Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Admission Requirements


To receive an invitation, a foreign citizen (or an authorized representative) must send scanned copies (in jpeg format not exceeding 999 KB) of the following documents to the Training Centre for Foreigners’ e-mail address

  • a completed questionnaire (active link to the file) of the standard form;
  • the first page of the foreign passport, as well as the translation of the first page of the foreign passport into Ukrainian;
  • a document on previous education with grades (points) and information on the knowledge assessment system according to which the grades in the document are assigned (translated into Ukrainian);
  • in case of re-enrollment from another university, an academic transcript (translated into Ukrainian);
  • a completed written consent (active link to the file) to the processing of personal data.

If the documents are in English, a translation is not required.

Cost of the invitation:

  • Standard (the term of execution is 14 working days). The cost of the service is 950 UAH (the price is indicated without commission)
  • Urgent (the term of execution is 4 working days). The cost of the service is UAH 1220 (the price is indicated without commission)

(paid upon submission of documents)

Foreign citizens additionally pay for information support in the amount of:

  • Standard (the term of execution is 5 working days). The cost of the service is UAH 648.00 UAH (the price is indicated without commission)
  • Urgent (the term of execution is within one working hour). The cost of the service is 972.00 UAH (the price is indicated without commission)

Information and advisory support is an official confirmation of the registration of the Invitation to Study. Without information and advisory support in visa countries, the consul does not accept the foreigner’s documents for opening a type D student visa.

Please note that:

  • The invitation is issued in person upon presentation of the applicant’s foreign passport
  • If the invitation is issued through an authorized representative, the original power of attorney with translation into Ukrainian and notarization must be provided

The power of attorney must state that the authorized representative has the right to act as a representative at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD).

An invitation is issued to an authorized representative only if the following documents are available:

  • Original power of attorney with translation into Ukrainian
  • The original passport document or the document specified in the power of attorney
  • Original of the document certifying the legal residence of the authorized representative in Ukraine

After obtaining the consent of the University to allow a foreign citizen to come to Ukraine for study purposes, the University issues an Invitation, which is valid for 1 year.