Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Results of VI-th Seminar "Licensing and accreditation in higher education: new approaches, procedures, methods"

VI-Ukrainian seminar "Licensing and accreditation in higher education: new approaches, procedures, methods" held in KNUTD on May 25, 2016. It was organized by the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education.

The seminar was attended by heads and administrators of universities, managers and staff teaching departments, dean's offices and departments, representatives of public organizations.

The seminar was attended by 67 people from universities and organizations such as the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Vadym Hetman National University of  Kyiv, "Lviv Polytechnic", A. Beketov National University of municipal economy of Kharkiv, National University of Food Technologies, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Alfred Nobel University, Khmelnytsky National University, National Aviation University, the University of Economics and Law "Krok", the National Forestry University Ukraine, Donetsk state University of management (Mariupol), International Institute of business, Ukrainian humanitarian Institute, University of Economics and business (Khmelnitsky), International Institute of business,  Kiev Institute of business and technology, East European University of Economics and management, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kirovograd state pedagogical University, International humanitarian University (Odessa) Ukrainian quality Association.

Greeted the participants of the seminar addressed the rector of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Doctor of  Economics Sciences, professor, Grishchenko Ivan, and Honorary Chairman of the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education Associate professor, Ushakova Nina.

The seminar by leading scientists and specialists of Ukraine: Sharov Oleg., Ph.D., (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine); Krasilnikova Anna, Doctor of  Pedagogical Sciences (Khmelnytsky National University); Momot Vladimir, Science of Ukraine); Krasilnikova Anna, Doctor of  Economics Sciences (Alfred Nobel University); Alkema Victor, Doctor of  Economics Sciences (University of Economics and Law "Krok"); Kabakov Yuriy, Ph.D. (Ukrainian Quality Association); Morhulets Oksana, Ph.D. (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design); Goncharov Yuriy, Doctor of  Economics Sciences (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design).

The reports dealt with the new license terms in the context of reforming the system of higher education of Ukraine, the experience of international and national accreditation and licensing standards of higher education in the specialty 073 "Management", steps domestic universities to implementation European standards of education in the context of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", system of quality of university education in process of accreditation and others.
