Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The Students of the Faculty of Economy and Business Attended National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the World War II

The 28th of October is the day of liberation of Ukraine from Wehrmacht occupation army. This day Ukrainians traditionally honor warriors who perished in battles and civilian population that suffered from occupants.  

The students of the faculty of Economy and Business attended National museum of the history of Ukraine in the World War II.

Students viewed the exhibits of the museum and received new information about the history of Ukrainian battles and glorious warrior traditions.

The students learned a lot about heroic acts of Ukrainian solders, especially those, who fought in territorial defense battalions and worked as volunteers during the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass region.

Students of the specialty «Accounting and Auditing» (group MgOA-16) were impressed by exhibitions of battles of Ancient times, Kyivan Rus, Cossack Age, World Wars, and anti-terrorist operation of 2014-2015.

Information received by the students during the excursion made them think over the role of patriotism in formation of Ukraine as a sovereign state.
