Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Swimming. The Games "Health"

January 26, 2017 in the pool of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, despite the windy and freezing weather was warm.

The first in 2017 fighting for medals in athletics "Health" among teaching staff team KNUTD started swimming.


KNUTD team:

  1. Zahovavko G.
  2. Shramchenko B.
  3. Kurganskiy A.
  4. Chernovskiy S.
  5. Veremiy M.
  6. Bazyliuk T.
  7. Bulgakov T.
  8. Lypchak N.
  9. Avershyna L.


Cave Of all the Universities in the Pechersk  4 x 25 KNUTD team took 4th place.

Participants relay: Zahovavko G., Shramchenko B., Bazyliuk T.,  Avershyna L.
