Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


International Competition of Research Papers for Higher Education Seekers


In 2025 Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD) is announcing the ІІІ International Competition of Research Papers for Higher Education Seekers (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the following directions:

  • Art and Design
  • Fashion industry
  • Public and Corporate Management


Forms for registration of participants in the 2nd round of the Competition (by directions):

Art and Design 

Fashion industry 

Public and Corporate Management 


Co-organizers of the Competition are foreign higher education institutions: University of Foggia (Italy), Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (Czech Republic), Riseba University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan), University of Life Sciences “King Michael I” (Romania), Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS) (Estonia), Catholic University of the Maule (Chile), Saint Paul University  (Kenya), Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia), Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania), Technical University of Moldova (Moldova), Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University (Moldova), George Enescu University of Arts of Iasi (Romania), Kaunas University of Technology (Republic of Lithuania), Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic).

The purpose of the Competition is to promote the development of the scientific activity of students in the context of expanding cooperation with foreign institutions of higher education, forming a creative worldview of future specialists, and involving young people in the processes of transformation of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the goals of European integration.

The Competition is held in two rounds following the requirements for research papers, defined in the "Regulations on the International Competition of Research Papers for Higher Education Seekers at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design".

The 1st round of the Competition (June – September 2025) takes place at the higher education institution where the student studies, to select the best research papers for participation in the 2nd round of the Competition.

Registration of participants in the 2nd round is made by filling out the appropriate form in the chosen direction on the Competition website of the official website of KNUTD as a basic higher education institution by September 26, 2025 inclusively.  When filling out the form, the participant must send a competition work with an abstract (attach a PDF file in the appropriate field of the Google form) and a "design project" (the design project is sent by the participant if necessary and concerns only applied research papers in the field of "Art and Design", a file in PDF format).


Forms for registration of participants in the 2nd round of the Competition (by directions):

Art and Design 

Fashion industry 

Public and Corporate Management 


The second round of the Competition is held in two stages:

the first stage – review by the Competition Committee of the research papers of the 2nd round of the Competition participants following the "Regulations on the International Competition of Research Papers for Higher Education Seekers at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design" (by October 10, 2025 inclusively);

the second stage – holding the final International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 24, 2025, online) and determining the winners of the Competition. Invitations to participate in the Conference will be sent by October 15, 2025.


Independently prepared student research papers are submitted to the Competition. Research papers must be exploratory in nature and not have awards from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and state authorities, or other competitions.

One research paper can have no more than two authors if they have common materials on the topic of the research paper and one scientific supervisor. If the authors of the research paper are students from different higher education institutions, there may be two supervisors from different higher education institutions.

All expenses related to participation in the final International Scientific and Practical Conference are covered by the higher education institution whose representative is the candidate as the winner.


Coordinators of the Competition by directions:

Art and Design – Liudmyla MELNYK, tel. +38 (096) 346-58-14;

Fashion industry  Tetiana DZYKOVYCH, tel. +38(093)602-51-28

Public and Corporate Management – Alla KASYCH, tel. +38(067)532-85-87, Natalia BUGAS, tel. +38(093)3076848.


Requirements for the design of research papers


Forms for registration of participants in the 2nd round of the Competition (by directions):

Art and Design 

Fashion industry 

Public and Corporate Management 


Competition archive of 2023

Competition archive of 2024