Address: Academic building 1, Room 1-0398(1), 2 Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovych-Danchenko) Street, Kyiv, 01011
Phone: +38044-256-21-59
Address: Academic building 1, Room 1-0398(1), 2 Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovych-Danchenko) Street, Kyiv, 01011
Phone: +38044-256-21-59
On May 28, 2003, with the aim of training specialists in a new specialization, "Computer Design of Interiors and Furniture," the Department of Interior and Furniture Design (IFD) was established at the Faculty of Design. The founder of the Department was K.O. Sazonov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine. From 2013 to 2022, the Department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Olena Safronova. Over the period since 2003, the Department of Computer Design of Interiors and Furniture has trained over 400 specialists in the field of interior design and furniture. Students and graduates of the Department receive a high level of professional training; they are winners of many national and international competitions, and work both in Ukraine and abroad.
From 2017 to 2024, the Professor of the Department was Vadym Abyzov (1955–2024), Doctor of Architecture, Professor, renowned scientist, public figure, educator, artist, member of the Board of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine (1999–2019), Honored Architect of Ukraine, full member/academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture and the National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS/UNESCO, and head of the Environmental Design Research School at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Vadym Abyzov's research work made a significant contribution to the development of global theory and methodology in design and architecture. Under his leadership and participation, numerous building and urban planning projects were developed, along with legislative and regulatory documents in the field of architecture and urban planning, and nomination projects for Ukraine’s cultural heritage sites to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. His artwork was exhibited at personal exhibitions and international workshops both abroad and in Ukraine.
Special professional training of students in the specialty is conducted by the qualified academic staff of the Department of IFD. Training of the first-third-year students is conducted at 8 general, fundamental, and humanitarian departments of the University.
The highly professional academic staff of the Department teach students within the bachelor's and master's degree "Environment Design" program.
Today, the Department has 8 teachers, including 6 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, and 1 assistant.
Head of the Department D. Kosenko, Associate Professors of the Department T. Bulhakova, O. Shmelova-Nesterenko, R. Ahliullin, O. Poliakova, senior lecturer I. Antonenko and assistant S. Ostapyk are members of the Union of Designers of Ukraine.
Education: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), 1993, specialty - architecture. Defended his doctoral thesis titled "Interior design of secondary schools: historical development and current trends" for the PhD degree in Art Studies in the specialty 17.00.07 – Design (KNUTD, 2021). He worked in architectural project and design institutions. In 1998-2005, he was a lecturer at Kyiv State Institute of Decorative Art and Design named after M. Boychuk, and since 2004 - at KNUTD. Since 2020, he has been a member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine. |
Education: KNUTD, Master of Design. Defended his doctoral thesis titled "Design of cabinet furniture for kitchens of residential buildings" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 022 Design (KNUTD, 2021). Since 2006, he has been designing the interiors of residential and public premises, cabinet furniture, and wooden furniture. 2007-2008 - Freelance employee of the newspaper "Sehodnya" and the magazine "Pereplanirovka kvartir" (Redesign of apartments). Co-author of many articles and workshops on design and decoration. Since 2008, he has been an assistant at the Department of IFD, lecturing in "Interior Decoration Technology" and "Furniture Design". In 2009-2011, he worked as a furniture designer at Elio-Ukraine. Since 2012, he has been a leading interior and furniture designer at Nenov furniture. |
Education: Ukrainian Academy of Arts (NAFAA), architect-artist. Defended her doctoral thesis titled "Computer-aided design of the subject environment based on modeling of visual perception" for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.01.03 - Technical aesthetics (KNUBA, 2019). Completed her post-graduate studies in NRITAUP. She has been a lecturer since 1997 (interior design courses at the Institute of Design of Ukraine). The winner of the competition (first place) for the interior design of a hotel room in the "hi-tech" style held by the company "Enran-Acros" in 2000. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, and since August of the same year, she has been the director of the Atrium design bureau. Author of many implemented interior design projects, including the project of reconstruction of interiors at the hotel "Dnipro". Head of the design bureau for interior design and furniture based in KNUTD. |
Education: Odessa Polytechnic Institute, engineer-technologist, specialty "Automation and Telemechanics". Professional lecturer with pedagogical experience of more than 30 years. She is one of the founders of the Department and its traditions. Prior to the formation of the Department of IFD, she lectured in descriptive geometry and computer graphics at the Department of Engineering and Machine Graphics in KNUCA. Co-author of the manual "Computer-aided design of cabinet furniture", author of many methodological publications of the Department. |
![]() Olha POLIAKOVA, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of IFD Education: KNUTD, Master of Design. Defended her doctoral thesis titled "Artistic and figurative principles of design of intellectually controlled living environment" for the degree of candidate of Art Studies in the specialty 17.00.07 – Design (KNUTD, 2018). Finalist of Maniglia Nuova competitions in 2018 and 2019 and Ukrainian Wood Fashion in 2017. Since 2011, she has been designing the interiors of residential and public premises. In 2009-2010, she worked at Softlist LLC as a technical specialist in CAD (AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, ZWCAD). In 2011-2012, she worked at ASP-Exclusive LLC as a designer and visualizer. Since 2020 - a member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine. |
Education: KNUTD, Master of Design. Defended her doctoral thesis on the topic "Means and techniques of interior design of modern institutions of higher education in the field of art" for the PhD degree in the specialty 022 Design (KNUTD, 2021). Participant of the XXIII-XXIV review-competition of architectural and design diploma projects of graduates of architectural and artistic specialties of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, 2015 (diploma of II degree). |
Education: KNUBA, architect. Since 1987, he has been working in ZNIIEP (laboratory of monumental and decorative art), cooperating with the "UKRREKLAMA" association. In 1992, he designed the interior of the DIO company. In 1997 - 2002 - interior designer of CJSC "Enran" (airport "Boryspil", terminal "B"; jewellery store "UKRZOLOTO"; office premises of the company "UKRTELECOM"; interiors of the travel company "SAM", etc.). |
Education: Mariupol Machine-Building Professional College, junior specialist in computer science (1997–2000). Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Master of Design (2002–2007). Work experience: Interior and furniture designer of the design studio "Your Space" (2007–2013). Since 2008 – teacher at the Department of Interior Design and Furniture of KNUTD. |
Svitlana OSTAPYK, Assistant of the Department of IFD Education: Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Master in Finance (2013); KNUTD, Master of Design (2020). Interior designer in “PLAN BUREAU” studio (2018-2019), 3dsMax teacher in Challenge Design training centre (2019-2021), private practice in interior design (2019-present). Since 2022 - Assistant at the Department of IFD. |
The Department of Interior and Furniture Design has a wide range of classrooms equipped with modern technology for lectures and practical classes:
1-0296 – Classroom of environment design (Assoc. Prof. T. V. Bulhakova, Assoc. Prof. R. M. Ahliullin);
1-0398 – Classroom of design and planning (Assoc. Prof. D. Yu. Kosenko, senior lecturer I. V. Antonenko);
1-0399(7) – Laboratory-workshop of composition and coloristics in environmental design (Assoc. Prof. D. Yu. Kosenko, Assoc. Prof. O. Ye. Shmelova-Nesterenko, Assoc. Prof. O. V. Polyakova);
1-0399(9) – Training and research laboratory-workshop of environment design (Assoc. Prof. D. Yu. Kosenko);
1-0399(13) – Classroom for environment, furniture and equipment design (Assoc. Prof. T. V. Bulhakova, Assoc. Prof. R. M. Ahliullin, senior lecturer I. V. Antonenko, Assoc. Prof. S. V. Ostapyk).
Students master the disciplines “Fundamentals of computer design” and “3D modeling in environment design” in the University computer labs 1-0116, 1-0124 and 1-0126.
Improving the programs of professional courses of the Department is based on systematic research conducted by the teachers of the Department in environmental design, as well as the requirements of the labour market to the professional competencies of the Department’s graduates. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department are involved in the research. Approbation of research results are scientific articles in professional journals, successfully defended master's theses of our graduates and Doctoral theses of the Department staff. During the existence of the Department, more than 150 master's theses, 5 Doctoral theses for the degree of candidate of Art Studies and PhD have been defended.
Research Topics of the Department:
1. Current problems and prospects for the development of the environmental design.
The purpose of scientific and methodological work: to determine the state and changes in the structure of modern Ukrainian design, the main trends in the process of optimizing the temporal and spatial structure of human life sustenance, based on the results of a systematic analysis of cultural, sociological, ecopsychological research in Ukraine and abroad on environmental design; the formation of appropriate professional orientations; the introduction of research results into the educational process and master's thesis design; improving the methodology of teaching professional courses of the Department.
2. Cultural and art aspects in design.
The purpose of scientific and methodical work: modern culturological and art analysis of the formation and functioning of space-environment as an important part of creative practice, which is a manifestation of the civilizational level of humanity.
The total number of scientific articles published over the last 5 years - more than 100, theses - 113, including materials from international conferences.
All the teachers also take part in scientific and methodological seminars, which involve students and representatives of design studios and furniture manufacturers. Such seminars are held both in KNUTD, and on the basis of production companies and international furniture exhibitions, where students can undergo internships and participate in the design of real objects.
Students of the Department take part in all-Ukrainian scientific conferences of young scientists and students, national competitions of research and qualifying papers.
Educational and methodological support of the Department’s courses, on which the professional training of students in interior design and furniture is established, is based on the following principles:
A computer class equipped with licensed application software, in particular, AUTODESK Revit, 3DsMAX systems, is used for teaching students at the Department. The relevance of training in these systems is confirmed by the fact that they dominate among the specialized licensed software of furniture and interior design companies in Ukraine.
The academic staff of the Department have prepared and published more than 100 scientific and methodical publications, abstracts of lectures and teaching materials and manuals (including on electronic media). All courses of the Department are provided with educational and methodical materials developed by the staff of the Department and presented in the Modular Environment of theEeducational Process of KNUTD.
The Department of Interior and Furniture Design trains graduates of the speciality 022 Design, the educational programs “Environment design” (bachelor) and "Environment design" (master).
Bachelor's Degree Programs
Specialty: 022 "Design"
Educational program: "Environment design"
Degree: "Bachelor"
Faculty: Design
Course length: 8 semesters (3 years and 10 months)
ECTS Credits: 240
Language of instruction: Ukrainian
Master's Degree Program
Specialty: 022 "Design"
Educational program: "Environment design"
Degree: “Master”
Faculty: Design
Course length: 3 semesters (1 year and 4 months)
ECTS Credits: 90
Language of instruction: Ukrainian
About 250 full-time students study at the Department of Interior and Furniture Design (bachelor's and master's degree programs in the specialty 022 Design).
While studying at the Department, students perform a large amount of creative work, and constantly participate in national and international competitions for designers, where they always win prizes. Students of the Department take part in all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences of young scientists and student competitions of research and qualifying papers.
The high level of training the students of the Department is evidenced by their constant success in the international competition in interior design "Get Me To The Top" under the auspices of the Association of British and International Design SBID.
In 2019, our students Iryna Vashchuk, Anna Hanul, Nadiya Floka, Marina Synytska and Serhiy Lachynov qualified the finals of the competition "Get Me 2 The Top Ukraine" in the categories "Private space" and "Healthcare design".
In 2020, the students of the Department won two main prizes in the competition:
Grand Prix - Anna Lapina, 1st place - Kateryna Smailova.
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Competitive work of Anna Lapina | Competitive work of Kateryna Smailova |
In 2021, the winner in the category "Private space" was our student Julia Brazhnikova.
Competitive work of Julia Brazhnikova
In 2022, a graduate of the Department, Anna Tsyktor, was among the finalists of the competition and received a special prize "The best children's room".
Anna Tsyktor's competitive work
In 2023, a graduate student Serhii Syomkin and Professor of the Department Vadym Abyzov took second place in the "Rebuild Ukraine" hackathon dedicated to the reconstruction of the Saltivka neighborhood in Kharkiv, which was destroyed by the invaders.
Students of the Department, under the guidance of their teachers, are participants and winners of such national and international creative professional competitions:
While studying at the Department of Interior and Furniture Design, students, under the guidance of their teachers, carry out research work and master the skills of collecting materials, analysis, generalization, substantiation of scientific and creative design conclusions - that is, develop their analytical thinking. They need this knowledge not only as future scientists or specialists but also in communication, when there is a need to express their views in a business way and convince the customer of the feasibility of a solution.
During their studies at the Department of Interior and Furniture Design, students acquire knowledge in furniture design, computer graphics, shaping, and colour selection, etc. Students get acquainted with the basics of scientific research in the field of design and modern research methods.
In the process of teaching fundamental and professional-oriented courses, modern teaching methods are actively used, taking into account the creative developments of famous designers and the latest models of furniture equipment from leading companies in the world, using computer technology and professional-oriented software.
Students of the Department gain knowledge both within the framework of the University-wide cycles and according to original programs of professional courses, which are constantly modernized in order to comply with international standards of training designers of various areas of project activities.
Every year the list of bases for practical training of students expands:
Graduates of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design, who obtained the degree of "Bachelor of Environment Design”, have the opportunity to continue their studies under the educational program "Environment Design" and receive a master's degree.
At the Faculty of Design, KNUTD, there is a postgraduate course and training for a Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 022 "Design".
3rd and 4th-year students of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design have the opportunity to receive military education and obtain a diploma of the state standard.
The Department of Interior and Furniture Design organizes and successfully operates student research groups, whose activities are aimed at improving the professional skills of students, activation of their creative potential, and executive skills.
Among the most significant areas of student activities in scientific and creative clubs, it is necessary to highlight the following:
1. Promising areas of research and practical activities in modern environmental design (supervisor: Associate Professor T. Bulhakova).
2. Modern trends in the design and planning of public spaces (supervisor: Associate Professor D. Kosenko).
3. Use of modern technologies in the interior (supervisor: Associate Professor R. Ahliullin).
The graduates of the Department include the following faculty members: PhD R. Ahliullin, PhD O. Poliakova, PhD O. Shmelova-Nesterenko, senior lecturer N. Ryshkevych, and assistant S. Ostapyk.
Among the graduates of the Department, there are young and promising designers in environmental design and subject design. They regularly participate in conferences and seminars in the field of design, and various international and national competitions, including the annual competition "Interior of the Year", where they receive awards.
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