Project number: 101128856
Duration: 1.11.2023-31.10.2026 рр.
The main grant holder: International Hellenic University
Goals and objectives of the project
The project, 3D4U, aims to solve the problem of the lack of qualified specialists in the field of 3D concepts for fashion education in Ukraine by creating 3D-concept centers in Ukrainian institutions of higher education (HEIs).
The project envisages the development of highly knowledgeable and qualified specialists in 3D Concepts in Ukraine and the internationalization and modernization of Ukrainian higher education institutions by combining them with global efforts in modern fashion education.
The 3D4U partnership comprises eight partners with complementary expertise and extensive experience managing and implementing EU-funded projects and initiatives. The consortium relies on a virtuous mix of experiences, mainly from higher education institutions, associations, and other organizations in the field of education that are related to the target audience.
Expected results: 2D and 3D hubs installed and equipped with the appropriate hardware and software for 3D modeling and prototyping in Ukrainian educational institutions. 15 teachers of higher education institutions in Ukraine will be trained in 3D Concepts by authoritative researchers and experts from the EU higher education institutions. At least 5 courses on 3D-Concepts will be developed and/or modernized in the Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine. 4 sectoral pilot projects of 3D-Concepts will be developed, one in each participating HEI. 100 students will study on developed and modernized semester courses. Under this program, 50 working fashion professionals from other fashion-related higher education institutions in Ukraine will undergo formal training in 3D Concepts.