Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Master Class from a Famous Ukrainian Photographer

At the invitation of the Directorate of the Museum of Photography of KNUTD November 10, 2016 was held a master class from Ukrainian photographer Andriy Chekanovsʹkyy on the theme «Criteria for evaluating competitive photos». Andriy Chekanovsʹkyy is an Honorary Member of the National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine, a member of the Society of Slovak Photographers, a Head of Kyiv Photo Club «9х12», an organizer of many domestic and foreign photo exhibitions, including personal, and photo salons, photo festivals, photo workshops.


Before the event, students of University and College of KNUTD visited the Museum of Photography, acquainted with its new expositions.


An exciting and instructive story of photo master made considerable interest in the large audience: both future photo designers and their teachers.




Interest appeared to be mutual, and it was decided to continue meetings and develop new forms of cooperation.
