Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Public defense of the thesis for the degree of doctor of economic sciences

Public defense of the thesis for the degree of doctor of economic sciences will be held on November 29, 2016 at 12.00 am in Conference Room of KNUTD, I Corps, 3rd floor:

1. Natroshvili Svitlana „The Strategy of Economic Development of a Higher Educational Institution in the Conditions of  Market Transformations” on specialty Economics and Management of Enterprises (According to the Types  of Economic Activities)

Scientific consultant:

Zakharin Sergiy, Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of the management and marketing department of the Kyiv National Linguistic University MES of Ukraine

The work done at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design MES of Ukraine.

Official opponents:

Laburtseva Helena, Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of the marketing and advertising department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics;

Lyashenko Olexandra, Doctor of Economics, professor, scientific secretary of the National Institute for Strategic Studies;

Marhasova Victoria, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of accounting, taxation and auditing department of Chernihiv National Technological University.


Scientific Secretary of

Specialized Scientific Council Д 26.102.05                                                  Chubukova О.Yu.
