Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Design



Head of Department of Graphic Design, Doctor of Study of Art, Professor

Address: 2, Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovych-Danchenko) Str., Academic building 1, Room 1-0441

Phone: +38044-256-29-80


About the Department
History of the Department

The Department of Graphic Design was established in June 2000. The founder of the Department was Professor, People's Artist of Ukraine V.G. Kolesnikov, who headed the Department for almost 15 years. The opening of the Department became the foundation for the development of artistic specialization in KNUTD and opened the way for improving the training of graphic designers.

In 2003, the Department opened a professional direction "Graphic Design" (within the direction of training "Design") for the training graphics and advertising, which reflected the needs of modern Ukraine in highly professional specialists, able to create a visual culture of the country at a decent level. The author's vision of the teaching staff of the Department in terms of the educational process is aimed at the maximum achievement of the set goal. Since then, the Department has been granting degrees in the specialty 022 "Design", training professional graphic designers in bachelor's programs in "Graphic Design", and master's program in "Design (by types)".

Students of the Department of Graphic Design acquire fundamental knowledge and professional skills in the following courses: "Graphic Design", "Composition in a Design Project", "Integrated Design" and many others in educational and creative workshops under the guidance of their teachers.

The Department has strong creative ties with the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Arts and Design named after M. Boychuk, and other art institutions in Ukraine.

Academic Staff

Today the Department has a strong teaching staff, a strong team of professional practitioners and scientists. The vast majority of teachers of the Department are members of the creative unions of Ukraine - the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the Union of Designers of Ukraine.

The teachers of the Department actively work in the field of graphic design, regularly exhibit their projects and creative works at international, all-Ukrainian design forums and art exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, improve their professional level at regional and international plein airs, affirming the positive image of KNUTD, contributing to the development links with European artists and designers, popularizing the Ukrainian design graphic school and visual art in Europe.

The scientific and teaching staff constantly strengthens creative ties, actively integrates into the European scientific and creative community, in particular, participates in international Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Slovak, German, French, and Austrian cultural projects, competitions, exhibitions, and also consults students, expert work in easel graphics and graphic design, exchange of experience in educational and scientific activities.

The Department is systematically replenished with young graduates. Leading specialists in graphic design, figures of scientific institutions and organizations, and teachers of higher educational institutions of an artistic profile are involved in the educational process.

Ruslana BEZUGLA, Doctor of art history, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine

Graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and received a specialist diploma (specialty "Folk art creativity") and a master's degree from the National Academy of Culture and Arts Managers (master of design). Conducts consultations on diploma projects and master's theses. He is a member of the editorial boards of category "B" magazines: "Ukrainian Art History Discourse", "Contemporary Art", "Art History of Ukraine". The author of more than 200 printed scientific works in professional collections and magazines in Ukrainian and English. Active participant of international conferences and congresses of culture in Ukraine and abroad. She was awarded the Medal "People's Honor to Ukrainian Scientists 1918-2018" and the Diploma of the International Academy of Rating Technologies and Sociology "Golden Fortune" (2019).


Olga YEZHOVA, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Candidate of technical sciences, Professor, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

Graduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1992. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences since 2017, specialty 13.00.04 - "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education". Dissertation topic "Theoretical and methodological foundations of creating predictive models for training specialists in vocational and technical educational institutions of the sewing profile." In 2021, she completed her studies at the Khmelnytskyi National University, received a master's degree in the educational program "Secondary education. Labor training and technologies, informatics" with the qualification "Teacher of labor training and technologies, specialized training (artistic processing of materials), drawing. Informatics teacher. Teacher of artistic and technological disciplines, labor training methods and technologies." Leading lecturer in the disciplines "Pedagogical technologies in the training of designers", "Technology for Modern Design Activities and Methodology". Conducts consultations on diploma projects and master's theses. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal indexed in the scientometric database Web of Science: Romanian Journal of Multidimensional Education, as well as professional publications of category B of Ukraine: "Art&Design", "Herald of Postgraduate Education", etc. The author of more than 100 scientific and methodical works, including 3 textbooks with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, 3 monographs, more than 70 scientific articles in publications of various levels, about 20 methodological developments, abstracts of lectures on disciplines, as well as abstracts of reports at all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences. Manages the work of the student research group "Graphic design in the visual culture of the 20th-21st centuries", was awarded the Thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2019), the Thanks of the KNUTD (2021), the diploma of the KNUTD (2024).


Yevhen GULAProfessor, Honored worker of education of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Works in the field of easel and monumental art. Participant of exhibitions of international and national levels. He played a leading role in the implementation of the "Graphic Design and Advertising" specialization at the Department. He has many methodical developments in plastic anatomy, the basics of composition, etc. The works of Ye. P. Gula are kept in private collections of Ukraine, Germany, and Poland. Author of 45 research papers.


Mykhailo RUDENKO, Professor, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture with honors (Surikovsky scholarship holder). Interned abroad. Has teaching experience in educational institutions abroad. His students continue their studies at the Sorbonne (France) and at the Vienna Academy of Arts, a member of the Union of Artists of Berlin, a member of the International Union of Museum Workers (the art expert is involved in international projects and popularization of Ukrainian art in the mass media). Works in the field of painting, graphics and plastic arts. Participant of more than 56 international exhibitions and many exhibitions of national and regional level. Creative works are kept in private collections and galleries in Ukraine, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Canada, USA. Author of more than 20 scientific works.


Sviatoslav PODLEVSKY, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (painting section), Member of the All-Ukrainian Union of Creative Artists "BZh-ART"

Graduated from T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium». The author of a complex and unique study of monuments of epigraphy and writing Chernigov X-XVII centuries. "Graffiti of Chernigov in the socio-cultural space of the 10th-17th centuries", Chernihiv: SCRIPTORIUM, 2018. Artist, participant of Ukrainian and international art exhibitions, PhD, art critic. Founder and curator of the art space Library  Art Center in Chernihiv. Curator of projects of the Ukrainian center of contemporary art "Soviart". Works are kept in museums and private collections of Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Canada, USA.


Oleksandr KROTEVYCH, PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor

Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Culture and Arts. Artist, designer, PhD in Art Studies, specialty 022 Design. Participant of Ukrainian and international art exhibitions. Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine. Works in monumental art, graphics, painting, and graphic design. His creative works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad. 10 research papers have been published in specialized editions of Ukraine, in scientific editions of the EU countries, in collections of materials of all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences.


Oksana MAZNICHENKO, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. He works in the leading publishing houses of Ukraine in the field of book illustration, a laureate of international and all-Ukrainian competitions. Creative works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad. Author of more than 50 scientific works. Organizer and curator of exhibitions and competitions in the field of graphic design.


Marianna NEROZNA, PhD in Cultural Studies

Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, National Academy of Culture and Arts Managers. PhD in Cultural Studies, specialty 26.00.01 - "Theory and history of culture", the topic "Preserving cultural diversity in the era of globalization (mid-20th - beginning of the 21st century)". The author of more than 30 scientific works on the issues of preserving cultural diversity in the age of globalization, development of design education, issues of modern art. Regular participant in conferences, contests, exhibitions on design and painting. The works of M. O. Nerozna are kept in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and Spain.



Graduated from the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical Institute and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine. Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 034 "Culturology". Field of scientific interests: fine arts, cultural studies, social history of art, everyday culture. More than 30 scientific works have been published in professional publications of category B of Ukraine and collections of materials of all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences.


Alla OSADCHA, senior teacher

Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Participant of national and regional level exhibitions. Has methodological developments in graphic techniques. Works in easel painting and graphics. Her creative works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad. Author of more than 50 research papers.



Anastasia BARANOVSKA, PhD, Senior Teacher

Graduated from Kyiv National University named after T. G. Shevchenko, National Academy of Culture and Arts Managers. Art historian, Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 023 "Fine art, decorative art, restoration".

Publisher of the catalog and curator of the personal exhibition of the artist Oleksiy Glazunov "Geometry of aspirations" at the Kyiv Museum of History, the author of a critical essay for the catalog of the exhibition of the artist Oleksiy Potapenko and scientific works in specialized publications of category B and in a collective monograph published by a European publisher. Scientific interests: realistic painting, limits of art, modern art, history of graphic design.


Bohdan TIMOFIENKO, Senior Teacher

Graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine named after Sikorsky Has practical experience in the field of graphic design, pre-press preparation of publications, automation in the Adobe program package. Created more than 20 websites.

Postgraduate student of the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine. The author of scientific works on the issues of technological art in the digital age. Regular participant of scientific conferences.


Aurelia KOLESNIKOVA, Senior Teacher

Graduated from the National Academy of Managers of Culture and Arts, Institute of Advertising in 2017. She received the qualification of a design specialist in the specialty 022 Design. Practicing artist, graphic artist, designer. According to the results of scientific research, 2 5 articles were published in specialized editions of Ukraine, 1 article in Scopus, 5 abstracts of reports at all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences.


Daria KUROVSKA, assistant

Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Works in graphic design. Participant in international and all-Ukrainian design and artistic creativity competitions.


Maria KOVALENKO, assistant

Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Works in illustration, graphic design, and animation. Head of creative projects for the development of modern Ukrainian illustration, namely: development of book graphics, comics, and posters. Participant in exhibitions of national and international levels. Her graphic works are in private collections in Ukraine, England, America, Indonesia, Germany, and Japan.


Yelizaveta DEREVYANKO, assistant

Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, specialty 023 Fine Arts. Works in graphics, painting, and book design.



Oleksandr VASILYEV, assistant

Graduated from International Solomon University in 2007, received a master's degree in "Marketing". He has experience of practical work in a design studio for designing websites. In 2024, he defended his thesis for the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 022 "Design", the topic of his thesis was "Design of e-commerce websites: evolution, aesthetic aspects". According to the results of scientific research, more than 10 articles have been published in scientific specialized publications of category "B" of Ukraine, 13 theses of reports in collections of materials of international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.


Training and Laboratory Premises

The Department of Graphic Design has creative workshops for conducting practical classes in the courses "Integrated Design", "Corporate Identity", "Fonts and Typography", which are provided with modern equipment and software.

To conduct lectures and practical classes in special courses, classrooms and creative design studios function at the Department. In the recreational areas, there are samples of student work and works of the teachers, professional designers, of the Department.

The department's material and technical base is constantly being developed and updated. Art studios, design studios, studio-laboratories, educational and creative workshops and laboratories function at the department:

  • 1-0181 - Educational and creative workshop on "Complex design-projection" and "Design-graphics";
  • 1-0178 - Educational and creative workshop on "Design-graphics";
  • 1-0186 - Educational and scientific laboratory "Graphic design";
  • 1-0188 - Educational studio of font composition.

All components of the material and technical support of the educational process of the Department are constantly developed and updated. The Department has studios for the development of complex design projects, including:

  • Training creative workshop on designing character font compositions
  • Training creative workshop on the project and design graphics – 5 workshops
  • Training creative workshop on drawing and painting – 2 workshops
  • Training creative workshop on composition
  • Training creative workshop on designing advertising graphics
  • Training creative workshop on prototyping and working in the material
  • Training creative workshop on art history and material culture

In the studios of composition and color science, design and graphic design, the students of the Department, led by the supervisors, experienced specialists in graphic design, put into practice theoretical knowledge, improve practical skills in working with graphic editors, and visualization of projects.

In design studios and creative laboratories, students perform graphic developments for international and all-Ukrainian competitions, make and develop creative design projects for social and advertising areas, create and prepare competitive and exhibition works of graphic design for exposition.

The training of experts in graphic design provides for the widespread use of computer learning technologies and software for the educational process. When conducting lectures, multimedia tools are used, and practical classes, especially in skill-oriented and practical courses, are held in the computer labs of the University, where the software necessary for the implementation of the curriculum is installed.


Educational Programs

The Department of Graphic Design graduates in the specialty 022 "Design", educational programs "Graphic Design" (bachelor's degree), "Design (by types)" (master's degree).

Bachelor educational program

Specialty: 022 "Design"

Educational program: "Graphic design"

Level of higher education: "Bachelor"

Study period: 8 semesters (3 years 10 months)

ECTS credits: 240

Language of instruction: Ukrainian


Master's educational program

Specialty: 022 "Design"

Educational program: "Design (by

Study period: 3 semesters (1 year 4 months)

ECTS credits: 90

Language of instruction: Ukrainian

Art Schools


The founder of the art school is an artist, graphic artist, Excellence in Education, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Professor Yevhen Gula.

The school operates towards the development of art and graphic design in Ukraine; research on current aspects of visual art and design development; identification and formation of modern trends in the improvement of painting and graphic design in the context of sustainable development.

Outcomes of the art schools:

  • the works are exhibited in museums around the world, in particular in Germany, Poland, China, Switzerland, Germany, France, Malaysia, USA, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc .;
  • the monumental and decorative works, located in Ukraine (Kyiv, Poltava, Lubny, Drohobych), have been developed;
  • more than 3000 works (monumental and decorative art, painting, graphics, sculpture, graphic design), 30 publications, including monographs and catalogs.


The founder of the art school is People's Artist of Ukraine, artist, member of the NSHU, professor Volodymyr Hryhorovych Kolesnikov.

The main activity of the art school is the development of Ukrainian art and graphic design; research of current problems of culture, art, design.; identification and formation of modern trends in the improvement of painting and graphic design in the context of sustainable development.

Results of art school activities:

The teachers of the department, who actively work within the framework of the art school, conduct active exhibition and educational activities, exhibit their creative works and graphic projects in museums of Ukraine and countries of the world: Germany, Austria, China, Switzerland, Belgium, etc. The art school participants have more than 3,000 works in the field of fine arts, monumental and decorative art, graphics, graphic design, scientific publications, monographs, and catalogs.

A significant contribution to scientific creative research was made by a professor of the Department of Graphic Design Yevhen Gula – the author of the book, in which plastic anatomy is viewed as the primary basis of academic drawing. An innovative approach in presenting the material contributes to students’ interest in further knowledge deepening of anatomy and plastic which helps with the creation of aesthetic vision and upbringing of artistic taste for future artists and designers.

Scientific activity

On the basis of scientific research carried out by the department, at the request of state and public institutions, art and other educational institutions, enterprises and organizations, many design developments of corporate style projects, artistic and artistic decoration of the interior space, as well as in the field of creating social and artistic projects, have been carried out. are of urgent relevance in modern society.


Main directions of the Department’s scientific work are:

  • Creative research work of the scientific and pedagogical workers of the Department at exhibitions, scientific and creative symposiums, publication of creative works on painting and graphics in the media (Professor Ye.P. Gula, associate professors M.F. Rudenko, A.V. Krotevych, senior teacher A.N. Osadcha)
  • Design education in the context of the modern society culture (Professor Ye. P. Gula, Associate Professor M.F. Rudenko, Associate Professor O.V. Maznichenko, A.V. Krotevych);
  • Research problems of design education in Ukraine (Professor R. I. Bezuhla, professor O. V. Yezhova);
  • Peculiarities of perception by students of the artistic direction in preparation of scientific research issues in design (Professor O.V. Yezhova, Docent O.V. Maznichenko).
Courses Taught at the Department

Teaching staff of the Department conduct different types of academic load (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, course and diploma projects and others) in the courses assigned to the Department of Graphic Design.

The following courses are taught at the Department:

  • Graphic design
  • History of art and design
  • Computer graphics
  • Complex design
  • Composition and color science
  • Identity
  • Fonts and typography
  • Font design
  • Modern design methods
  • Project graphics
  • Modeling and prototyping
  • Design of advertising graphics

Programs developed by the teachers for the above courses are authorial and take into account the best practice of design education of relevant design schools in Ukraine and worldwide.

Over the years of the Department’s existence the academic staff published more than 20 academic and teaching methodological aids, monographs in the direction of research and creative activities, among which the following works may be considered the most significant:

  1. Знаково-символічні засоби візуальної ідентифікації бренду : монографія / С. В. Оганесян, О. В. Колісник. Київ : КНУТД, 2024. 212 с.
  2. Адаптивна роль плакату в контексті розвитку сучасного мистецтва : колективна монографія / під наук. ред. М. В. Колосніченко. Київ : КНУТД, 2023. 220 с.
  3. Графічний дизайн в інформаційному та візуальному просторі: монографія / М. В. Колосніченко та ін. Київ: КНУТД, 2022. 226 с.
  4. Гула Є. П. Пластична анатомія — основа рисунка. К. : [Видано за сприянням Київської спілки художників книги], 2013. 344 с.
  5. Колісник О. В. Дизайн в контексті самоідентифікаційних соціокультурних практик. монографія. К.: КНУТД, 2020. 224 с.
Education seekers

At the Department of Graphic Design more than 700 full-time students and 60 students of the correspondence department are trained. Students regularly participate in professional international, and regional contests, exhibitions and receive awards (All-Ukrainian students festival of exhibition technologies «Expo Star», «International contest of poster and computer animation», and All-Ukrainian art exhibitions  including having the opportunity to demonstrate their works in exhibition center "Art Space" at KNUTD).

In the process of training, students of the Department perform plenty of creative developments, they constantly participate in all-Ukranian and international competitions for young artists, graphic artists, illustrator designers, and designers of corporate identity, where they constantly win prize awards.

Students of the Department under their teachers’ supervision are the participants and laureates of the following all-Ukrainian and international creative professional competitions:

  • International contest of young designers «Pecherski Kashtany»
  • All-Ukrainian students festival of exhibition technologies «Expo Star»
  • All-Ukrainian contest of designers «Suzirya «Kashtan»»
  • All-Ukrainian contest of drawing among students of art educational institutions
  • International contest of poster and computer animation
  • All-Ukrainian art exhibitions of young artists in art, project design and corporate identity

The recreational premises of the Department are used as an exhibition hall to demonstrate the creative works of both teachers of the Department, professional artists, and students of the University. Over the period of 2000-2023, more than 50 art exhibitions were held by the Department of Graphic Design.

Thus, students can to study the courses in the direction of «Design» and also to take a direct part in the artistic activities of Ukraine.

In addition, in recent years students of the Department of Graphic Design, future graphic designers, are permanent members of the international projects «By poster on costs» and «Energy-saving University».


Posters of winning students of the international competition "SAVE ENERDGY"
(authors - students Kryzhanivska K., Solodka D., Kurovska D., Drapun L., supervisors Assoc. Maznichenko O.V., Kugai T.A.), 2019








Opportunities for Students

The Department of Graphic Design has all the conditions for the full acquisition of knowledge and skills by future specialists who must be fluent in modern artistic means to fully reveal their abilities in real projects. An in-depth study of the basics of graphic design and its combination with computer-aided design makes it possible to present domestic products in a competitive manner.In the course of their studies, students learn the basics of scientific research in the field of design and modern research methods.

The educational process actively uses effective teaching methods, modern creative developments of designers, the latest examples of artistic creativity of the world's leading artists, computer equipment.

The department's educational programs provide students with educational practice (1st and 2nd bachelor's courses), production (3rd bachelor's course, 1st master's course) and pre-diploma practice (4th bachelor's course, 2nd master's course). As part of practice, students visit art exhibitions and museums: National Science and Nature Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Kyiv Zoological Park; National Museum of the History of Ukraine; greenhouses of VDNG and the National Botanical Garden named after Grishka; National Reserve "Sofia Kyivska", National Museum of Architecture and Life of Ukraine and other locations. Work in the exhibition space and museum funds is the basis for the creation and implementation of creative works and project developments of the acquirers.

Protection of practice reports


Production and pre-diploma internships of bachelors and masters take place at modern enterprises of Ukraine, in particular, LLC "Arthass Publishing House", Kyiv, LLC "Center of Modern Design", Odessa, LLC "Takava", Kyiv, LLC Advertising Agency " Art Master", Zhytomyr, LLC "Bureau of Marketing Technologies", Kyiv, LLC "YUSTON" Publishing and Printing Company, Kyiv, LLC "YUBIAY PAK Studio", Kyiv, LLC "Nova Reklama", Kyiv and many others. Based on the results of practices, students acquire skills in drawing and stylizing objects, including using computer programs, get acquainted with the technologies, equipment and organization of modern printing productions, as well as traditional and new materials in graphic design.

At the Faculty of Design of KNUTD there is a postgraduate program and the training of doctors of philosophy in the specialty 022 "Design" is carried out.Students of the department have the opportunity, studying in the 3rd and 4th courses, to receive a military education and receive a corresponding diploma of the state model.

Student Сlubs

Students of the Department of Graphic Design under their teachers’ supervision perform analytical creative and scientific research works, acquire skills of material gathering, analisis, generalizations, and justification of scientific conclusions – in other words they develop their analytical thinking which will become the basis for their further design activity.

The Department has organized and successfully operates student creative and scientific clubs, whose activities are aimed at improving the professional skills of students, activating their creative potential and skills.

The scientific group "Graphic design in the visual culture of the 20th - 21st centuries" functions at the department (scientific supervisors: Department of Art, Assoc. Bezugla R.I., Doctor of Pedagogy, Prof. Yezhova O.V.)

The purpose of the scientific circle is to form students a deep understanding of the relationship between design, aesthetics and culture in graphic arts, with an emphasis on studying the impact of these aspects on modern trends in graphic design. Main tasks: analysis and research of modern trends in graphic design; organization of exchange of students' creative ideas, as well as development of critical analysis and creative thinking skills; assistance in the development and implementation of students' creative projects.


Graduates of the Department – experts in graphic design actively work in advertising, at organizations on the development of corporate identity (logos, emblems, business documents, business cards, packaging), in the publishing field, on TV (acquisition of animation technologies), at enterprises where the design of entertainment activities takes place. Acquisition of computer technologies enables to design promo products in the interior.

Professional skills and knowledge about the methods of implementation and presentation of creative information in design projects give graduates the opportunity to implement the principles of graphic part design project preparation by means of computer graphics and photo graphics. Accordingly, they can effectively work in the printing industry, at publishing houses and periodicals.

Today, graduates of the Department are highly qualified experts who are in demand in the area of graphic design and advertising, and corporate identity, they are teachers at higher educational institutions in various fields of design in Ukraine and abroad.

Graduates of the Department of Graphic Design:

  • Aleksandrov Oleksiy – graphic designer at Chervona Kvitka LLC;
  • Brachun Andriy (graduation of 2017) – leading designer of the Petrus company, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine;
  • Galaida Liliya (2017 class) – designer, animator at "1+1 media";
  • Olga Pomazniuk – advertising designer for the Karkas chain of stores;
  • Alina Potapenko (grad of 2017) – graphic designer in the music group "Dzydzo";
  • Rudenko Liza – graphic designer and clothing designer of the trade mark "L Rudenko";
  • Viktoriya Yakushina (2018 class) – design and advertising manager of Parus Expo Media LLC;
  • Tsanko Ivan (grad of 2019) – graphic and font designer, interface designer, owner of a graphic studio;
  • Alyona Didyk, Oleksandra Kalinichenko, Ilona Moskalenko, Yana Motytska, Edita Choban – graphic designers in leading design and advertising companies in Kyiv (Ukraine);
  • Kateryna Voitenko (class of 2020) – graphic designer at the agency "Prentkovych Digital Agency";
  • Safranovska Lina (class of 2020) – freelance graphic designer;
  • Filatova Maria (class of 2020) – freelance graphic designer;
  • Aleksandra Oleksandra (class of 2020) – SMM manager, graphic designer;
  • Darya Kurovska (class of 2021) – teacher of the graphic design department;
  • Maria Kovalenko (class of 2021) – teacher of the graphic design department.
International Cooperation

The teaching staff of the Department of Graphic Design support international relations with Higher Educational Institutions and artists from many countries (Georgia, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Iran, India, etc.). Over the years of the Department’s functioning, more than 80 international students from China, Lithuania, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Serbia, Moldova, and Iran have been trained. For over 10 years, the Department has been training students from China

Lecturers of the Department are members of editorial boards of international journals, together with students presenting their reports at international conferences.

Artistic works of the teachers of the Department of Graphic Design are exhibited at exhibitions in the Western Europe and North America, in particular, in Canada.

Artistic activity

Scientific and pedagogical workers of the department exhibit their works at numerous exhibitions and competitions in Ukrainе and abroad. Teachers and students of education present their creative achievements and talents at the Exhibition Center of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design "Art Space".

The opening of the "Art Space" on March 1, 2023, was marked by the personal exhibition "ELEGY OF LIFE" by Yevgen GULA, a painter, graphic artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and Union of Designers of Ukraine, participant of all-Ukrainian and foreign art exhibitions, professor of the Department of Graphic Design of the Faculty of Design, KNUTD.

In April 2023 in the "Art Space" was opened the exposition of the associate professor of the Department of Graphic Design Olexandr KROTEVYCH “I am coming against you!”. The exhibition featured works from the series "My Ukraine" and "Alphabet of Ukrainian initial capitals".

The “Alphabet of Ukrainian initial capitals” consists of 33 graphic works created in 2019 as embodiment of Ukrainian identity in the artist's mind. The artist received State Certificate of Copyright No. 90684 for the series “Alphabet of Ukrainian initial capitals”.

On May 1, 2023, the opening of Mykhailo Rudenko's personal exhibition "...and this is what I live!" was held at the "Art Space" Exhibition Center of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. Ivan Hryshchenko, rector of KNUTD, doctor of economic sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine opened the exhibition and congratulated the artist and a large audience of friends, guests, students - sincere art connoisseurs with this event. Ivan Mykhailovych emphasized that he is proud of and supports the talented scientists of our team, because he is sure that art is the treasure of the nation.

On May 16, 2023, a public lecture on color science by Mykhailo Rudenko,Associate Professor of the Department of Graphic Design, was held for the students of university.

The public lecture was held in the “Art Space” of KNUTD against the background of the personal exhibition of the master M. Rudenko “...and that’s what I live for”. The artist’s works demonstrated the use of color in graphics and painting.

An important event for the Department of Graphic Design is the awarding of the diploma of candidate of cultural studies, associate professor of the department, Marianna Olehivna Nerozna, from the expert council of the СО "Grands, Ratings and Nominations", BO "Committee for Public Awards of Ukraine" - INTERNATIONAL AWARD "CULTURAL DIPLOMACY" - for the development of Ukrainian art and charts in Ukraine and abroad.


On July 4 2023, the Sholom Aleichem Museum in Kyiv opened an exhibition of professor Yevhen Gula. The artist presented his original paintings, the opening of the exhibition was held in the circle of fellow teachers, artists, students of the professor and close friends.