Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


An allukrainian week of right is on FPP KNUTD

The Allukrainian week of right passed on the faculty of enterprise and right for KNUTD, in obedience to Plan of measures on realization in 2016 of the Allukrainian week of right, Department of education and science of Ukraine ratified by an order from 30.09.2016 № 1171.

05.12.2016 within the framework of the Allukrainian week of right associate professor of department of private and public right Fist N. V. and assistant of department Golovashuk G. P. visited College of marine and river fleet of the Kyiv state academy of water-carriage of the name of hetman Petra Konashevicha-Sagaydahnogo, where it conducted a lecture-discussion, from discipline the International law after a theme: "Problems and prospects of entry of Ukraine to European Union". During a lecture there was the animated discussion of various aspects of related to the eurointegration processes in Ukraine.

06.12.16 the departments of economic right and private and public right was the conducted competition of the advanced studies among students. The best among that works of Salmanova К. V. became with a theme the "Constitutional right on freedom of world view and religion", Klimenko О. І. with a theme the "Constitutional right for personality on life", Gorbatenko N. S. with a theme "In-legal analysis of principles that is contained in declaration of rights for a child".

07.12.16 within the framework of the Allukrainian week there was the conducted exhibition of scientific work of departments of economic right and private and public right in the Ukrain-Poland center .

08.12.16 by the departments of economic right and private and public right the research and practice seminar of "Providing of rights and freedoms of man and citizen was conducted in the context of national legislation and universal-law practice" on the eve of December, 10, when the World day of human rights is marked. History saint is begun with 1950, when General Assembly of the UNO (Resolution № 423 - V) offered to all states and interested organizations to mark on December, 10 as Day of human rights - in the anniversary of acceptance of General declaration of human of 1948 rights Assembly. Exactly the first international document human rights were declared in that appeared on this day. Most states of the world and international organizations officially admitted this holiday and began to conduct corresponding  measures.

Deserving payment in becoming of progressive ideas about human rights did the Ukrainian people. There was the created row of bright standards of legal idea them and нормотворення, such greatest public values got the embodiment in that, as legality, freedom, equality, respect to the person and other quite A bit democratic institutes and humanitarian ideas (democracy, abandonment from death punishment, toleration, electiveness of judges and others like that) got to development exactly on territory of Ukraine. Substantially influenced on further development of rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine of her acceptance on November, 9 in 1995 in councillors of Europe. Our country, becoming the member of this organization, joined plenty of corresponding multilateral European conventions and assumed concrete obligations in relation to імплементації of their norms in a national legislation.

Therefore, commission in composition an associate dean from organizational and educator work of Gubarev S. V., marked the manager of department of economic right for Kagadiy N. І. and professor of department of economic right for Oleynik А. Y. one of the best works  on the seminar  of lecture of Alehina V. І. "Constitutional freedom of work", Ananchenko А. V. the "Constitutional human right on dignity", Borodko V. Y. the "Constitutional right on inviolability of the personal and domestic life".

Realization of such seminars it is planned to conduct regularly, to promote the level of possession of skills of right among students, to develop theoretical researches and practical skills in them.
