Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies


Prof., DScTech Viktoriia P. PLAVAN

Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving

Address: 01011 Kyiv, Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, Building 1, Rooms 1-0234, 1-0235, 1-0236, 1-0239, 1-0242, 1-0244, 1-0246,1-0248, 1-0260, 1-0262

Phone numbers:
Head of the Department +38044-256-84-75 
Staffroom +38044-256-21-57


About the Department
History of the Department

The Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving began its history in 1958 when the first Department of Chemical Fiber Technology in Ukraine was created based on the Chemical Technology Faculty of Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry (KTILP) at the request of the time to train engineering and scientific personnel for the chemical industry of Ukraine. The founder of the Department was Oleksandr Yudin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 1961, the first graduation of 25 chemical engineers and technologists for the chemical fiber industry took place.

Research activity was and remains an integral part of the Department’s work. Prof. M. P. Kotov, Prof. M. V. Tsebrenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor V. I. Vlasenko, PhD, researcher N.M. Rezanova worked in specialized scientific laboratories of the Department at different times. Under the leadership of Prof. M.V. Tsebrenko, new technologies for obtaining ultra-thin synthetic fibers and filter materials for precision filtration based on them were created.

In 1988, the Department of Chemical Fiber Technology was reorganized into the Department of Plastic and Elastomer Processing Technology, headed by DScTech, Professor, Viktor Anokhin (1923–2004). V.V. Anokhin is a 1950 graduate of KTILP, a participant in the II World War, awarded with many orders and medals, and worked his way up from an assistant to a rector. In 1961, he defended his candidate's thesis, and in 1992, his doctoral thesis. He headed KTILP from 1967 to 1973.

In 1993, DScTech, Professor Valery Pakharenko, whose research and production activities are dedicated to the creation of new composite polymer materials and methods of their processing, was appointed the head of the Department of Plastic and Elastomer Processing Technology.

At various times, candidates of technical sciences, associate professors taught at the Department: B. A. Yegorov, V. O. Yefremov, O. P. Pymonenko, O. V. Zhdanovich, O. S. Grzhimalovskyi, G. P. Nikolayeva, Yu. Y. Kleiner, O. V. Shapoval, T. S. Shostak, doctors of technical sciences, professors O. V. Romankevich, V. M. Irklay, Ph.D. professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in  Science and Technology M. V. Tsebrenko.

In 2014, the Department of Technology of Polymers and Chemical Fibers was reorganized into the Department of Applied Ecology, Technology of Polymers and Chemical Fibers. The Department was headed by DScTech, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology Viktoriia Plavan. The range of scientific activities of the Department has expanded in the direction of the development of ecologically oriented technologies for the utilization and reuse of light industry and chemical waste for the production of biopolymers with predictable properties.

In 2022, the Department of Applied Ecology, Technology of Polymers and Chemical Fibers was reorganized into the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving. Thanks to the addition of the teaching staff from the Department of Electrochemical Energy and Chemistry, the field of scientific interests of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource  Saving has expanded in the direction of the development, production, and operation of fuel cells and electrochemical generators, primary batteries, accumulators, supercapacitors, photo-electrochemical converters of solar energy in electric; modern methods and means for ecological monitoring of the environment and detoxification, where electrochemical technologies and devices are the most effective.

At present, the Department employs specialists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the technology of polymers, chemical fibers, and composite materials both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as to the training of highly qualified specialists, in particular: DScTech, Professor B. M. Savchenko; DScTech, Professor N. V. Sova, PhD, associate professor I. O. Lyashok;, young scientists,PhD O. O. Sleptsov, D. Patlun.

Highly qualified specialists continue to work on the research of chemical current sources, and the creation of protective coatings against electromagnetic radiation such as DScTech, associate professor V.G. Khomenko, PhD, associate professors I.S. Makeeva, O.A. Kryukova, O.V. Kyslova, O. O. Butenko.

The Department trains students of the educational and qualification level of a bachelor in the specialties 161 - "Chemical technologies and engineering", the educational program "Chemical technologies and engineering", 183 "Technologies of environmental protection", the educational program "Environmental engineering".

The training of masters is carried out according to the educational programs "Chemical technologies of processing of polymer and composite materials" the specialty 161 "Chemical technologies and engineering".

Post-graduate studies and the defense of theses for obtaining the PhD degree are carried out in the specialty 161 - "Chemical technologies and engineering", the educational program "Chemical technologies and engineering".

Over the years of the Department's existence, close cooperation has been established with other educational institutions of Ukraine: Lviv Polytechnic National University, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Research is carried out with the involvement of students in close cooperation with scientific institutions not only in Ukraine, but also in the USA, Greece, Great Britain, France, Germany, Romania, Austria, Sweden, and Lithuania. Undergraduate and graduate students of the Department take an active part in international conferences and symposia. The teachers of the Department participate in the work of specialized academic councils for the defense of theses for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of technical sciences, PhD.

Teaching Staff

4 Doctors of Science (including 3 professors) and 9 PhDs (including 7 associate professors) work at the Department.

Viktoriia PLAVAN, DScTech, Prof., Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving

Viktoriia Plavan obtained her degree in Chemistry from Kyiv Industry Technology Institute in 1991, which was followed by a PhD degree from the same institution in 1999, and in 2011 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Scientific bases of organic-mineral tanning technology to obtain leather and fur with improved properties”.

In 2016, she graduated from the State Ecological University (Odessa) with a degree in Environmental Safety.

Awards: Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2013).

Prof. Viktoriia Plavan is the author of 4 monographs, she has more than 250 publications, including 50 articles in journals of the SCOPUS database, and more than 10 patents.

Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the section “Environmental Protection”.

Prof. Viktoriia Plavan has trained 4 Doctors of Science, 2 Candidates of Science, and 3 Doctors of Philosophy.

Courses taught: “General chemical technology”, “Principles of ecology”, “Ecology and sustainable development”, "Regulatory and technical documentation in the industry".

Research interests:

  • development of theory and new technologies of collagen-containing materials for biopolymers and composite materials with predictable properties;
  • wastewater treatment technology for the light and chemical industries.


Bohdan SAVCHENKO,  DScTech, Prof.

Prof. Bohdan Savchenko obtained his degree in “Technology of polymer processing” from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2001. After his PhD (KNUTD) in 2005, he obtained his Dr. of Sci. degree in 2014 on “Physical and chemical conversion processes in the recycling of secondary condensation polymers and mixtures thereof”. In 2022, he received the academic title of Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology, Technology of Polymers and Chemical Fibers.

Awards: nominal scholarship holder of the Supreme Council of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists (2015).

He has more than 160 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 30 patents. He supervises the training of masters and postgraduate students and has trained 3 PhD holders.

Courses taught: “Functional polymer composites”, “Technology and equipment for polymer processing”, “Technology of 3D printing”.

He works with students in the educational and scientific laboratory “Advanced polymeric materials” on the creation and research of innovative technologies for the recycling of polymeric materials, the creation of environmentally friendly polymeric materials and composites, additive manufacturing technology in the field of polymeric materials. He is engaged in the reconstruction of equipment and pilot plants for the creation and research of polymer composites.

Head of the Additive Manufacturing Technology Centre (3D printing), which, as a university unit, operates within the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving.

Research interests:

  • development of the technology for biodegradable polymeric materials;
  • development of additive manufacturing technology based on polymers and composites;
  • study of the features of the recycling of polymeric materials and composites;
  • compounding.


Nadiya SOVA, DScTech, Prof. 

Nadiya Sova obtained her degree in 2006 (KNUTD) in “Technology of polymer processing”. She defended her PhD thesis in 2009 and a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Scientific foundations of the technology for structurally modified polymeric materials and multifunctional composites” in 2021. In 2022, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology, Technology of Polymers and Chemical Fibers.

She has more than 120 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 20 patents. Laureate of the Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.

Courses taught: “Technology and equipment for polymer processing”, “Design of enterprises for plastic processing”, "Physical materials science of polymers and composite materials".

Supervises the training of masters and postgraduate students.

Research interests:

  • development of additive manufacturing technology based on polymers and composites.
  • development of the technology for biodegradable polymeric materials;
  • study of the processing of modern polymeric materials and composites.


Volodymyr KHOMENKO, DScTech, Assoc. Prof.

In 1996, he graduated from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in "Technical Electrochemistry". In 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the specialty 05.17.06 - "Technology of polymer and composite materials".

He has more than 200 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: "Electrochemistry"; "Design and equipment of chemical and electrochemical industries"; "Alternative energy and eco-safety".

Conducts research work on fundamental and applied electrochemical research in the field of chemical current sources.


Iryna LIASHOK, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Iryna Liashok obtained her degree in Chemistry from Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1999, which was followed by a PhD from the same institution in 2003 on “Mechanism previous maturing of alkali cellulose in the viscose production”.

She has more than 80 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 2 patents. Co-author of 16 methodological instructions. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: “Physics and chemistry of polymers”, “Special technology of polymer processing”, “Special technology of chemical fibers”.

Research interests:

  • chemical engineering of fibrous materials;
  • special processing of textile materials;
  • electrospinning;
  • development of technology to produce hydrogels polymer compositions.


Olena KRYUKOVA, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

In 1995, she graduated from the State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine, majoring in "Leather and Fur Technology". In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Improving the quality of recovered chrome tanners" in the specialty "Leather and Fur Technology". In 2003, she received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering and Chemistry.

She has more than 70 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 3 patents. Co-author of 25 methodological developments. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: "Physical and colloidal chemistry", "General and inorganic chemistry".

Research interests:

  • composite materials for protection against electromagnetic radiation;
  • research of new materials for electrochemical energy.


Olha KYSLOVA, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

In 1990, she graduated from Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko in the specialty "Chemistry - chemistry of natural compounds". In 1994, she defended her candidate's thesis in the specialty 02.00.10 "Bioorganic Chemistry" on the topic "Derivatives of cyclopropylethyl-containing amines - modulators of the activity of ethanol-metabolizing enzymes." In 2010, she received the academic title of associate professor at the Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering and Chemistry.

She has more than 40 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: “General and inorganic chemistry", "Chemistry", "Modern means of analysis and control of electrochemical processes".

Research interests:

  • research of enzymatic biosensors of various types of action;
  • electrochemical methods of wastewater treatment of galvanic industries.


Iryna MAKEYEVA, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

In 1996, she graduated from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in "Technical Electrochemistry". In 2001, she defended her dissertation on the specialty 02.00.05 "Electrochemistry" on the topic: "Mechanism and kinetics of electrooxidation of Mn (II) ions from a fluorine-containing electrolyte." In 2005, she received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Electrochemical Energy and Chemistry.

She has more than 50 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: "Electrochemical production technologies", "Theoretical electrochemistry", "Physical and colloidal chemistry".

Research interests:

  • electrochemical energy sources; electrochemical synthesis; composite coatings.


Oksana BUTENKO, PhD, senior lecturer

She graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design majoring in "Chemical technology and equipment of equipment production" (2002), "Chemical technologies and engineering" (2017). In 2021, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Technologies of obtaining composite coatings for protection against electromagnetic radiation on an aqueous and anhydrous basis" in the specialty "Chemical technologies and engineering".

She has more than 60 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 1 patent. Supervises the training of masters.

Courses taught: "Electrochemical environmental protection", "General and inorganic chemistry", "Chemistry", "Physical and colloidal chemistry".

Research interests:

  • carbon materials;
  • synthesis and characterization of electrically conductive polymers, various composites based on carbon micro- and nanomaterials, barrier materials for protection against electromagnetic radiation;
  •  composite materials production technology;
  • non-destructive methods of determining the electromagnetic properties of composite materials.


Oleksandr SLIEPTSOV, PhD, Assistant

Oleksandr Slieptsov graduated from KNUTD in 2011 with a degree in Chemical Technologies for the Processing of Polymer and Composite Materials. In 2017, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Development of technology for the production of functionalized polyolefins and their application”. Holder of the Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2020-2022).

He has 25 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign editions, including journals in the SCOPUS database, and 14 patents.

Courses taught: “Special technologies for processing polymers”, “Technology of 3D printing”.

Research interests:

  • development of innovative additive manufacturing technology based on polymeric materials and functional composites;
  • creation and research of the technology for multifunctional polymer composites.


Educational and Laboratory Facilities

The Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving is located in the 1st academic building of the University and includes lecture rooms, classrooms for laboratory and practical classes, research laboratories, and specialized classrooms. The total area of the Department premises is over 800 m2. Educational and research laboratories are provided with modern technology and equipment.

Scientific Activity

Research work of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving is organized in the four learning and research laboratories of different directions.

The Research Laboratory of Advanced Polymer Materials (Prof. B. Savchenko is a scientific advisor) is focused on the development of technologies for the production, modification, and application of polymer compounds and composites, in particular, based on renewable raw materials, recycling of polymers; development of additive forming technology.

The Research Laboratory of Light and Chemical Industry Waste Processing (Prof. V. Plavan is a scientific advisor) works on the development of technologies for light and chemical industry waste processing, regulation of properties of the obtained polymeric materials and composites; study of the properties of new composites based on fibrous waste materials.

The Research Laboratory of Advanced Fibrous Materials works in the direction of obtaining and modifying microfibers with special properties; creating new fine fibrous materials filled with nano-additives and studying their properties.

New Materials and Processes in Electrochemical Energy Laboratory (Prof. V. Barsukov is a founder of the laboratory, DScTech V. Khomenko is a scientific advisor) working on the development of active and auxiliary materials and electrolytes for electrochemical energy (accumulators, supercapacitors, fuel cells, etc.); special coatings and screens to protect people and electronic equipment from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

The Department offers a PhD program in Specialty 161 “Chemical Technology and Engineering”.

At present, 16 graduate students are enrolled at the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Storage.

T. Fedoriv, E. Bulgakov, B. Savchuk - scientific supervisor Prof. Bohdan Savchenko;

A. Kolodiy, O. Lozovyi - scientific supervisor Prof. Viktoriia Plavan;

D. Kuchynska, I. Okhrymenko, R. Moskal` - scientific supervisor, DScTech, Assoc. Prof. Olena Ishchenko;

A. Savchuk, S. Rozvora, S. Osaulenko - scientific supervisor, DScTech, Prof. Nadiya Sova;

V. Shvets,  A. Sikora  – scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. Iryna Lyashok.

D. Nikulin- scientific supervisor, DScTech, Associate Prof. Volodymyr Khomenko.

Student scientific groups

At the Department, there are the following student scientific groups:

"Polymer Technologies" - scientific adviser Prof. Bohdan Savchenko.

"Clean environment for the future of the country" - scientific adviser Prof. Viktoriia Plavan.

"Coloring of polymeric materials" - scientific adviser Assoc. Prof. Iryna Lyashok.

"Electrochemistry and ecology" – scientific adviser senior lecturer Oksana Butenko.

Meetings of scientific groups take place once a month during the free time of the educational process.

Educational and methodological support

Educational and methodical support for learning includes course programs of the courses taught at the Department, textbooks and manuals, lecture notes and laboratory manuals, independent problem solving, processing the results of laboratory work. The database of methodological instructions is constantly updated.

Study Programs

The Department offers bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD programs.

Bachelor’s Degree in the specialty “Chemical Technology and Engineering” according to the educational program “Chemical Technology and Engineering”.

Master’s Degree according to the educational programs “Chemical Technology for Processing Polymer Composite Materials”, PhD Degree in Specialty 161 “Chemical Technology and Engineering”.

Bachelors are trained under the "Environmental Engineering" educational program, specialty 183 "Environmental Protection Technologies".


Each group of students has a supervising teacher. He acquaints the students with the regulatory guidance material for the organization of the educational process and credit system; provides group and individual counseling to create the most rational compilation of individual curricula for students; monitors the implementation of individual educational plans for students; protects the educational interests of students; helps young people to participate in the cultural life and cultural events of the capital, visit theaters, exhibitions, museums, and galleries. Various sports, science and creative clubs operate in KNUTD in which the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a responsible attitude towards the environment is promoted.


Opportunities for students

Graduates of the Department acquire professional experience, which allows them to obtain the desired positions with the prospects of further career development.

The comprehensive preparation of students is facilitated by the opportunity to practice at the leading enterprises of the industry: JSC Ukrplastik, Antonov serial production plant, JSC Budindustria, Shostkinsky SOE plant “Zirka”, LLC Karpatnaftokhim, Belotserkovsky tire factory, OJSC Kyivguma, LLC Aluplast Ukraine, LLC Aleana, PJSC Kyiv CPC, LLC Kostal Ukraine, LLC К-Тeks LTD, Brovarsky plastics plant, Planeta Plastic, and others. These companies employ our graduates and send their employees for training our students.

Throughout its existence, the Department has trained about 4000 engineers-chemists-technologists. Talented graduates can continue their postgraduate and doctoral studies. Graduates of the Department also can continue their studies abroad.


Among the graduates of the Department, it is worth noting the following ones:

Kateryna Maryniaka

Technological engineer at the plastic (polymer) processing plant of PJSC "VENTS". The year of her graduation is 2021.



Serhiy Prystynskyi

Head of the foundry shop of the joint Ukrainian-German enterprise Kostal Ukraine LLC. The year of his graduation i 2020.


Nadia Krynytska

Forensic expert of the research department of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors of the laboratory of research of materials, substances and products of Kyiv Research Expert-Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The year of her graduation is 2020.


Alina Yermak

Deputy Head of the central factory laboratory for the production of latex and composite materials of LLC "KYIVGUMA". The year of her graduation is 2021.


Iryna Kovalenko

PhD, associate professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The year of her graduation is  2005.


Olena Ustavytska

PhD, researcher at Pisarzhevskii Institute of physical chemistry of NAS of Ukraine. The year of her graduation is 2011.

International Сooperation

The Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving has several international agreements on cooperation with universities and research institutes:

  • Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
  • The National Research & Development Institute for Textile and Leather (Romania)
  • The Qilu University of Technology in Jinan, Shandong province (China).

Staff and students of the Department participated in international conferences and symposiums, such as the Baltic Polymer Symposium-2022 (Tallinn, Estonia, 21-23 Sept. 2022); Open Readings 2017, 2019 (Vilnius Lithuania), Chemical Fibers and Special Textiles, (Liberec, Czech Republic, 11–13 September 2017); 3rd International Conference  on Advanced  Polymer 3 Materials  and  Technologies, APMT-2020, Kyiv, Ukraine, 14–15 April 2020; 16th International Conference of Lithuanian Chemical Society "Chemistry and Chemical Technology 2021"   September 24, 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania; Nanotech / Biotech  France 2021 and joint virtual conferences 23–25 June, 2021; 7th Freiberg Collagen Symposium. 29–30 September 2021.

At the Department of Chemical Technologies and Resource Saving (KNUTD), the International Scientific Conference "Advanced Polymer Materials and Technologies" is held once every 2 years to popularize scientific achievements in the field of polymer and chemical fiber processing, achievements of the Department and the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies in general, to exchange experience with representatives of related institutions of higher education of Ukraine, scientific institutions, enterprises, and the business community, to discuss the prospects for the development of polymeric materials and technologies.

In 2016-2024, KNUTD hosted the I-VІ Student Satellite Regional Symposia of the International Electrochemical Society (ISE) "Promising materials and processes in applied electrochemistry", the scientific materials of which were published in collective monographs 2016-2024 and in special issues of the Elsevier Journal "Materials Today : Proceedings" - 2019, 2020 listed in Scopus, Web of Sciences). 


The international team of the European Union project "Energy Caps" on the creation of efficient current sources for electric vehicles.
The team consists of the representatives of Belgium (SOLVAY), Poland (Poznań Polytechnic),
France (RECUPIL) and Ukraine (KNUTD and small enterprise UNASKO - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)