautify the entrance to the building.

"Style of drawings, comics are one of the trends in the design of interiors and exteriors, gaining every day more and more popular - told us in an interview the director of the Studio Alexander Krotevich - most successfully this style murals combined with public youth building premises, and by virtue of its shocking it is also ideal for creative people engaged in creative activities of modern trends. »№5 dorms are kindly provided the materials and paint for painting the facade.

Design studio KNUTD invites to his creative, creative students, and all those wishing to try their hand in future projects Studios to us at: obsch.№5 (lane Panas Mirny, 5 to 1...) The Design-studio.
