Address: Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, Kyiv, Academic building 1, Office: 1-0004
Phone for information: +38044 256 29 67
Address: Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, Kyiv, Academic building 1, Office: 1-0004
Phone for information: +38044 256 29 67
The Department of Physical Education and Health was established in 1948. Since then, much has been done for the promotion of physical education and sports among students.
Heads of the Department:
1948-1964 – Heorhii Kysylevski;
1964-2000 – Prof. Yevhenii Molodan;
2000-2014 – Volodymyr Tkachenko;
2014-2023 – Professor Lyudmyla Dudorova;
Since 2023 – PhD in Medical Sciences Liliya TOMICH
The Department has 5 lecturers: 4 Associate Professors and 1 Senior Lecturer. The support staff of the Department includes a laboratory assistant.
Liliya TOMICH, PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health Research interests: physical therapy, occupational therapy; human health; rehabilitation of children with special educational needs. Publications: more than 150 scientific and educational publications, including textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Awards: Badge “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”, Badge “Vasily Sukhomlinsky”. |
Oksana ZELENIUK, Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health Research interests: healthy lifestyle, physical education, history of physical culture, sports and the Olympic movement. Publications: Author of more than 100 scientific publications and educational and methodical works, including a textbook and a collective monograph with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. |
Olga VNUKOVA, сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health Scientific interests: pedagogical skills; professional pedagogy, theory and history of pedagogy. Publications: more than 90 scientific and educational publications, including those indexed in the Web of Science scientometric database, as well as the textbook "Methodological Foundations of Vocational Education". |
Serhii CHERNOVSKYI, PhD, Senior Teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Health Research interests: improving physical culture, development of physical qualities of boys and student youth using football. Publications: over 50 scientific and methodological works, including those indexed in the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science. Awards: Award from the Ministry of Ukraine of Family, Youth and Sports “Honorary Worker of Physical Culture and Sports”, Medal of the Football Federation of Kyiv “For Merits of the III Degree”. |
Valentyn GOLUB, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Health, Candidate for Master of Sport in volleyball Research interests: traditional wellness technologies: Indian yoga, hatha yoga, Vietnamese yoga Zong Shin, Caucasian and Egyptian yoga; modern wellness systems. Varieties of restorative massage, healing taping, and rehabilitation methods of bio-suggestive influence. Publications: an author of more than 50 scientific, educational and methodical works, including those indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, co-author of the Encyclopedia of Innovations. Awards: Diploma of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and diplomas of higher education institutions of Ukraine. |
The Department has four sports halls for practical classes, a football field with track (sports arena), a shooting gallery, a gym, three staff rooms, and a scientific laboratory.
Sports hall №1 (basketball) | Sports hall №2 (volleyball) |
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Sports hall №5 (table tennis) | Sports hall №6 (table tennis) |
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Stadium | Gym |
The educational process in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports is carried out using modern teaching methods and technologies aimed at improving the quality of theoretical and practical training of students. Every year, the teachers of the department prepare for publication more than 30 titles of educational and methodical guides for all educational components of the educational program (teaching manuals, lecture courses, methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work of applicants, methodological recommendations for the performance of coursework, knowledge test control tasks, etc. ). All disciplines of the department are provided with educational and methodical literature.
The educational process of the OC "Physical Education" is carried out in the form of practical, sectional classes and independent work of the students. In the modular environment, a complex of methodological documentation (educational and methodological complex) has been formed, which includes: the discipline program, methodological recommendations and tasks for practical classes, methodological recommendations and tasks for independent work, evaluation criteria for current, modular and final knowledge control of the students.
Since 2019, the Department of Physical Education and Health has been training bachelors in specialty 017 “Phusical Culture and Sport” - Educational Program “Fitness and Recreation”.
Educational program: |
Fitness and recreation |
Code and name of specialties |
017 Phusical culture and sport |
Level of higher education |
First (undergraduate) |
Qualification: |
Bachelor of Phusical culture and sports |
Term of studies: |
3 years 10 month |
The total volume of ECTS Credits |
240 |
Requirements for the level of education of persons, who can start studies |
Complete general secondary education, “junior bachelor” degree (educational and qualification level “junior specialist”), “professional junior bachelor” degree |
Language of instruction: |
Ukrainian |
The purpose of the educational program is the following: training of a competent, capable of competition, specialist in fitness and recreation, capable of independently solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the process of professional activity in the field of physical culture and sports.
The main goals of the program are the training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions, during professional activities in the field of physical culture and sports or in the learning process.
Prospects for students:
Graduates who obtained a bachelor's degree in physical culture and sports under the educational and professional program "Fitness and Recreation" are able to perform the professional work specified in the National Classifier of Ukraine: "Classifier of Professions" DK 003:2010 and can occupy the relevant positions:
– Physical education instructor;
– Instructor-methodologist in industrial gymnastics;
– Instructor-methodologist in physical culture and sports;
– Instructor-methodologist of the training complex (gym);
– Fitness trainer;
- Leisure organization specialist.
A specialist can hold positions in sports institutions, physical culture and health organizations, the profile or individual areas of activity of which correspond to the received professional program of the bachelor's.
Students 2022-2023
Students 2023-2024
KNUTD sports team is a regular participant of the Pechersk district Spartakiad of Kyiv “Under the Golden Domes of Pechersk” and “Pechersk District Health Spartakiad” on 12 sport disciplines. All in all, they are multiple Spartakiad champions. Assembled teams in football, volleyball, basketball and table tennis have high scores.
The program of physical education of students, in addition to general physical training, includes a section of professional and applied physical training. Almost all students are covered by physical education. Classes are held in the following specializations: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis. Classes have both practical and theoretical forms, taking into account the individual approach to those who are engaged. The main training tasks, common to applicants, are:
Students of the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports participate in international competitions in various sports, communicate with athletes of national teams, coaches of other countries. There is an exchange of experience, skills are acquired regarding the organization and holding of international competitions.
Students of the ЕP "Fitness and Recreation" are Masters and Candidates for Masters of Sports:
Savchuk V.; Rudenko R. – CMS of Ukraine for football;
Rybak N. – CMS of Ukraine in football, champion of Ukraine as part of the Shakhtar Donetsk youth team;
Kalyuga V. – Ukrainian Cycling Championship, multiple champion of Ukraine, participant of the 2020 European Championship;
Yudenko V. - CMS of Ukraine in cycling, champion of Ukraine in the double race, candidate for the national team of Ukraine, participant in the international races "Trofeo Citta di San Vendemiano - Gran Premio industria e Comercio 2022", multiple prize-winner of the championships of Ukraine in track cycling in " team race";
Myrza D. – CMS of Ukraine with kyokushinkai, karate champion of Ukraine in 2010.
A. Pyvovarchuk - prize winner of the 2023 Kyiv championship in powerlifting and individual exercises.
When updating the content of the educational components of the EP "Fitness and Recreation", the lecturers of the department use new knowledge gained during participation in International and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, seminars, trainings, master classes, as well as during internships in Ukraine and abroad.
The lecturers of the department actively involve young people in scientific life and independent research. Under the guidance of the department's teachers, students prepare reports for international and all-Ukrainian conferences, round tables and scientific seminars. In 2022-2023 the student scientific circle "Fitness_For_Blago_Zdorov_Ya" worked at the department (leaders: candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor L.M. Tomich, Associate Professor of Science, Associate Professor Yu.V. Parishkura), and from August 2023-2024 . new scientific circles "Fitness and recreation" (scientific leader: candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Liliya TOMICH) and "Pedagogical search" (scientific leader: candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor Olga VNUKOVA) started their work.
Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian conference of students of higher school and young scientists "Innovation in education, science and business: challenges and opportunities", startups "Recreation and SPA made in Ukraine" were prepared (Project authors: students of the 1st year of the specialty 017 Physical culture and sport - Zaichek A., Tokarskyi D., Maksimenko S., Murovaniy V. and Pasika V. of the 3rd year. Scientific supervisors: Ph.D., associate professor of DPEH Parishkura Y. and Ph.D., associate professor Tomich L., 2022), "Candle therapy during anxiety" (Project authors: students of the 1st-2nd year of the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports - O. Bulatova, E. Ananko, R. Rudenko. Scientific supervisors: Ph.D. , associate professor of the DPEH Parishkura Yu. and stakeholder OP "Fitness and recreation, head of the NGO "Horizon 17" Korovaeva B., 2022).
Shevchenko Maksym, a student of the 2nd course of the specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports", took part in the International scientific and practical conference "Digital transformation and digital technologies for the sustainable development of all branches of modern education, science and practice", organized by the International Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża , Republic of Poland State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine 01/26/2023, with the report "Readiness for digitization of the professional activity of specialists in the field of fitness and recreation: problems and prospects."
Associate professor Tomich L.M. and student of the 2nd year of the specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports" Bohdan Buzinny took part in the 5th International scientific and practical conference "Problems and prospects of the development of modern science in the countries of Eurasia" organized by Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav, youth public organization "Independent Youth Association" , April 30, 2023 and published the publication: "Pedagogical principles in physical culture and sports as components of the development of motor skills and personality of students."
The results of the winners' work in scientific circles were: participation in conferences of the International and All-Ukrainian levels, participation in round tables, publication of articles and theses.
The students are not only mastering scientific researches, but also are improving their knowledge of sports, and other topics such as inclusiveness and English language, etc.
The Department cooperates with the partner universities of KNUTD in professional training of the students majoring in Physical Culture and Sports:
Academy of Applied Sciences Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole (Republic of Poland),
Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).