Address: Kyiv, Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, academic building 4, room. 4-0901, 4-0903, 4-0908, 4-0910, 4-0912, 4-0914
Phones for inquiries: 044 256-21-30, 044 256-21-89
Address: Kyiv, Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, academic building 4, room. 4-0901, 4-0903, 4-0908, 4-0910, 4-0912, 4-0914
Phones for inquiries: 044 256-21-30, 044 256-21-89
The Department of Information and Computer Technologies was created to train highly qualified specialists in the fields of Information Technology and Electronics, Automation and Electronic Communications.
The main goal of the department is to train competitive specialists for the national and international labor market, able to quickly adapt to the rapid development of technology and changes in society in the context of digital transformation. Graduates of the department have the necessary competencies to solve complex problems in the field of software engineering, information systems and technologies, automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics. The training programs take into account the goals of sustainable development and are focused on contributing to the post-war reconstruction of the country, contributing to the creation of modern digital infrastructure and the development of a high-tech environment, in particular in light industry and other areas of activity.
Main objectives:
The department is a graduate department and trains specialists in the following specialties:
Educational degree – «Bachelor».
Educational program «Software Engineering».
The specialty 121 «Software Engineering» is aimed at training highly qualified specialists capable of developing, testing, implementing and maintaining software products and systems for various industries. Graduates of this specialty will have the professional competencies and skills to create software that meets high quality, safety and efficiency requirements in a rapidly changing technology environment.
Graduates of specialty 121 «Software Engineering» can work in IT companies, research institutions, enterprises of various industries, including light industry, and engage in entrepreneurial activities in the field of software development and innovative technologies.
Educational degree – «Bachelor's degree».
Educational program «IT Project Management».
The specialty 126 «Information Systems and Technologies» is aimed at training specialists capable of developing, implementing, administering and maintaining information systems that ensure the effective management of IT projects of varying complexity and scale using modern tools and technologies. Graduates of this specialty acquire professional competencies and skills to solve problems related to data processing and analysis, creation of intelligent systems for making management decisions, and optimization of business processes through the use of modern information technologies.
Graduates of the specialty 126 «Information Systems and Technologies» can work in IT companies, business structures, research institutions, government agencies, as well as engage in entrepreneurial activities in the development and implementation of information systems, business analytics and other areas where effective data and information technology management is required.
Educational degree – «Bachelor's degree». Educational program «Automation and computer-integrated technologies».
Educational degree – «Master». Educational program “Computer-integrated technological processes and production”.
The specialty 174 Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics is aimed at training highly qualified specialists capable of developing, implementing and operating automation systems, computer-integrated technologies and robotic systems in various industries. Graduates of this specialty acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the development and use of modern automated and robotic systems to optimize production processes, improve their efficiency, safety and quality.
Graduates of the specialty 174 «Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies and Robotics» can work in various industries, as well as in the field of research and development, which require automation and optimization of technological processes, integration of innovative systems to improve efficiency, safety and quality of production. The activities of automation specialists are aimed at creating and implementing advanced solutions that increase productivity and competitiveness.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2008. In 2013, she was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, and in 2019, the academic title of associate professor. The scientific output includes more than 100 printed works, including articles in specialized scientific publications, publications included in the Sсopus scientometric database, 6 patents, 2 monographs, and 2 training manuals. Courses taught: «Multimedia technologies»; «Analysis of software requirements»; «IT project management»; «Intelligent Management Systems». Research interests: modern information and computer technologies. |
Completed my studies at Kharkiv State Polytechnic University in 1996 with a major in Applied Mathematics. Awarded a doctoral degree in technical sciences in 2010 and the title of professor in 2011. Recipient of the President of Ukraine's Prize for Young Scientists (2006). Author of over 200 published works, including articles in specialized scientific publications, publications indexed in the Scopus database, 34 patents, 2 monographs, 1 textbook, and 3 educational guides. Courses taught: «Software Quality and Testing»; «Web Programming»; «Automation Systems Design»; «Modern Production Process Control Devices»; «Computer and Network Architecture and Real-Time Systems Programming». Research interests: information technologies, artificial intelligence, control systems and processes. |
Graduated from the State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine in 1996 with a degree in "Automation of Technological Processes and Production." She has been working at the university since 1996. In 2021, she was awarded the scientific degree of PhD in Technical Sciences. She is the author of over 100 scientific papers, including articles in specialized scientific publications and publications that are included in the Scopus bibliographic database, as well as 5 copyright certificates. Courses taught: «Fundamentals of system analysis», Creation and development of IT products, Information systems and technologies. Research interests: Assessment of Educational Risks Using Information Technologies and European Approaches |
Graduated from Kherson State Technical University in 1997 with a degree in Computerized Control and Automation Systems. In 2011, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, and in 2014, he was promoted to Associate Professor. Author of more than 100 scientific papers. Courses taught: «Identification, modeling and optimization of technological objects of control systems», «Microprocessor and software automation tools», «Embedded systems and the Internet of Things», «Programming of the Internet of Things», «Computerization of information processes». Research interests: microprocessor control systems, optimization of control systems. |
Dmitry NOVAK, PhD, Associate Professor He graduated from KNUTD in 2009 with a degree in Polymer Processing Technology. In 2013, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, and in 2020 - the academic title of Associate Professor. Laureate of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine scholarship for young scientists (2018).Author of more than 100 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign publications, including journals included in the Scopus list, 2 patents. Courses taught: «Operating Systems», «Architecture of Computer Systems and Networks», «Intelligent Systems and Technologies». Research interests: data processing and analysis using the Python programming language; additive technologies; software development for the study of polymer composite materials; computer methods for assessing the homogeneity of filler distribution in polymer composite materials; development and study of the properties of conductive polymer composite materials. |
Maksym SUKALO, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer He graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” in 2002 with a degree in Electronic Devices and Instruments. In 2024, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Author of more than 20 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign publications, including journals included in the Scopus list. Courses taught: «Modeling of computer-integrated systems»; «Architecture of computer systems and networks and programming of real-time systems»; «Identification, modeling and optimization of technological objects and control systems»; «Computer technologies and programming». Research interests: wireless sensor networks for automated monitoring systems. |
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2018. He is the author of more than 20 scientific papers in Ukrainian and foreign publications, including journals included in the Scopus list. Courses taught: «Computer Technology and Programming», «Object Oriented Programming», «User Interface Design». Research interests: Information and Computer Technologies, the use of Machine Learning in studying educational risks on learning management platforms. |
Graduated from Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry (KTILP) in 1986. He has been working at KNUTD since 1986. |
Graduated from KTILI (Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry) in 1985. She has been working at KNUTD since 1997. |
The support in students learning and educational activities is carried out by the group curator, who is appointed from among the faculty members of the department during the first year. The curator actively participates in shaping the active civic position of the youth, monitors students' progress in learning, upbringing, and development, and contributes to the improvement of their cultural level. Additionally, they assist in engaging students in research activities, participation in clubs, creative competitions, excursions, and other events.
The classes use 3 specialized laboratories for laboratory work in professionally-oriented disciplines, lecture hall, multimedia projection equipment, premises for course, diploma design and research work.
The main laboratories include:
At the department, there are 5 ongoing scientific circles:
1) "Modern Information Technologies"
Leaders: Head of the Department of ICT, Ph.D., Associate Professor Skidan V.V.,
Senior lecturer, Pilypenko V.I.
2) "Intellectual Information Control Systems"
Leader: D.Т.Sc., Professor Nikonov O.Ya.
3) "Design of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things"
Leader: Ph.D., Associate Professor Lebedenko Yu.O.
4) "IT Innovations: Technologies and Products"
Leader: Ph.D., Associate Professor Volivach A.P.
5) "Computer engineering of additive technologies"
Leader: Ph.D., Associate Professor Novak D.S.