Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Educational and scientific laboratory of the light and chemical industry waste processing

Department: Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving

Supervisor: DSc.Tech, Prof. Viktoriia Plavan

Address: 2 Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovych-Danchenko) Str., Kyiv, Building 1,

Rooms: 1-0260, 1-0262

tel. (044)256-84-75, e-mail:

Regulations on the training and research laboratory

  • development of technologies for reuse and disposal of chemical industry waste; secondary processing of polymers;
  • regulation of the properties for the obtained polymer materials and composites;
  • research of the properties for new composites based on fibrous materials wastes;
  • development of the reuse and disposal technologies of collagen-rich light industry waste;
  • development of recommendations on the reuse of light and chemical industry waste in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industry.

Educational activities

Conducting laboratory and practical classes in the discipline "Special technologies for the processing of polymer and composite materials", "Ecology and sustainable development", "Fundamentals of ecology". Carrying out master's theses.

Research activity:

  • creation of new composite materials containing natural polymers and research of their properties.
  • development of technologies for reuse and disposal of chemical industry waste; secondary processing of polymers.
  • regulation of the properties of the obtained polymer materials and composites.
  • research on the properties of new composite materials based on fibrous waste.
  • development of technologies for reuse and utilization of collagen-rich waste from light industry.
  • development of recommendations regarding the reuse of waste from the light and chemical industry in other sectors - in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industry.
  • Device for determining the melt flow rate
  • Analytical scale TORSYJNA-WT (accurate to 5 digits)
  • MA 210.R electronic scale for determining humidity, "RADWAG" (Poland)
  • Technical scales
  • Laboratory press for making samples of polymer compositions for further research
  • Tensile strength testing machines РМ-3, РМ-30, РМ-250
  • Drying cabinet "Snol"
  • Microviscometer MV-2
  • Photocalorimeter KFK-2