Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student scientific club "German Experience"


LocationRoom 4-1312,

Building 4


Department of Philology and Translation

Club leader:

Senior lecturer Ketova T.

Purpose of the scientific club: identifying the students most inclined to research work, developing their research skills and applying them in independent research activities, developing the ability to self-education and self-development, developing public speaking skills and improving communicative linguistic competence in order to fully function in a foreign language in a professional environment.

Main tasks: expanding and deepening students’ theoretical knowledge of the specialty and practical knowledge of a foreign language; assistance in mastering the methodology and skills of conducting independent research; gaining experience in organising and participating in research work; improving the skills of independent work with scientific literature; development of critical thinking and creativity, broadening of horizons; involvement of students in scientific and practical events, scientific discussions, conferences, seminars of the Department of Philology and Translation and the University.

Research topics of the student club: the state and influence of science, economy and industry, culture and design in Ukraine and the world; professions and competencies of the future; the competitiveness potential of creative youth; life in the digitalised world; design styles and trends and their national characteristics in Ukraine and other countries, youth cultures, the importance of foreign language skills in the professional sphere.