Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student Research Club "Intelligent Information and Control Systems"


Location: Room 4-0914, Building 4


Departments of Information and Computer Technologies

Club Supervisor:

Dr. Eng., Prof. Nikonov O.



Goal of the club's activity: engaging students in scientific research in the field of IT, direct cooperation with representatives of IT companies, enterprises, and institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Formation and development of competencies in the research and design of intelligent information and control systems.

Main objectives: acquiring skills in designing intelligent information and control systems; developing initiative and creativity in solving practical tasks in the IT industry; promoting the formation of creative personalities of students by increasing their scientific activity during participation in the club's work; participating in scientific research, conferences, seminars, and competitions.

Thematic areas of research of the student club: development of intelligent information and control systems.