Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies



Honored scientist and technician of Ukraine, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science, Professor, Head of the Departmen

Address: Kyiv, Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, educational building 1, rooms 1-0214, 1-0213, 1-0207, 1-0209, 1-0211, 1-0216, 1-218, 1-0219, 1-0220, 1-0234, 1-0236, 1-0332, 1-0119а 

Phones for inquiries: +38044-256-21-76, +38044-256-21-95


About the Department

The quality of pharmaceutical education is the key to the development of the pharmaceutical industry!

The pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine has a dynamic rate of growth and active development in recent years. The domestic pharmaceutical industry occupies an influential position in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market for the sale of its products. Sales of domestic medicines are almost 30% in money and 65% in consumer packaging of the total national pharmaceutical market. Leadership in the production of pharmaceutical products belongs to pharmaceutical companies located in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

Twenty-nine Kyiv pharmaceutical companies produce more than 80% of domestic medicines. More than 12500 employees work at pharmaceutical plants in the Kyiv region. The need for specialists in the pharmaceutical industry is growing every year. The implementation of international norms and standards for the quality assurance of medicines in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP) requires Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies to invest heavily in human resources. In the coming years, a modern pharmaceutical company should be provided with staff who have professional education in industrial pharmacy and well versed in the principles of good manufacturing practice, knowledge of modern technologies, approaches to product management and business processes, rules for applying regulatory functions to the pharmaceutical sector.

Kyiv National University of Technology and Design is the only institution of higher education in Kyiv that trains qualified specialists at all levels of higher education according to the educational-professional and educational-scientific programs "Industrial Pharmacy".

The development of the department, the expansion of research in the field of industrial pharmacy with the broad involvement of leading professionals, young scientists, graduate students and students in research fully meets the needs of the industry and state target programs in the health sector at both regional and national levels. Practice-oriented approach in the training of specialists in the development and production of drugs, based on the direct participation of students in the work of leading pharmaceutical companies and research at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy KNUTD, provides dynamic development of research capacity of KNUTD in the field of "Biology and Health".

In 2022, the scientific research of scientists of the KNUTD School of Pharmacy was recognized at the international level (61st place in the world ranking of the TOP-100 best scientific schools and universities that produce highly qualified specialists in medicine and pharmacy according to CEOWORLD Magazine). This contributes to the dynamic development of international cooperation in education and science.

In 2021, the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies, which includes the Department of Industrial Pharmacy, became a full member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), which allowed it to join the cooperation with leading experts in pharmaceutical education.

Dynamic and purposeful integration of educational and scientific activities of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy KNUTD to the international and European space allowed the department to reach a qualitatively new level. An important step was the creation of the Kyiv Institute of Qilu Technological University - a Chine-Ukrainian institution of higher education, in which research and teaching staff of the department successfully undergo internships, participate in the educational process, train masters of pharmaceutical industry. The expansion of international activities will contribute to the effective further development of the scientific direction of KNUTD "Fundamental technologies of active longevity" and provide training of highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine at a new level of perception of European integration processes.

History of department

The Department of Industrial Pharmacy has a history dating back to November 27, 2002, when the Department of Organic and Analytical Chemistry was established at the university. The aim of the department was to create conditions for the development of a new direction of training "Pharmacy" in the specialty "Technology of pharmaceuticals". new The department was headed by Ph.D., Professor Alla Strokan.

In 2006, the name of the department was changed on the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry.

In 2007, the Department of Industrial Pharmacy was headed by Honored scientist and technician of Ukraine, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science, Professor  Vladyslav Strashny.

In 2008, the department was accredited in the direction of 6.120201 "Pharmacy" in the specialty 6.12020103 "Technology of pharmaceuticals" (license volume - 50 people). The first graduation took place in 2008. Today at the department licensed and accredited educational-professional and educational-scientific training programs "Industrial Pharmacy" in the speciality 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy.

At the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies students majoring in Pharmacy Industrial Pharmacy is in great demand. Every year almost 100 student entrants enter this specialty. Students of this specialty have the highest quality of education. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with pharmaceutical companies in Kyiv: JSC "Farmak", PJSC "Pharmaceutical Company" Darnytsia ", JSC" Kyivmedpreparat ", PJSC NVC" Borshchahivsky HFZ ", LLC" Pharma Start "and others. The department maintains close relations with the Association of Drug Manufacturers of Ukraine, the Association of Employers of the Medical and Microbiological Industry.

The partner companies of the department provide great assistance in organizing the educational process, conducting production and technological, undergraduate practices, in improving the material and technical base.

The following disciplines are taught at the department:

  1. Analytical chemistry
  2. Analytical Foundations of a Healthy Way of Life
  3. Biochemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry
  4. Validation of Technological Process and Analytical Methods
  5. Methodology of modern scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
  6. Appropriate practices in the pharmaceutical industry
  7. Organic chemistry
  8. Basics of pharmacology, toxicology and physiology
  9. Specialized equipment and chemical and pharmaceutical production design
  10. Technology of active pharmaceutical ingredients
  11. Technologies of pharmaceutical products
  12. Pharmacognosy
  13. Pharmaceutical development of medicines
  14. Pharmaceutical system and quality control of medicines
  15. Technological processes and equipment of pharmaceutical industries
  16. Fundamentals of industrial pharmacy
  17. Medicinal plants in the human health system
  18. Phytodesign and human health
Scientific and pedagogical workers

The staff of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy includes 22 teachers. Including 5 doctors of sciences, 3 professors, 1 university professor, 14 candidates of sciences, 7 associate professors, 1 associate professor of the university and 3 assistants:

Vladyslav STRASHNYI, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Honored scientist and technician of Ukraine.

Head of Department.


In 1983 graduated from the Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy with a degree in "Pharmacy". In 2001 defended his doctoral dissertation on the scientific and practical foundations of the strategy of marketing of pharmaceutical industries, has an MBA (Master of Business Administration). Teaches lecture courses in the discipline "Standardization of pharmaceutical products". Author of the textbook "Pharmacology to help the doctor, pharmacist and student " and the manual "Modern approaches to the rational use of drugs in military medical institutions."

Volodymyr BESSARABOV, Doctor of technical sciences, Associate Professor.



In 1986 he graduated from Donetsk National University with a degree in "Biochemistry". In 1992 defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences devoted to the study of the structure and reactivity of organic matter of coal by the method of reductive activation. In 2021 defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the technology of integrated use of polymer composite materials in the manufacture of geriatric drugs. Teaches lecture courses in the following disciplines: "Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry", "Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Toxicology", "Technologies of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients", "Technologies of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients". Theory of phenomena and processes ". Author of more than 150 scientific and scientific-methodical works, has patents of Ukraine and Bulgaria. Research interests: molecular pharmacology and biogerontology, bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients, decontamination of organophosphorus compounds. Scientific adviser of the scientific direction of KNUTD "Fundamental technologies of active longevity". Scientific adviser of the educational-scientific laboratory of molecular pharmacology, hemogenomics and biogerontology of KNUTD. Manages the scientific work of the department. Current member of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists - AAPS. Expert of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (section "Biology, biotechnology and current issues of medical sciences"), expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine. Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the state certification of universities in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities (expert group "Biology and Health").

Galyna KUZMINA, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor.

Associate Professor.


In 1973 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in "Chemistry of macromolecular compounds" and in 2001 graduated from the National Pharmaceutical Academy of Ukraine with a degree in "Technology of pharmaceuticals". In 1988 defended her dissertation on mesh polyurethanes filled with tetraethylthiuram disulfide and their biodegradation.  Teaches lecture courses in the following disciplines: "Technologies of pharmaceuticals", "Industrial technology of pharmaceuticals", "Equipment of chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises", "Special equipment and design of chemical-pharmaceutical industries". Author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodical works, has copyright certificates. Member of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society. Responsible executor of research works by state order, state budget and economic contracts. Research interests: fundamental technologies of active longevity, bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical development, decontamination of organophosphorus compounds.

Galina KURYSHKO, Associate Professor of KNUTD.

Associate Professor.


In 1977 graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in "Technology of pulp and paper production." Teaches lecture courses in the following disciplines: "Organic Chemistry". Author of 5 textbooks: "Chemistry (organic chemistry)", "Chemistry (macromolecular compounds)", "Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis" and "Pharmacognostic methods of analysis", has more than 100 scientific and methodical works.

Olga NIKITINA, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor.

Associate Professor.


In 1994 graduated from Donetsk National University with a degree in "Biology". In 1999 defended her dissertation devoted to the study of the regulation of the activity of exoproteinases of the low-sedimentary action of strains of Hirschioporus laricinus (Karst.) Ryv. in the specialty "Biochemistry". Co-author of more than 40 scientific and methodical works.

Hanna TARASENKO, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Associate Professor.


In 1993 graduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry with a degree in "Technology of Leather and Fur" and in 2013 graduated from the National University of Pharmacy with a degree in "Technology of Pharmaceuticals". In 2003 defended her dissertation on the development of a method for producing chrome tannins from waste leather production and their use in leather production. Teaches lecture courses in the discipline "Pharmacognosy". Author of 9 textbooks: "General and inorganic chemistry (workshop)", "General and inorganic chemistry (general chemistry)", "General and inorganic chemistry (chemistry of elements and their compounds)", "Chemistry (organic chemistry)", "Chemistry (macromolecular compounds) "," Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis "," Chemistry "and" Pharmacognostic methods of analysis ", more than 100 scientific and methodical works, has certificates of invention.

Anna KHARITONENKO, PhD in Biology.

Associate Professor.


In 1998 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, majoring in Biochemistry. In 2008 defended her dissertation devoted to the study of the kinetics of lipid metabolism enzymes. Teaches lecture courses in the following disciplines: "Organic Chemistry", "Analytical Foundations of a Healthy Lifestyle". Author of more than 40 scientific papers. Research interests: kinetics of enzymatic reactions, the role of oxidative processes in the development of pathologies and cell aging.




In 2015 he graduated from Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, received a master's degree in "Technology of Pharmaceuticals". Author of more than 20 scientific papers and participant in international conferences, has patents.


Tatiana DERKACH, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD in Chemistry, Professor.



In 1987 graduated from Oles Honchar Dnipro National University with a degree in "Chemistry". In 2000 defended her dissertation "Plasma chemical sample preparation for atomic absorption analysis" in the specialty 02.00.02 - analytical chemistry. In 2015 defended her doctoral dissertation devoted to the substantiation of theoretical and methodological bases of training future specialists in chemical specialties by means of information technology. Teaches lecture courses in the following disciplines: "Analytical chemistry and physicochemical methods of analysis, "Pharmaceutical quality system". Author of more than 200 publications in the scientific literature, of which: 3 monographs, 7 textbooks (including "Methods of atomic spectroscopy: atomic absorption spectral analysis") (4 are stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). Has 5 patents for inventions. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Biology, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Subcommittee on Chemistry).


Andriy GOY, PhD in Pharmacy, Associate professor.



In 2001 he graduated with honors from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic University" with a degree in "Automated process control". In 2018 he defended his dissertation "Development and implementation of a universal model of organization of production of parenteral drugs on the basis of project management" in the specialty 15.00.01 - drug technology, organization of pharmaceutical business and forensic pharmacy. He completed an internship and advanced training in the United States in the field of research and internship program: "Pilot animal studies to establish Influenza A challenge animal model for efficacy evaluation of Farmak's antiviral compound" (January, 2019). Participated in the conference "DIA Europe 2019", Vienna, Austria, 2019. Author of 30 scientific papers, of which: 29 scientific and 1 educational and methodological nature, 15 scientific papers published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional journals, 2 publications in periodical scientific professional publications, which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, a patent for a utility model UA 111 775, copyright certificate As. 65096, methodical recommendations "Scientific and methodical approaches to identification and assessment of risks of joint production of parenteral drugs" and 12 scientific publications in others. scientific publications, materials of international scientific-practical conferences and the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine.

Roman KACHAN, PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Associate Professor.


In 2003 he graduated from Kyiv National University of Technology and Design with a degree in Shoe, Leather and Fur Technology. In 2008 he defended his dissertation "Development of the drug and technology of antiseptic treatment of skin and fur." Manages the scientific work of masters. Author of more than 40 scientific and scientific-methodical works.

Vyacheslav KULYK, PhD in Biology.

Associate Professor.


In 2005 he graduated from Nizhyn State University. M.V. Gogol, specialty "Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Geography and biology ". In 2016 he defended his dissertation on the specialty "Human and Animal Physiology", now a researcher at Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He gives a course of lectures on the subject "Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Physiology". Laureate of the President's Award of Ukraine for Young Scientists 2017, member of the Ukrainian Society of Neuroscience and the Ukrainian Physiological Society. The scientific work is devoted to the study of molecular mechanisms of influence of endogenous opioids on pain P2X-receptors in sensory neurons of spinal ganglia. Author of 20 scientific papers published in professional international and domestic periodicals.

Educational and laboratory facilities

To ensure the educational process, the Department of Industrial Pharmacy has educational facilities and modern laboratories.

Educational facilities:

  • lecture hall (1-0119a)
  • lecture hall (1-332)
  • course and diploma design (room 1-0213).


  • physico-chemical methods of analysis of dosage forms (room 1-0209)
  • organic chemistry (room 1-0218, 1-0220)
  • biochemistry and analytical chemistry (room 1-0207)
  • pharmaceutical chemistry (room 1-0211)
  • Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, Chemogenomics and Biogerontology (1-0219, 1-234, 1-236).

The material and technical base of the department allows to educate students taking into account the best domestic and foreign standards of education. The department has a specialized educational and scientific laboratory of molecular pharmacology, chemogenomics and biogerontology, which involves the best students. Laboratories are equipped with the most modern equipment.

Research activities

The scientific direction "Biology and Health Care" at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design was started together with the formation of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy only 17 years ago. Today, this area is one of the fastest growing among the research areas of the university, both in terms of staffing and the pace of expansion of research.

The formation of a scientific school in the field of "Biology and Health" began with the approval of the Academic Council of the University in 2016 a new scientific direction of KNUTD "Fundamental technologies of active longevity" and the opening of educational and scientific laboratory of molecular pharmacology, chemogenomics and biogerontology (MPCB Laboratory) (scientific director Doctor of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Industrial Pharmacy Department Volodymyr Bessarabov).

The high level of research work performed in the laboratory was confirmed by the results of successful state certification. Kyiv National University of Technology and Design is certified in the scientific field "Biology and Health", category B, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 372 of March 25, 2021 "On the results of state certification of higher education institutions and science of Ukraine, in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities. "

The staff of the MPCB Laboratory research team is dynamically growing in terms of quantity and quality and is as follows today:

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Director of the Laboratory Bessarabov Volodymyr;

PhD in Chemistry,  Associate professor, senior researcher Kuzmina Galyna (responsible researcher of GDR);

PhD in Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher Saliy Olena;

PhD in biology, senior researcher Kharitonenko Anna;

Head of the educational laboratory Lisovy Vadym;

postgraduate student Zderko Nazar;

postgraduate student Obolonyk Anton;

postgraduate student Pashchenko Irina;

postgraduate student Oliynyk Dmytro;

postgraduate student Boguslavsky Eugene;

postgraduate student Kovalevska Olga;

postgraduate student Povshedna Iryna;

postgraduate student Kostyuk Victor;

postgraduate student Sachenko Yevheniya;

postgraduate student Smishko Roman;

senior laboratory assistant Ladan Alexander;

senior laboratory assistant Kharchenko Artem;

senior laboratory assistant Savchenko Karina;

senior laboratory assistant Lyzhnyuk Victoria.

Educational and scientific laboratory of Molecular pharmacology, Chemogenomics and Biogerontology

scientific director,  

Doctor of technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Volodymyr Bessarabov

Department of Industrial Pharmacy

Address: Kyiv, street Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 2,

building 1, floor 2, laboratory 1-219.




Fundamental technologies of active longevity.



  1. Development of composite materials based on pharmaceutically acceptable polymers to increase the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
  2. Research of biological activity of extracts from biotechnological plant staff for the purpose of development of pharmaceutical compositions of anti-inflammatory and antiviral action.
  3. Investigation in silico and in vitro of pleiotropic effects of biologically active substances as antioxidants, inhibitors of human cholinesterases and 15-lipoxygenase, which are aimed at finding new active pharmaceutical ingredients of drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
  4. Development of drugs with controlled release of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
  5. Development of perfumes and cosmetics with medicinal properties.
  6. Development and research of nanostructured ecologically safe systems of decontamination of organophosphorus toxic substances (pesticides and active pharmaceutical ingredients) and technologies of equipment cleaning of chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises.


  • Scanning UV-Vis spectrophotometer Optizen POP (Mecasys, South Korea).
  • Scanning UV-Vis spectrophotometer Specord 200 (Analytik Jena, Germany).
  • FTIR spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer Spectrum 1000 (Perkin Elmer, USA).
  • Semi-automatic biochemical analyzer Biochem SA (High Technology, USA).
  • Agilent 1100 Series HPLC chromatograph (Agilent, UK).
  • Amperometric Detector (Biotech Instruments, UK).
  • Laboratory installation of water treatment RO-4 (Werner, Germany).
  • Installation for obtaining high-purity water Sartorius Stedim biotech Arium H2O pro DI-T (Sartorius, UK)
  • AccuLab ALC 110.4 analytical balance (Sartorius, UK).
  • pH meter pH-150 MI (RF).       
  • Expandable ionAnalyzer EA 9256 (Orion Research, UK).
  • Installation for determining the melting point of Buchi Melting Point B-545 (Buchi, Switzerland).
  • Programmable Rheometer Brookfield Model DV-III (Brookfield, UK).
  • Thermo Temperature Controlled Bath PSl Rheotek TCB-8 (Brookfield, UK).
  • Buchi Extraction Unit B-815 (Buchi, Switzerland).
  • Thermostat Brookfield TC-200, TC-350 (Brookfield, UK).
  • Installation for studying the dissolution kinetics of solid dosage forms Vankel VK7000, VR750D, VK8000 (Vankel, USA).
  • Installation for studying the kinetics of decomposition of solid dosage forms (PharmaTest, Germany).
  • Laboratory microcentrifuge CM-8 (Micromed, China).
  • Laboratory centrifuge CM-3 (Micromed, PRC).
  • Robotic analyzer of antioxidants and free radicals PHOTOCHEM (Analytik Jena, Germany).
  • Shaker SF1 (Stuart, UK).
  • Tablet hardness tester VK 200 (Varian, Inc., USA).
  • Conductometer portable KP-150 MI (RF).
  • Atomic absorption spectrometer Unicam 929A Spectrometer (Unicam, USA).
  • Thermostat for ditch DB-10C (Biosan, Latvia).
  • TS-100C Thermo-shaker with cooling for Eppendorf test tubes with SC-24C unit (Biosan, Latvia).
  • VanKel VK200 tablet hardness tester (Vankel, USA).
  • Sanyo Gallenkamp melting point device (Sanyo, Japan).
  • Scales moisture meter RADWAG MA 50.R (RADWAG, Republic of Poland).
  • Photocolorimeter KFK-2 (RF).
  • Scanning UV-Vis spectrophotometer Lambda 25 (Perkin Elmer, USA).
  • Laboratory pH / mV / EC / TDS / Temp AD8000 multimeter (Adwa, Hungary).
  • Tablet press EP-1 Vers2 (Erweka, Germany).
  • DT 800 LH dissolution tester (Erweka, Germany).
  • FRL 804 sampling device (Erweka, Germany).


  • Development and validation of bioanalytical methods for determining the concentration of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and their metabolites in various biological fluids and tissues (blood plasma, urine, etc.);
  • Routine analysis of samples according to validated methods;
  • Determination of pharmacokinetic parameters;
  • Preparation of research reports in accordance with national and international requirements.

A set of in vitro studies in the ADMET category (absorption, partition, metabolism, excretion and toxicity) used in the modern global pharmaceutical industry to develop and improve new drug candidates at an early preclinical stage.

A wide range of in silico research in the field of chemoinformatics, hemogenomics and bioinformatics:

  • Selection of various compounds according to structural or pharmacophore criteria from the composition of API registered in the world pharmacopoeias in accordance with the requirements of the task (customer).
  • Selection of candidate molecules through virtual screening based on molecular docking and pharmacophore modeling.
  • Evaluation of physicochemical properties based on computer calculations or experiment.
  • Molecular dynamics calculations and conformation analysis of biomolecules.
  • Identification of binding centers and construction of a pharmacophore model.
  • Estimated assessment of specific pharmacological activity.
  • Potential pharmacological profile using ADME-Tox tests.
  • Definition a structure-activity link (QSAR) and a structure-property link (QSPR).
  • Prediction in silico of API metabolism sites for cytochromes P450 (5 basic of human).
  • Prediction in silico of API-induced changes in the gene expression profile (separately for protein and mRNA).
  • Prediction in silico of API cytotoxicity for tumor and non-tumor cell lines.
  • Prediction of in silico endotoxicity (acute toxicity) of LD50 based on QSAR analysis of toxicological effects of chemicals on model organisms (rats) at four types of administration (oral, intravenous, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous).
  • Prediction in silico of exotoxicity (environmental toxicity) based on QSAR calculation for the following indicators: 96-hour golian (lat. Phoxinus) in 50% of lethal concentration, 48-hour daphnia magna (lat. Daphniamagna) in 50% of lethal concentration, Tetrahymena pyriformis in 50% of the concentration of growth inhibition and bioaccumulation factor.



  • Physico-chemical properties.
  • Determination of melting point (installation for determining the melting point of Buchi Melting Point B-545 (Buchi, Switzerland).
  • Determination of dissolution in water, polar and non-polar solvents (kinetic and thermodynamic measurements with UV-Vis and HPLC quantitative detection of solutes).
  • Analysis of chemical stability in aqueous buffer solutions at different pH values (kinetic and thermodynamic measurements with UV-Vis and HPLC quantitative detection of solutes).
  • LogD / LogP lipophilicity study.
  • Investigation of the dynamic viscosity and other rheological characteristics of liquid and pasty APIs (Programmable Rheometer Brookfield Model DV-III (Brookfield, UK)).

Metabolism of API in vitro

  • Kinetic studies of the stability of API in human serum (with UV-Vis and HPLC quantitative detection of substances).

Specific pharmacological activity:

  • Kinetic studies of inhibition of human serum butyrylcholinesterase with determination of Ki and IC50 (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Kinetic studies of acetylcholinesterase inhibition with determination of Ki and IC50 (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Kinetic studies of 15-lipoxygenase inhibition with determination of Ki and IC50 (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Kinetic studies of activation / inhibition of superoxide dismutase (SOD) with determination of Ki and IC50 (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Study of inhibition of peroxidation of human plasma proteins (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Study of inhibition of lipid peroxidation of human blood plasma (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Investigation of inhibition of free radical formation in the chemical RedOx system based on auto-oxidation of adrenaline (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • In vitro study of the potential cardiotonic activity of API (with UV-Vis quantitative detection).
  • Investigation of the photoprotective properties of API in different ranges of the UV spectrum (with UV-Vis quantitative detection). 



  • Pharmacopoeial dissolution test for solid dosage forms (installation for studying the dissolution kinetics of Vankel VK7000, VR750D, VK8000 (Vankel, USA), followed by UV-Vis or HPLC quantitative detection).
  • In vitro comparative studies to confirm the equivalence of drugs in solid dosage form of systemic action (installation to study the dissolution kinetics of Vankel VK7000, VR750D, VK8000 (Vankel, USA), followed by UV-Vis or HPLC quantitative detection).
  • Pharmacopoeial disintegrationTest for solid dosage forms (device for studying the degradation kinetics (PharmaTest, Germany), followed by UV-Vis or HPLC quantitative detection).
  • Determination of weight, hardness, diameter and thickness of tablets.
  • Study of dynamic viscosity and other rheological characteristics of ointments, pastes and gels (Programmable Rheometer Brookfield Model DV-III (Brookfield, UK)).
  • Study of chemical compatibility and stability of API and excipients.



  • Development of technology (chemical production schemes, technological schemes and technological regulations of production) of APIs and medicines in accordance with GMP requirements.
  • Development of regulatory documentation of various levels for the production of APIs and medicines.
  • Identification of risks to quality in the technological process of production of APIs and drugs.




Perspectives for students

Meetings of graduate students with representatives of leading pharmaceutical companies are organized to attract promising young people, selection and step-by-step training of future professionals. Annual meetings of 4th and 5th year students with employees of Arterium Corporation take place within the framework of the Internship Program. Students are informed about the possibility of internship in a corporation and further employment in the pharmaceutical industry.

Participation in the Program is based on the principles of openness, fairness and equal opportunities for all, as well as adherence to ethical norms and high professionalism.

Students of the department take an active part in the annual scientific-practical conference "School of young scientists of the leader of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine - PJSC" Farmak ". This gives KNUTD students the opportunity to learn the invaluable experience of specialists of PJSC "Farmak", necessary for future qualified specialists in the pharmaceutical industry.

Students also take an active part in the annual forums dedicated to the partnership between business and higher education institutions, attend PHARMPROM exhibitions, the program of which includes presentations of equipment of well-known brands for research at the stages of development, production and quality control of pharmaceuticals.

The dynamic development of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine is based on six components: pharmaceutical education, science, the pharmaceutical industry, the state system of quality control of medicines, the pharmacy network and the information field of pharmacy.

Only under the condition of coordinated effective work of all these links is it possible to achieve the main goal of pharmacy - to ensure the health of the nation.

Ukraine's aspirations for integration into the European economic and educational space are reflected in the main trends in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. World standards of good manufacturing, pharmaceutical, laboratory and distribution practices are widely implemented in the areas of production and circulation of medicines.

Modernization of higher education institutions that train specialists for the pharmaceutical industry is aimed at joining the pharmaceutical education of Ukraine to the Bologna process.


Graduates of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy work at the leading pharmaceutical enterprises of Ukraine: PJSC "FF" Darnytsia ", PJSC" Farmak ", Corporation "Arterium", PJSC "Kyivmedpreparat", PJSC NVC "Borshchahivsky HFZ", etc., State Enterprise "State Pharmacological Center" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, enterprises for quality control of medicines, as well as in commercial corporations engaged in the sale of pharmaceuticals. After graduation, they have the opportunity to work as experts of the technical expertise group, specialists in registration and standardization of medicines, foremen of sites and shops of pharmaceutical companies and many others. Our graduates have competencies in the organization and management of the production of medicines, the operation of technological equipment, the pharmaceutical development of new or improvement of existing drugs, the validation of the technological process and analytical techniques, the production of cosmetics and others.