Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Start of the International Contest of Young Designers "Pecherski Kashtany"

Today started the contest of young designers "Pecherski kashtany". On May 31 contest of footwear and accessories took place, where young designers presented to the distinguished jury their work. This year's jury consisted of Borodynya Alexander (President of league "Ukrshkirvzuttyaprom"), Fabio Alberto Rehoza (CEO JV RIF-1 trademark INBLU)), Potiyenko Oleg (Director General PVP "Kaman"), Anatoly Hopenko (Director design studio shoes AnGo), Sokalskyy Ruslan (Director shoe company "Zampatta"), Babenko Galina (production company Galex), Gradara Julia (chief designer MIDA), Arkhipova Tatiana (project coordinator "Advertising and PR" (KNEU)), Elena Podtopta (designer, owner of the brand premium jewelry Helena SAI and creative director jewelry house Zarina), Larisa Prikhodko (Director shoe company "Alexander"), Lishchuk Victor (Director General leather association "Chinbar")
