Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student Scientific Club "Industrial design and innovative technologies"


Location: Classroom 1-0141, Education Building 1


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research supervisors:

Candidate of Sciences in Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor Dvorzhak V.,

Candidate of Sciences in Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor Rubanka M.




The purpose of the activity of the scientific club: teaching students to solve simple technical tasks of the target purpose, namely: to perform technical drawings, perspective images of spatial forms, and to build elements of kinematic schemes in axonometric projections, to build 3-D models of products; formation of students' spatial perception and abilities to solve design tasks.

The main tasks: familiarizing students with the basic provisions and laws of industrial design and the principles of designing equipment to create such human working conditions that would meet anthropometric, physiological and aesthetic requirements.

Topics of scientific research of the student club: design industry; innovations in industrial design; ergonomics of equipment for the fashion industry; innovative equipment for manufacturing products of the fashion industry (sewing, knitting, footwear); modern methods of computer design of equipment for the fashion industry.