Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Student scientific group "Application of analytical and statistical methods in solving economic and physical problems"


Location: aud. 4-705, building 4


Department of applied physics and higher mathematics

Group leader:

Ph.Pf.-M.Sc., Assoc. Prof. Volokh L.



The purpose of the activity of the scientific circle: formation of skills of search, selection and analysis of known information on the topic; interest in in-depth study of disciplines that are necessary for further scientific work; applying acquired knowledge to solving practical problems, building and analyzing relevant mathematical models and statistical hypotheses.

The main tasks: deepen knowledge of disciplines that allow practical application, understandable for junior students; familiarize with well-known mathematical models and statistical hypotheses, paying attention primarily to those related to the future specialization of students; teach to formalize a practical problem in the language of mathematics; to develop creative and analytical thinking by expanding scientific horizons, increasing the level of erudition.

Topics of scientific research of the student group: statistical processing and analysis of the results of the economic model and physical experiment; analysis and forecasting of the results of a physical experiment and mathematical modeling of an economic problem.