Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Rewarding of winners of Competition of scientific works on competition of awards of nominal Delcam

17.05.16 G. at the residence of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of great Britain in Ukraine took place ceremony of rewarding of winners of Competition of scientific works on competition of awards of nominal Delcam for 2015, which was attended by 24 leading Ukrainian technical universities. One of the four prizes in the competition of student projects received student of the Department of Designing and technology of leather products Kyiv national University of technologies and design Maksymchuk K., who received for his work, a diploma and a valuable prize.

Supervisors noted job: assistant professors KTVSH Chertenko L. P. and Kernesh V. P. and head of the Department KTVSH, acting Vice-rector of KNUTD, Professor Garkavenko S. S. received certificates from the Deputy British Ambassador to Ukraine Helen FEIS.

Diplomas and valuable prizes for the first prize among students of 24 universities
the student of the 5th course Maksymchuk K. and managers work
