Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Foreign Languages Department hosted a Week of Foreign Languages

From 24.10 to 31.10.2016 Foreign Languages Department organized and hosted a Week of Foreign Languages. There were held the following events: exhibitions of literature in foreign languages, wall newspapers and crossword puzzles, video presentations and discussions on both linguistic and cultural studies and professionally oriented themes. Music performances and a party «Meeting Halloween» became a successful completion of the Week (responsible teachers: Halchenko O., Kudryk K., Malinkina V., Pysarenko N., Renska I., Syromlya N., Chernets M.).

On 28 October 2016 the meeting devoted to American culture was held. The students of groups BSH-16, BTE-16, BPP-16, BHV-16, BP-2-16 participated in the meeting. The evening started with the quiz, where students had a chance to check their knowledge about various aspects of American history and present days. The participants of the meeting presented the reports on different fields of American culture: holidays, popular sports, food, significant events and interesting facts about the United States. In conclusion, the groups were offered to watch the video about the biggest American state - Alaska. The students were having a lively discussion of severe climate and difficult life of Alaska population (teachers Denisenko V.M., Gorlatova O.M.).

Within the Week of Foreign Languages, the German section (senior teachers Ketova T., Motsyuk T., Nazarenko O.) conducted a thematic class “German in a Creative Way”. Various forms of learning German, which make studying a foreign language more interesting, lively and exciting were presented to the students. Different tasks were introduced: chain exercises, a dictation in motion, playing exercises and others. Students worked individually, in pairs and in groups. Classes were lively and informative.

Activity programme "What do you know about Poland?" was held in the framework of European languages week. The Lecturer of foreign languages department I. Y. Burlaka, together with the students of BMR-1-15 and BF-1-16 groups introduced the guests with the cultural values of Poland, its outstanding names and peculiarities of the Polish language.
