Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student Scientific Club "Robotics"


LocationClass 1-0129, Educational Building 1


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research supervisors:

Candidate of Sciences in Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor Manoilenko O.,

Candidate of Sciences in Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor Kovalov Y.



The purpose of the activity of the scientific club: formation of skills and competences in the field of development and management of robotic systems, study of engineering analysis, programming and prototyping, in particular with the use of 3D printing and additive technologies, for their application in the field of industry and improvement of the functionality of robotic systems.

The main tasks: scientific research of the student group includes expanding knowledge and skills in computer modeling and engineering analysis, studying robotic devices and their control methods, as well as programming and prototyping.

Topics of scientific research of the student club: includes expanding knowledge and skills in computer modeling and engineering analysis, focusing on robotic devices and their controls, and studying programming and prototyping of robotic systems. The circle is aimed at the research and development of new methods and technologies in the field of robotics, in particular in the field of autonomous robots, mechatronics and artificial intelligence to improve the functionality and efficiency of robotic systems. The participants of the group get the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge through the development and testing of prototypes of robotic devices, which contributes to their professional growth and preparation for a future career in the field of robotics.