Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


KNUTD Honorary Doctor Khersh Chadkha

The great Honorary Doctor Diploma giving ceremony and awarding of commemorative token and academic gown a reputed world-class master Doctor Khersh Chadkha was made on the 30th of May at the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

Ivan Gryshchenko, rector of KNUTD, mentioned that Doctor Khersh Chadkha is an outstanding person and a world-class patron. The contribution to the University support made by the professor is extremely considerable and focused on acquisition of equipment for the students’ photo studio, on library creation of unique photographic art publications, on permanent students’ internship in different countries of the world.  


Khersh Chadkha’s slogan is: “Life is beautiful and picture just enhances it”.

To the joy of the students of KNUTD Doctor Khersh Chadkha has always found a possibility to give master classes for them despite the fact that his time table is mapped out to the last five-minute increment. His presentations are admired not only by students, but also by professional photographers. Khersh Chadkha’s works have some phenomenal wattage and give a heavy spirit boost touching spectaculars’ feelings. It is worth mentioning that Doctor Khersh Chadkha is an author of the series of photographical books «Elements» and «Elements I, II и III» in which nature is shown in all of its aspects. Proceeds of the sale of the books are directed to the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). The students of the famous educational centers of Harvard and Stanford use these books. 

Doctor Khersh Chadkha’s photographs are in private collections of famous people including Royals. He devotes his books to nature, exciting places of our planet, glorification of woman and her superlative beauty, human being’s unicity and at the same time to the close interaction and similarity between natural environments.


Khersh Chadkha is a member of The Royal Photographic Society (RPS). He has had many awards for a high level of excellence and for having technical and visual knowledge in the field of photographic art as well. He is an active member of the global programme the World  Press Photo.

Khersh Chadkha is a founder of the prize of the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

He is a member of the following organizations:

  • World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF);
  • Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (RPS);
  • Emirates Fine Arts Society (EFAS);
  • National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine (NSPAU);
  • American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP);
  • North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA);
  • Community of alumni of Harvard University in the United Arab Emirates;
  • Association of alumni of Stanford Graduate School of Business in Great Britain.

The doctor’s complex life can’t help but enchant and amaze the young generation with his enthusiasm and mastership. Any doctor’s visit is quite an event for the University.

We congratulate Khersh Chadkha and wish him all success in his creative activity!
