Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Management and Business Design


Head of the Department, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Address: 2 Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, Kyiv 01011, Academic building 4, Office 4-1420

Tel.: +38 044-256-21-44






The Department of Entrepreneurship and Business was organized in February 2016 to purposefully introduce the concept of combining theoretical training and the formation of an entrepreneurial worldview with practical skills for future specialists in the educational process.

Today, the Department works as part of the Faculty of Management and Business Design. It accumulates a high scientific and pedagogical potential and is a significant structural unit of a dynamically developing faculty.

The Department of Entrepreneurship and Business is a degree-granting department for specialist training in the educational levels of higher education first (bachelor's) level, second (master's) level and third (educational and scientific) level in Specialty D3 ”Management”, (076 - Entrepreneurship and trade).

Strategic goal of the Department's activities is:

to form an educated, thinking entrepreneur, as well as to provide the labor market with highly qualified, competitive specialists with high moral values, who are fluent in organizational and managerial skills necessary for success in the modern labor market and under conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress.

Main goals and objectives of the Department:

  • in the field of educational activities – ensuring the high quality of educational services on an innovative basis by creating information and education interactive environment, internal academic mobility, introducing modern scientific achievements, implementing a competency-based approach, using electronic learning and management tools, entrepreneurial education for creative industries;
  • in the field of scientific activities – the active development of project activities of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Department, ensuring their participation in research projects, including in partnership with other universities, institutions, and organizations, and the formation of a network of state contractual topics and license agreements;
  • in the field of international activities – development of cooperation with foreign partners in the context of joint participation in international research and educational grant projects, academic mobility programs, double degree programs, and virtual mobility;
  • in the field of partnership with business – active interaction of the Department with the business sector, representatives of business structures, and successful graduates to involve them in the educational process, commercialization, and transfer of business projects;
  • in the field of vocational guidance – extensive work of the Department to popularize and manage entrepreneurial activity to increase the demand for a specialty among potential applicants and fulfil licensed recruitment volumes.

The main task of managing the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business is to harmonize the impact of external processes at different time intervals with the effective use of its resources to fulfil its mission and achieve the goals.

Competitive advantages of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business:

  • Competitive educational programs;
  • Active involvement in the educational process of lecturers-practitioners, top managers, and highly qualified specialists from leading Ukrainian companies;
  • Opportunity to obtain a double diploma;
  • Development of a dual form of education.


D3 Management


Educational and professional programs

Business management


Educational and professional program

Innovative entrepreneurship and startup project management


The educational and scientific program





076 "Entrepreneurship and trade"


Educational and professional programs

Entrepreneurship and commercial activity


The educational and scientific program

Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities


Taliat BIELIALOV, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

In 2001, he graduated with honors from V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, majoring in “Finance”. In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis. In 2011, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.04 “Economics and enterprise management”, the subject of his dissertation research was “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of an entrepreneurial university as a center of innovative technologies”. The author of more than 100 works of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Fluent in English (B2 certificate). Successful entrepreneur, with experience in organizing his own business since 2002. In addition to his own business, he is a co-founder of such leading companies as TAKAVA LLC, OkShina LLC, YUG-Trading LLC and is the developer of the online platform for career guidance and employment ChoiZY.

Research interests: development of academic entrepreneurship, innovative approaches to structural and functional modernization of business infrastructure.

Courses taught: Organization of one’s own business, Business in the market of consumer services, Entrepreneurial and stock exchange activities, Business design and management of startups.


Iryna HNATENKO, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Science in Economics

In 2005, she graduated with honors from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and received the qualification of Master of Civil Service. In 2013, she defended her PhD thesis. In 2015, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 2020, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.03 “Economics and management of the national economy”, the subject of her dissertation research was “Formation of state priorities for the development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of an innovative economy”. In 2021, she was awarded the academic title of professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business. The author of more than 300 works of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Fluent in English (B2 certificate). Work experience in the public service. She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of Zhovtnev District Council and the Certificate of Honor of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University for a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.

Research interests: innovative development of entrepreneurship based on cluster partnership.

Courses taught: Critical thinking and analytical support of entrepreneurial activities, Business analysis, Commercialization of intellectual property.


Iryna MIAHKYKH, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Science in Economics

In 1998, she graduated from the Ukrainian-Finnish Institute of Management and Business and received the qualification of a specialist in economics. In 2001, she defended her PhD in Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing. In 2003, she was awarded the title of associate professor. In 2015, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.04 "Economics and enterprise management", the subject of her dissertation research was "Methodological principles of managing integrated business structures of airline companies". In 2019, she was awarded the academic title of professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business. Since 2024, she has been a member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine. The author of more than 200 works of a scientific and scientific-methodical nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Fluent in English (B2 certificate). She was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine "Honorary Professor of Education in Ukraine".

Research interests: development of integrated business structures of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, technological development of entrepreneurial business.

Courses taught: International trade, Information business, Entrepreneurial business, Project activities, "Stock markets and trading".


Victoria MARHASOVA, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine

In 1997, she graduated with honours from Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management and received a qualification in Economics. In 2005, she defended a PhD thesis in the speciality 08.00.08 ‘Finance, Money Circulation and Credit’. In 2007, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Finance. In 2015, she defended her Doctoral dissertation in the speciality 08.00.03 “Economics and management of the national economy", the topic of the dissertation research: "Strategy for ensuring the stability of the economy of Ukraine against threats to economic security”. In 2015, she was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Financial Activities of Business Entities and State Institutions. In 2017, she was granted the honorary title of Honored Economist of Ukraine. Since 2018, a member of the Academy of Economic of Sciences of Ukraine  She is fluent in English and Polish (B2 certificate). The author of more than 200 scientific and methodological works, including those indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Experienced in the field of Economics and Finance, conducting state budget research and development, Erasmus, Digital Europe projects, and the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. The winner of the Heorhii Voronoi Educational Prize for significant personal contribution to the development of education and science in Ukraine and Chernihiv region. Recipient of the Certificate of Honour from Chernihiv Regional Council for years of conscientious work, high professionalism and notable personal contribution to the development of education and science in Chernihiv region. Honorary Professor of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University for personal contribution to the training of scientific personnel.

Research interests: sustainability of the national economy, economic, environmental and national security, innovative development technologies, working capital management, higher education system.

Courses taught: Entrepreneurship in the context of socio-economic transformations, Methodology of modern scientific research with the basics of intellectual property.


Mariana SHKODA, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Doctor of Science in Economics

In 2008, she graduated with honors from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and received a Master's degree in Management. In 2015, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 08.00.03 "Economics and management of the national economy". In 2019, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business. In 2021, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.03 "Economics and management of the national economy", the subject of the dissertation research was “Methodological foundations of the development of cluster partnership systems of the national economy”. In 2024, she was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business. Since 2025, she has been a member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine. Fluent in Polish and English (B2 certificate). The author of more than 100 works of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Practical work experience in the field of marketing, and management of TM "Rexona" and "Bayer" projects. She was awarded the Commendation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for her significant personal contribution to the development of education and science in Ukraine.

Research interests: development of cluster partnership systems, development of an innovative environment based on network forms and methods of integration of business structures.

Courses taught: Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Fundamentals of e-business, Cluster entrepreneurship.


Iryna HONCHARENKO, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, PhD

In 1998, she graduated with honors from the State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine, majoring in “Management”. In 2014, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 08.00.04 “Economics and enterprise management” (by types of economic activity). In 2017, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business. More than 5 years of practical work experience in the field of marketing. Fluent in English (B2 certificate). The author of more than 100 works of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. She was awarded the Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the Diploma of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for her significant personal contribution to the development of education and science in Ukraine and for her significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities.

Research interests: management of the process of e-commerce development in business, business processes in entrepreneurship.

Courses taught: Infrastructure of the market of goods and services, Business processes of entrepreneurship and business communication, Controlling.


Nina KRAKHMALІOVA, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, PhD

In 2002, she graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and received the qualification of a manager-economist. In 2011, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 08.00.04 “Economics and enterprise management” (by types of economic activity). In 2012, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Service Management. Fluent in English (B2 certificate). The author of more than 100 works of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature, including those indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Research interests: formation of organizational potential for structural transformations of entrepreneurial activity, management of a higher education institution on the basis of innovative entrepreneurship.

Courses taught: Entrepreneurship in commercial and intermediary services, Innovative entrepreneurship, Intermediation activities, Management of the development of entrepreneurial structures.


Ivan KOBERNYK , Senior Lecturer at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business

In 2011, he graduated from Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman and received a master's degree in finance. In 2015, he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.03 "Economics and management of the national economy". His dissertation topic was "Mechanism of management of innovative development of integrated business structures in the context of the knowledge economy. Author of more than 15 scientific papers in domestic and foreign publications. Fluent in English. He is an experienced manager, having held C-level management positions in domestic and foreign companies. In particular, he worked for Vodafone Ukraine, Milkiland Holding, Integrum Ventures. More than 15 years of effective work in various business areas: web advertising, telecommunications, oil and gas, IT, manufacturing, and trade. Partner at Performance Marketing Agency.

Research interests: methodological principles of management of innovative development of integrated business structures in the conditions of post-war economic recovery.

Courses taught: Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Fundamentals of e-business, Organization of one’s own business.

Yevhen NESENIUK, Assistant of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business

In 2016, he graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with a master's degree in business economics with honours. In 2021, he defended his dissertation at  Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, in accordance with the educational and scientific programme ‘051 Economics’ and received a Doctor of Philosophy degree, field of knowledge ‘Social and Behavioural Sciences’, speciality 051 “Economics”. His dissertation research topic is ‘Formation of a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise on an innovative basis’. Author of more than 15 research papers in domestic and foreign publications. Fluent in English.

Research interests: formation of the strategy of enterprise competitiveness on an innovative basis.

Courses taught: Innovative entrepreneurship, Organisation of one’s own business, Globalisation of economy and business, IT technologies in business.

Yana ONOFRIICHUK, assistant of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business

In 2018, she graduated with honors from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and received a master's degree in Management. Fluent in English.

Research interests: innovative development of cluster-united enterprises.

Courses taught: Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Organization of one’s own business.



The Department has a modern material base: 2 lecture rooms, 6 classrooms for practical classes, a staff office (4-1410), training and research laboratory "Training and Research Laboratory of Sustainable Development" (4-1403), computer classes equipped with modern computer and office equipment, and a diploma design room, graduate students’ office.

In the training and research laboratory of sustainable development, students of the Department conduct research on the problems of the development of innovative entrepreneurship; investigate the formation and development of entrepreneurship in the context of the global goals of sustainable development; research current business ideas and business projects that have growth prospects; perform research works for international and all-Ukrainian competitions. In the laboratory, students have the opportunity to implement their startup ideas with the help of innovative equipment: a 3D printer, a Fortever industrial embroidery machine, and a tufting gun. The winners sell the finished products on the student marketplace U`SEEK, which is actually a startup created with the participation of the Department's winners, thus students consolidate their entrepreneurial skills and go from the validation of an idea to the implementation of an innovative product.


Components for drones, chess sets, vases, planters, etc. - these are all innovative ideas of second-year students studying under the educational programs
"IT entrepreneurship" and "Entrepreneurship and commercial activity" realized with a 3D printer


Examples of works of pile carpets made by the 1st- and 2nd-year students with a taffeta gun


Works of 2nd-year students made on an industrial embroidery machine


 The material and technical support of the Department provides all the necessary conditions for an uninterrupted and effective educational process at all stages of training of the Department's higher education students. This contributes to ensuring high standards of education and development of professional skills, making it possible to train highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market.

The condition of the premises is certified by sanitary-technical passports that meet the existing regulations.

Educational and scientific laboratory of sustainable development of the Department


To deepen the practical knowledge of students and ensure a constant connection between theoretical and practical training, training courses, webinars, and online masterclasses are frequently held, and guests are invited – heads and top managers of leading companies in Ukraine, round tables, excursions to enterprises are organized.

The Department is preparing and searching for new forms and methods of activating the educational process – business games and situational classes.

Winners of the Department in the process of solving situational tasks from educational components:
"Fundamentals of entrepreneurship", "Organization of one’s own business", "Innovative entrepreneurship"

Meeting with the stakeholders of educational and professional programs of the Department


The academic staff of the Department systematically participates in the scientific and research work of the University, namely:

  • conducts research on the most important scientific and socio-economic problems according to the profile of the Department, problems of higher education pedagogy in close connection with the tasks of improving the quality of training of applicants;
  • prepares annual reports based on the results of the NDR, conducts annual attestation of postgraduate students of the Department;
  • discusses completed research works and makes recommendations for their publication, participates in the implementation of research results in practice;
  • reviews dissertations presented by members of the Department or, on the authority of the University management, other students;
  • organizes research work of іегвутеі.

Academic workers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business take part in scientific research in the Department's directions.

The teachers of the Department actively participate in international and national projects and grants. In recent years, 5 international levels and 2 national levels have been won: Marketing development of the University eco-territory for recreation of post-COVID people (joint Ukrainian-Turkish research project); INTREPID-HEI – International Capacity Building in InNovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship with focus on ShaRed Expertise in Higher Education Institutions; British Council (Program for the Development of Leadership Potential of Ukrainian Universities); DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service (Introduction of the concept of a gender-sensitive environment at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Law of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design); “Creation of an educational platform for the development of entrepreneurial skills for the social adaptation of socially vulnerable segments of the population, including demobilized soldiers, migrants” joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian project; National School Practice for Educational and Artistic Research; Mobility project Exchange of students and students from Erasmus+ partner countries KA107 Educational Mobility of Students and Staff with Partner Countries; Innovative business education platform based on cluster entrepreneurship for demobilized soldiers and migrants from the ATO zone; the project of scientific works and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists “Creation of an integrated open coworking center for innovative entrepreneurship in higher educational institutions” at the expense of the general fund of the state budget.

For the period of 2020-2022, the  scientific and pedagogical workers of the Department are co-executors of the state budget topics “Creating a Hackaton ecosystem of social integration of youth to strengthen national security in the context of preventing an outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic” / “Establishment of the Hackaton ecosystem of prevention of the pandemic СOVID-19” (deadline – 2021-2022) – state registration number: 0121U109621 and “Creating a university energy-innovative hub of knowledge for the formation of systemic social change” / “Creating a university energy Hub for the formation of systemic social change” (deadline – 2021-2022) – state registration number: 0121U109622.

Within the scope of research and educational activities, the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business has direct contacts with: Academy "Higher School of Business" (Dombrowa Gurnych, Poland), Higher School of Agribusiness (Lomz, Poland), Institute of Demography and Social Research named after V.M. Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, DNNU "Academy of Financial Management", Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy of Kharkiv, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" within the framework of the KNUTD agreement on scientific and educational cooperation.

The Department's laureates are systematically involved in the research work of the Department. Students prepare reports and actively participate in the discussion as opponents. Some of these works are transformed into course and diploma projects.


Scientific and research training of post-graduate students

The Department operates a post-graduate course for the training of doctors of philosophy under the educational and scientific program "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity".

The goals of the program are to train highly qualified specialists for business, trade and exchange structures, integrated into the global scientific and educational space of doctors of philosophy on the basis of their acquisition of general and professional competencies, and due to the acquisition of business competencies, which are able to carry out scientific research and project-analytical activity, science-based consulting in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity, pedagogical activity.

The program is based on innovative project results and modern scientific research in the entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity. The program is aimed at the formation of third (educational-scientific) level of high-quality educational and scientific training for students, based on the concept of the "quadrilateral of knowledge", through the acquisition of competencies: general, professional and entrepreneurial-practical, through a combination of interdisciplinary professional internships at specialized enterprises , formation and development of business skills in terms of scientific academic entrepreneurship and practical implementation through technology transfer. It is focused on partnership with domestic and foreign higher education institutions and science, the public-private sector, scientists and outlines participation in international joint and national grant projects. It is aimed at the development of the individual educational trajectory of students and their acquisition of practical skills for the commercialization of their own scientific research on the basis of the educational and innovative cluster of light industry, the startup movement and business initiatives.

Currently, 20 post-graduate students are being trained at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business.


Scientific mobility

In 2023-2024 the academic staff of the Department and students took part in the work of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences and forums abroad:

  1. TTK UAS Data and Artificial Intelligence Conference 10th International scientific and practical conference "Modern methods of applying scientific theories", Tallinn, Estonia;
  2. 12th International scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of the development of science and ensuring the quality of education", Italy;
  3. XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference "SCIENTIFIC TRENDS AND WAYS OF SOLVING MODERN PROBLEMS", France;
  4. 2nd International scientific and practical conference "Young scientists and methods of improving modern theories" International Science Group, Italy;
  5. XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT, MODERN AND NEW WAYS OF IMPROVING SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS", Italy;
  6. X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative scientific research: theory and practice", Sweden.
  7. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference ”The role of innovations in the transformation of the image of modern science”, Norway
  8. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference ”WORLD EDUCATIONAL TRENDS: LIFELONG LEARNING IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY”,Greece;
  9. XLIІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference ”Modern Challenges and Achievements of the Scientific Community of the 21st century”, Estonia;
  10. 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modernization of innovative development of professional education”, Amsterdam;
  11. VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Formation of professional culture of specialists in the field of education”, Bulgaria.

The students of the Department lead an active social and scientific life, visit specialized exhibitions and participate in scientific competitions, olympiads, and conferences of various levels.

Graduates of the Department during their industrial practice

The social life of students is full of unforgettable moments

Environment Day (2024)


The history of the Department is closely related to the victories of students and teachers at various levels of competitions and contests. Students N. Havrylenko and I. Yatsuk received a 2nd-degree diploma in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the direction  “Marketing, personnel management, and labor economics” (2017). Student A. Vashchenko received a 3rd-degree diploma in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the direction of “Economics of transport and communications” (2018). 

Students T. Shchur and V. Tkach received a 2nd-degree diploma, O. Polyak - a 3rd-degree diploma in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in natural, technical, and humanitarian sciences in 2018/2019, in the specialty “Road Transport”, the direction “Economics of Road Transport” (2019). Student A. Sheneva won 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in natural, technical, and humanitarian sciences in the direction of “Light industry” (2019). Student Y. Litovka won 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the specialty “Tourism” (2019).  

Student V. Heorhieva won 2nd place in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in natural, technical, and humanitarian sciences in the 2019/2020 academic year in the specialty “Road Transport”, the direction “Economics of Road Transport”. Student I. Harkusha won 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian Competition of StudentResearch Papers in the specialty “Entrepreneurship”. Students K. Babiy and D. Varenyk won 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in natural, technical, and humanitarian sciences in the 2019/2020 academic year in the specialty “Road Transport”, the direction “Transport Entrepreneurship”.

Student A. Pavlyuk took 1st place in the startup competition at the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation in Education, Science and Business: Challenges and Opportunities”. Startup theme: “Idea for the future business “Clothes for spiritual harmony”, 11/17/2020.

The winners of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Competitions of Student Research Papers in 2020-2021 are: V. Hritsun – 2nd-degree diploma in the specialty “Motor transport”, the direction “Economics of road transport”; D. Shadyuk – 2nd-degree diploma in the specialty “Economics of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture” and A. Naukhatska – 2nd-degree diploma in specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship”.

The winners of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Contests of Research Papers 2022/2023 became: O. Kokhovska and T. Kravchenko - 1st degree diploma in the specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity", direction "Entrepreneurship".

In 2024, the students of the Department took an active part in the educational programs of "JA Ukraine", part of Junior Achievement - an international union of non-profit organizations, which for more than 100 years have been helping young people acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the formation of successful subjects of the global economy.

JA programs are successfully developed in 40 European countries and more than 100 countries worldwide, annually reaching more than 100 million young people.

In March 2024, the students of the Department were participants in the JA Ukraine "Entrepreneurship Camp" educational program, where they had a unique opportunity to gain innovative knowledge of entrepreneurship and acquire new skills by solving practical tasks with the help of business mentors.

Participation of the Department’s students in the educational program "Entrepreneurship Camp", JA Ukraine


The combination of general and professional competencies in the process of training students in various areas - entrepreneurship and trade - provides an opportunity to obtain:

  • high quality education;
  • prestigious diploma;
  • practical skills required in the future profession;
  • knowledge gained from highly qualified teachers and business practitioners;
  • potential for career growth;
  • employment opportunities.

The students of the Department undergo practical training and internships in leading companies in Ukraine, such as:

The formats of cooperation with stakeholders are the joint preparation of business cases, business projects, the organization of thematic working groups, and joint research.

The Department has a scientific club “Development of innovative entrepreneurship in the knowledge economy” (headed by Professor I. Hnatenko). The purpose of the club is:

  • development of the innovative potential of students for independent innovative entrepreneurial activities based on a creative approach and competencies obtained during the training;
  • establishing relationships between student associations, local authorities, business entities, public organizations, and associations of entrepreneurs;
  • assistance in successful employment and career of graduates, formation of a personnel reserve from among students for project customers.

Graduates of the Department constantly develop their professional competencies within the framework of the scientific club


Graduates of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business can implement their knowledge and skills at enterprises of any organizational and legal form of ownership and organize their own business in a wide range of business areas.

A specialist in Entrepreneurship and commercial activities can hold the following positions: an expert in merchandising, supply, sales, inspector-commodity manager; trade inspector, trade broker (trade) dealer; commercial agent; sales agent; director of a retail enterprise, at small and medium-sized enterprises (store manager, head of a small enterprise, head of a section and department, director of a small trading company, traveling salesman, trade broker (broker)).

The professional competencies of graduates of the master's program Innovative Entrepreneurship and Startup Project Management make it possible to choose the following positions: head of enterprises, institutions and organizations; head of production and other main divisions; head of functional divisions; head of projects and programs; head of other functional divisions; head of small enterprises without a management apparatus; head of small enterprises without a management apparatus in industry; head of small enterprises without a management apparatus in commercial service; head of other small enterprises without a management apparatus; manager (head) of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their divisions; a professional in marketing, business efficiency, rationalization of production, intellectual property and innovation; a professional in project and program management; research assistant-consultant (projects and programs in tangible and intangible production); project and program management expert.

Graduates of the PhD program "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity" are able to work in research and production organizations, in institutions of scientific research and innovation and production profile in various spheres of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity, in higher education institutions, as well as in other positions that require qualifications of the 8th level of the National Qualifications Framework.

Specialists have the right to hold the following positions: senior officials and employees of state executive bodies, senior officials of public and self-governing organizations; managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations; heads of functional divisions; professionals in public service, audit, marketing, business efficiency, rationalization of production and intellectual property (including professionals working with securities, and project and program managers), as well as in the field of economics (including scientific staff); scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions.

Many of the graduates of the Department have successfully started their own businesses (Inna Kasych – organization of her own cafe, Davud Asem Jamal – organization of his own fast food restaurant and hospital; Serhii Hychka, Roman Zagranets – organization of a gynecological care center; Volodymyr Chermak – organization of an enterprise for the provision of funeral services, Natalia Shkoda – the opening of a dental clinic); they hold leading positions and are heads of companies in marketing, sales, and audit activities (Olena Gulina – a leading specialist of an advertising agency; Yulia Lomova – Section Head of Epicenter LLC, Yulia Nikityuk – Head of Optimal Help LLC).

Presentation of diplomas to master’s degree graduates of the Department


The academic staff of the Department systematically participates in international and state research, educational and social projects.

It should be noted that the scientific and pedagogical workers of the Department do not remain aloof from global integration processes in the educational space, but quite actively cooperate with foreign partners to attract new approaches to teaching and ensure European quality standards for higher education. Consequently, the Department cooperates with the Higher School of Business of the University in Dombrowa-Gurnicza on the programs of “Academic Mobility” and “Double Degrees” from employers of leading European companies.

Defence of the qualification works of the winners of the joint double degree program with the Academy of Higher Business School, Poland (2024)