Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student scientific club "Mastering Ukrainian: countries and people"


Location: Room 4-1303,

Building 4


Department of Philology and Translation

Club leader:

PhD, Associate Professor Dvorianchykova S.



Purpose of the scientific club: to teach foreign students, who are learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, the skills of research work and public speaking, applying them in independent research activities, improving the adaptation of foreign communicators in the language environment; to indentify domestic applicants who are inclined to research work, who professionally master the Ukrainian and English language and literature, translation and teaching methods, and familiarise them with the principles of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language as one of the priority directions of Ukrainian linguistic and didactic science.

Main tasks: involvement of domestic and foreign students who show interest in research work; assistance in mastering the skills of conducting independent scientific research; facilitating the deepening and improvement of foreign language skills of foreign language students through teacher consultations, studying educational, fiction and non-fiction literature, watching videos and communicating with native speakers; development of scientific thinking, broadening horizons and erudition of students; deepening knowledge of the studied disciplines, stimulating interest in professional self-improvement; attracting foreign students to participate in research activities related to the study of foreign languages; facilitating the acquisition and development of skills related to the professional teaching of the Ukrainian language to foreign communicators by students studying in the specialities 035 Philology and 014 Secondary Education; involvement of awardees as participants in scientific conferences, competitions and scientific seminars of the Department of Philology and Translation and the University, round tables and forums.

Research topics of the student club: the relevance of the knowledge of Ukrainian and foreign languages in the conditions of worldwide globalization and the current state of the educational process in Ukraine and in the world.