The Department of Entrepreneurship and Business was organized in February 2016 to purposefully introduce the concept of combining theoretical training and the formation of an entrepreneurial worldview with practical skills for future specialists in the educational process.
Today, the Department works as part of the Faculty of Management and Business Design. It accumulates a high scientific and pedagogical potential and is a significant structural unit of a dynamically developing faculty.
The Department of Entrepreneurship and Business is a degree-granting department for specialist training in the educational levels of higher education first (bachelor's) level, second (master's) level and third (educational and scientific) level in Specialty D3 ”Management”, (076 - Entrepreneurship and trade).
Strategic goal of the Department's activities is:
to form an educated, thinking entrepreneur, as well as to provide the labor market with highly qualified, competitive specialists with high moral values, who are fluent in organizational and managerial skills necessary for success in the modern labor market and under conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress.
Main goals and objectives of the Department:
- in the field of educational activities – ensuring the high quality of educational services on an innovative basis by creating information and education interactive environment, internal academic mobility, introducing modern scientific achievements, implementing a competency-based approach, using electronic learning and management tools, entrepreneurial education for creative industries;
- in the field of scientific activities – the active development of project activities of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Department, ensuring their participation in research projects, including in partnership with other universities, institutions, and organizations, and the formation of a network of state contractual topics and license agreements;
- in the field of international activities – development of cooperation with foreign partners in the context of joint participation in international research and educational grant projects, academic mobility programs, double degree programs, and virtual mobility;
- in the field of partnership with business – active interaction of the Department with the business sector, representatives of business structures, and successful graduates to involve them in the educational process, commercialization, and transfer of business projects;
- in the field of vocational guidance – extensive work of the Department to popularize and manage entrepreneurial activity to increase the demand for a specialty among potential applicants and fulfil licensed recruitment volumes.
The main task of managing the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business is to harmonize the impact of external processes at different time intervals with the effective use of its resources to fulfil its mission and achieve the goals.
Competitive advantages of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business:
- Competitive educational programs;
- Active involvement in the educational process of lecturers-practitioners, top managers, and highly qualified specialists from leading Ukrainian companies;
- Opportunity to obtain a double diploma;
- Development of a dual form of education.