Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student Scientific Circle "Researcher"


Location: aud.1-0201, 1-0212, pavilion 1


Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur

Group leader:

D.Sc., prof. Andreyeva O.A.



The purpose of the activity of the scientific circle: to identify capable and talented young people who show an inclination to scientific research work; formation of competences in relation to traditional approaches and modern developments in the field of chemical and biotechnologies: acquisition of practical skills for conducting scientific research.

Main tasks: development of creative thinking, expansion and formation of the scientific worldview of circle members; search and analysis of information on current tasks and prospects for the development of chemical and biotechnologies; determination of structure, evaluation of physico-chemical and consumer properties of materials of biogenic and synthetic origin; conducting analytical and experimental studies on improving the processes of biotechnological, leather and fur and other related industries in the direction of more rational use of raw materials and energy resources, careful attitude to the environment (research of alternative materials and methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products; increasing the degree of enzymization and environmentalization production; formation of structure and properties in order to obtain the desired quality indicators, etc.).

Topics of scientific research of the student circle: research of materials of biogenic and synthetic origin; improvement of chemical and biotechnological processes.