Address: Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, Academic building 4,
Classrooms: 4-0507; 4-0508; 4-0510, 4-0512; 4-0514; 4-1305
Phone: +38044-256-29-21
Department page in
Address: Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, Academic building 4,
Classrooms: 4-0507; 4-0508; 4-0510, 4-0512; 4-0514; 4-1305
Phone: +38044-256-29-21
Department page in
The specialty “Finance” in the direction “Economics and Entrepreneurship” is licensed in KNUTD by the decision of the State Accreditation Commissio of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine No. 8 dated 9.06.99. Since 1999, full-time students , and since 2000, part-time students have been enrolled at the Department. To provide training and graduation of financial experts, the University established the degree-granting Department of Finance on June 30, 2004. In June 2004, the staff of the Department accredited the specialty “Finance” at the educational qualification levels “Bachelor” and “Specialist”; in May 2005 – at the level of “Master”.
According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 29, No. 266 of 01.09.2015, a new list of specialties was introduced, according to which the direction of training 6.030508 “Finance and Credit” was transformed into the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, the educational program “Finance, Banking and Insurance”.
In 2022, the educational program “Digital Finance” of the specialty 072 « Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market» was introduced.
To modernize the structure of the University in 2022, the Department of Finance and Investments was renamed the Department of Finance and Business Consulting. Currently, the Department is also responsible for the training of specialists with bachelor’s and master’s educational degrees in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation”.
In 2022, the department opened a postgraduate program to train applicants for the third educational and scientific level of higher education in the specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market", the educational program "Finance, Banking and Insurance".
Specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market”, educational program “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, educational degree “Bachelor”:
The training of specialists in Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market involves the formation of the following competencies:
Specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market”, educational program “Digital Finance”, educational degree “Bachelor”:
The objectives of the program are the training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized and applied tasks, characterized by complexity and some uncertainty of conditions in professional activities in the field of digital finance.
Specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market”, educational program “Financial and Investment Business Consulting”, educational degree “Master”.
The objectives of the program are the training of specialists capable of conducting scientific research using modern approaches, methods, and technologies of financial management and consulting to solve scientific and applied problems, taking into account the requirements of a dynamic business environment;
to provide students with practical skills in financial transactions through the use of knowledge and appropriate special methods, possessing methods and technologies of work in the financial, insurance, investment, stock market, and financial services market.
Ability to assess the financial position of an enterprise and its individual components (property status, liquidity, solvency, financial stability, business activity, financial performance, etc.), find problems and financially substantiate the ways of their solution; ability to perform analytical, evaluation and forecasting functions, in particular in the field of the financial state of enterprise management, estimation of the probability of bankruptcy, development of investment projects, estimation of business value; ability to evaluate the hedging of financial risks in the financial services market, calculate an operating surcharge, estimate the value of forward, futures, options, swap contracts; ability to understand and apply the economic and mathematical methods used in the field of substantiation of financial decisions.
Specialty 071 ”Accounting and Taxation”, educational program ”Business analytics, accounting and taxation”
Degree of higher education – bachelor. Course length – 3 years and 10 months.
After completing the bachelor’s program ”Business analytics, accounting and taxationC, the graduate will be able to demonstrate
The directions of professional activities of specialists in accounting and taxation are:
Specialty 071 ”Accounting and Taxation”, educational program ”Accounting and Taxation”, educational degree ”Bachelor” and educational program ”International Accounting and Business Consulting”, educational degree ”Master”:
The specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation" is an economic specialty and a future field of activity for those who want to reveal the secrets of the formation of economic information used to manage enterprises, organizations, and institutions. Correct accounting of the company's economic activities in accordance with the established norms, accounting of the company's assets, obligations to other market participants, investments and much more is an important aspect of the training.
After successful completion of the program, graduates receive a diploma of basic or complete higher education of the established state standard in the specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation".
In 2024, the Department launched a new interdisciplinary educational program of the second level of higher education "Financial technologies, accounting and business analytics", integrated in two specialties: 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market" and 071 "Accounting and Taxation".
Specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market", educational program "Finance, Banking and Insurance", educational degree "Doctor of Philosophy".
The aim of the program is to train highly qualified, competitive, integrated into the world and European educational and scientific space specialists in the field of finance, banking, insurance and stock market, who have competencies sufficient to solve complex management problems through research and innovation and the production of new knowledge on this basis.
The main objectives of the program are: mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities; gaining experience in conducting one's own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and/or practical significance for national or world science.
After completing the program, the graduate will be able to demonstrate
The directions of professional activity of specialists are:
- organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership, engaged in international business activities,
- law firms providing services to Ukrainian and foreign firms in the field of trade policy;
- subdivisions of the state customs;
- institutions; consulates, embassies; diplomatic and trade missions of Ukraine abroad;
- international media and telecommunication companies;
- international financial institutions and international departments of Ukrainian financial and credit institutions.
- international departments of insurance companies and travel companies.
The training of future specialists in Finance, Banking and Insurance, as well as Accounting and Taxation, is carried out by highly qualified academic staff (4 doctors of sciences, 9 candidates of sciences).
Structure of the department:
Research interests: problems of enterprise finance, value-based management, strategic financial management and sustainable development, management of economic potential and competitiveness of higher education institutions. |
Research interests: financial markets, de-shadowing of the economy, macroeconomic stability. |
Research interests: state supervision and regulation of financial markets. |
Research interests: formation of an effective model of economic development. |
Research interests: modeling of accounting, analytical and audit procedures, research of the contractual process of enterprises in the current realities of Ukraine, development of analytical tools for the formation of the business model of enterprises, international accounting and audit standards. |
Research interests: problems of accounting and control of transactions with borrowed capital. |
Research interests: restructuring and transformation in the conditions of transition to market relations. |
Research interests: the concept of organizing management accounting in the context of information technology. |
Research interests: investment in human capital at the micro-level. |
In the 2023-2024 academic year, 132 students (102 full-time and 30 part-time students) and 14 postgraduate students are studying at the Department of Finance and Business Consulting at KNUTD.
In 2007-2008 at the Department of Finance and Business Consulting the scientific club “Financial Analyst” was created on an optional basis, and it operates effectively today. The founder and the first leader of the scientific club was PhD, associate professor Y. Nechaiev. In 2023, the club was renamed to the scientific student club "Professional Studio of Finance and Accounting"
Students from the first to the fourth year and first- and second-year students of the master’s degree of the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market” and specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation" take part in the work of the student scientific student club. The head of the club is PhD, associate professor O.Bunda
Scientific articles are published by teachers and students in scientific journals, among them there are the following: Actual Problems of Economics, Formation of Market Relations in Ukraine, etc.