On 20.10.2023, the Kick-off meeting and the International Scientific and Practical Round Table "PROMOTING OF EUROPEAN SKILLS AND APPROACHES FOR SUSTAINABLE BIOECONOMY IN THE CONDITIONS OF UKRAINIAN ACUTE CHALLENGES" (PESAB) were held.
Program of the International Scientific and Practical Round Table
The Proceedings Book of the International Scientific and Practical Round Table
Roundtable discussion: https://knutd.edu.ua/pod-ta-publkats/news/15984/
The program of the roundtable envisages the exchange of ideas and best practices for implementing projects in the field of sustainable bioeconomy with the participation of representatives of the Erasmus+ National Office in Ukraine between the academic community, leading experts, representatives of public authorities and business.
As part of the preparatory work and coordination of the PESAB Grant Project, a Kick-off meeting was held with the target audience and stakeholders: representatives of student government, teachers, researchers, and KNUTD partners with experience in implementing Erasmus projects.
Professor Liudmyla HANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of KNUTD, took part in the International Scientific and Practical Roundtable and emphasized the relevance and importance of international educational activities and the KNUTD Internationalization Program, which promote European skills and approaches to sustainable bioeconomy in the context of modern challenges in Ukraine and correlate with the policy of Sustainable Development Leadership of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design.
The Jean Monnet module "Promoting European Skills and Approaches to Sustainable Bioeconomy in the Context of Modern Challenges in Ukraine" (PESAB) is based on the successful implementation of international research and educational grants and projects under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business Design, Professor Oleksandra OLSHANSKA, and through the launched interdisciplinary educational program "Bioeconomy" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the Department of Smart Economics.
PESAB Project Coordinator, Head of the Department of Smart Economics, Professor Anna OLESHKO presented the project and introduced the project team: Doctor of Economics, Professor Olshanska O.V., Doctor of Engineering, Professor Mokrousova O.R., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Bebko S.V, PhD, Associate Professor Budiakova O.Y., who will implement the project in 2023-2026. The project involves the creation of a module that provides bachelor's and master's students with additional skills in sustainable bioeconomy. The dissemination of EU best practices in the field of sustainable bioeconomy will be carried out through the introduction of new courses for students, trainings for teachers, conferences, workshops, round tables, and scientific and practical seminars. This will allow developing interdisciplinary skills among students, pupils, teachers and the public, using the positive experience of the EU to ensure the implementation of bioenergy production and overcome the food crisis in the face of acute challenges for Ukraine.
Taking into account military challenges, teaching and dissemination of European knowledge on sustainable bioeconomy and its popularization among teachers, scientists, young researchers, students, pupils and representatives of business, NGOs and local authorities will help to form future competent personnel capable of restoring the country in the future post-war period and developing production, trade, science and research in the European space.
The invited guests of the roundtable shared their experience of international grant activities.
Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Activities of Sumy National Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yuriy DANKO shared his experience of implementing Jean Monnet projects and their implementation in the educational process.
Rector of the Higher Education Institution "Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University", Doctor of Economics, Professor Veronika HUDOLEY identified the prospects for cooperation between higher education institutions for the implementation of international projects.

Stanislav KUKHTYK, Pro-Rector for International Relations and Development of the Yuriy Bugay International University of Science and Technology, shared his experience in project implementation.
Hanna DYVNYCH, Head of the International Relations Department of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, presented the experience of implementing international projects of the university.
Professor Svitlana TSYMBALIUK, Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology, Doctor of Economics, presented presented the practices of green human resources management in Ukraine.
Professor Olena KANISHCHENKO, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Economics and Marketing, Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, shared her experience in implementing international projects at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Head of the Department of Economics Entrepreneurship and Economy security of the State Tax University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Liudmyla SLIUSAREVA identified the main vectors of national economic recovery based on sustainable development.
Anton KLESHCHOV, National Project Coordinator of the UN Industrial Development Organization "Global Eco-Industrial Parks Program in Ukraine", presented the macroeconomic prerequisites for the implementation of the eco-industrial parks concept in Ukraine.
Head of the Department of Finance and Business Consulting of KNUTD, Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna TARASENKO shared the result of the Jean Monnet project "The role of financial services consumer protection for financial stability in the digital age: European approaches"

Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur of KNUTD, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Olena MOKROUSOVA and PhD, Associate Professor Olena OKHMAT have identified modern biotechnologies for the development of the national economy.
Director of the Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of KNUTD, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Tetiana VLASIUK presented the Program of Advanced Training of Teachers in the Field of Bioeconomy, envisaged within the framework of PESAB.
Professor of the Department of Marketing and Communication Design of KNUTD, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Svitlana BEBKO demonstrated a business analysis of the Ukrainian biofuel market.
Dmytro NOVIKOV, Head of Marketing at UIFK-AGRO LLC, defined the role of bioeconomy in the agricultural sector of Ukraine.
We sincerely thank the Rector of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Ivan GRYSHCHENKO, Vice-Rector Liudmyla HANUSHCHAK-YEFIMENKO, and all participants of the International Scientific and Practical Roundtable for their informative reports, exchange of ideas, experience, and best practices in project implementation and international activities.
За результатами зустрічі узгоджено план заходів, сформовано резолюцію та рекомендації щодо реалізації проєкту, визначено показники моніторингу та оцінки якості проєкту. Будуть проведені консультації з європейськими та національними експертами щодо організації та реалізації проєкту.