Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Arts and Fashion

Natalia OSTAPENKO, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Faculty of Fashion Industry
Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2
Kyiv 01011

Faculty Offices:

Dean: 1-0361,
Deputy Deans: 1-0360
Methodists: 1-0357

Phone numbers:

Dean of the Faculty: +38(044)-280-75-52
Deputy Deans: +38(044)-280-75-52


Deputy Dean

Tetiana Dzykovych

Phone: +38 044-256-29-37

Deputy Dean

Oksana Vodzinska

Phone: +38 044-256-29-37

Deputy Dean

Alla Kolodyazhna

Phone: +38 044-256-29-37


Olena Timonina 

Phone: +38 044-256-29-85

Lidiya Petrova

Phone: +38 044-256-29-85

About the Faculty

The mission of the faculty is to meet the needs of the population in quality educational services regardless of their place of residence/stay; training of competitive specialists in the field of fine arts, light industry technologies, psychology and vocational education; active participation in personal development of a person, his/her education and improvement of abilities, formation of professional competencies.

The purpose is to train and educate young people, to provide quality educational services necessary for society regardless of the place of stay/residence of consumers; to develop the existing potential of participants in the educational and scientific process, their creative abilities and active social and civic position.


‒ provision of high-quality training of specialists in fine arts, decorative arts, restoration; professional education; psychology; technologies of light industry; materials science;

‒ development of scientific research in social and behavioral sciences, culture and art, education, production and technology, transfer of technologies and innovations to the real economy;

- international integration of the faculty's scientific and educational activities through participation in international educational and scientific projects, competitions, exhibitions in the field of light industry technologies, culture and art, education, social and behavioral sciences, academic mobility, publication activity, etc.



Educational Programme

Graduation Department




Bachelor Degree


Vocational Education (Consumer Industry Technologies)

Vocational Education (Consumer Industry Technologies)

Vocational Education in Technologies and Design





Social work

Social work


Consumer Industry Technologies

Design and Technology of Sewing Products

Fashion and style

Styling, design and artistic finishing of fashion industry products

Fashion Industry

Fashion technology

Master Degree


Vocational Education (Consumer Industry Technologies)

Vocational Education (Consumer Industry Technologies)

Vocational Education in Technologies and Design


Consumer Industry Technologies

Design and Technology of Sewing Products

Fashion and style

Styling, design and artistic finishing of fashion industry products

Fashion industry

Fashion technology

Doctor of Philosophy Degree


Vocational Education

Vocational Education

Vocational Education in Technologies and Design


Consumer Industry Technologies

Consumer Industry Technologies

Fashion technology, Fashion and style, Biotechnology, Leather and Fur

Career options


Fashion designers develop modern products and collections of different complexity for various purposes and assortments, men's, women's and children's clothing, underwear, hats and corsetry, taking into account the properties of modern fabrics, leather, fur and knitwear in the context of fashion and image-style trends. The specialists successfully work as designers, environment decorators in show business, fashion designers, technologists in design studios, experts in the fashion industry, managers of garment enterprises in the light industry, etc.


The fashion industry in the modern world is a complex system that covers many professional areas, the number and quality of which are in the process of constant updating. The fashion industry in the world and Ukraine is increasingly in need of not narrow, but complex specialists who have the knowledge of a designer and tailor, a PR-manager and show director, a stylist and buyer, a photographer and media editor, an illustrator and a visual merchandiser, etc. Integrated specialists are trained under the Fashion Industry program.


Graduates of the educational program "Design and Technology of Garments" have in-depth theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills and abilities in designing, constructing and manufacturing competitive garments and fur products, performing design work using modern graphic computer programs and CAD, developing highly efficient modern production processes, expertise and quality management at garment enterprises. Specialists successfully work in the fashion industry, they are in demand in the modern labor market and are confident in their future.


Modern society needs specialists in integration activities. Graduates of the program receive training that covers pedagogical, engineering,  production and technical components. The knowledge acquired in the course of study enables future specialists to design and manufacture modern garments for various purposes, be highly qualified, competitive specialists in garment manufacturing and professional education. The priority in training a future engineer-teacher is to form a socially active and competitive personality who easily adapts to the modern realities of life, can ensure the level of spiritual values of society, knows how to work with people, and has special professional knowledge in garment design and manufacturing, expert assessment of the quality of materials and finished products.

Upon completing the program, graduates can work at industrial garment enterprises of various forms of ownership, organize their own business, hold teaching positions in various types of vocational education institutions and engineering positions (technologist, designer, garment infectionist, CAD clothing operator, production preparation specialist, manager, etc.).


A specialist in social and behavioral sciences is capable of effectively performing the functions of professional activity in psychological assistance to various categories of clients using modern theories and methods of psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work, has in-depth knowledge, as well as basic and professional competencies in psychology, to acquire the ability to solve professional problems in various socio-economic spheres (education, upbringing, production, social and psychological assistance, etc).


A specialist in creating social conditions to improve the living conditions of an individual and increase the well-being of the population. The mission of social work is to enable people to maximize their own potential, enrich their lives and prevent dysfunctions. Professional social work is aimed at protecting people, solving their problems and social transformations in society.  The professional functions of a social work specialist are: helping people in difficult life circumstances by providing social services or social support measures; protecting the rights and representing the interests of clients in various instances; developing and implementing social programs and projects; providing advice, resolving conflict situations, monitoring compliance with social norms and guarantees; contributing to the prevention and overcoming of negative phenomena in society.


The history of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion is related to the history of our University. The road of our Faculty began in the 1930s.

On October 1, 1930, Kyiv Polytechnic University of Leather Industry was founded and it had three faculties: Chemical and Technological,  Mechanical and Technological, Economic and Engineering.

In October 1930, Kyiv Textile Institute was founded, which was relocated to Kharkiv in 1934.

The University had four faculties in its structure: Garment Technology, Economic, Chemical Technology of Fibrous Products and Mechanical Technology of Fibrous Products.

On May 20, 1944, Kyiv Technological University of Leather and Footwear Industry and Kyiv Textile Institute were united by the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR.

In June 1944, the new educational institution received the title Kyiv Technological University of Light Industry.

The structure of the Faculty of Technology included Clothing, Footwear and Knitwear specialties.

In 1994, there was the unification of the faculties of technological specialties at the Faculty of Light Industry Technologies, which in 2012  received the title of the Faculty of Technologies, Service and Fashion, and in 2017 – the Faculty of Fashion Industry, and in 2022 – the Faculty of Arts and Fashion.

Nowadays, the Faculty of Arts and Fashion is one of the leading faculties at the University. It has been training specialists of the highest qualification for 90 years.

Every year, the training process improves, professionalism of the teaching staff increases, and the organizational structure of the Faculty is refined. Classrooms, laboratory facilities, and experimental workshops, equipped with computers, audiovisual and controlling means of education, are updated. Young scientists can continue their training doing postgraduate and doctorate courses.





Supervisor –


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Excellent worker of Education in Ukraine,

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


  • theoretical foundations of clothing design based on the tectonic approach;
  • design and ergonomic design of protective clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • formation of methodological bases and research of design works on the basis of synthesis of arts


  • 4 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations were defended;
  • published more than 500 scientific papers, including 7 monographs, 20 textbooks, 3 State Standards;
  • received 23 copyright certificates and patents for utility models.



Founder of the scientific school –


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of National Progress,

Honored Worker public education of Ukraine

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


  • development of methods for designing the internal shape and calculating the full range of shoes based on the anatomical and biomechanical properties of the foot;
  • development of shoe pads for different gender and age categories of people, professions, etc .;
  • development of design methods and methods of creating and improving the stability of shoes;
  • scientific bases of development of the internal form, designs and technologies of manufacturing of footwear, special and preventive products from natural and artificial materials.


  • 2 doctoral and 23 candidate dissertations were defended;
  • published more than 300 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 20 textbooks and manuals;
  • received 34 patents for inventions and utility models.

The scientific school gained further development under the leadership of


Ph.D., Professor,

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology

Today, the scientific school is headed by


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Prof.



Founder of the scientific school -



Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


  • development of a promising range and confection of materials for garments for people with disabilities and the seriously ill;
  • improvement of methods of definition and granting of properties of safety of consumption and comfort to textile materials of various purpose;
  • development of medical and health products with prolonged therapeutic and antimicrobial action from domestic textile raw materials.


  • 3 doctoral and 5 candidate dissertations were defended;
  • published more than 200 scientific papers, including 9 monographs, 7 textbooks and manuals;
  • 13 copyright certificates and patents of Ukraine were received.



Supervisor –


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine,

Excellent worker of Education in Ukraine,

awarded the badges "Petro Mohyla" and "Vasyl Sukhomlynsky",

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


  • study of WTO processes based on the use of non-traditional for the garment industry field forms of energy;
  • duplication of clothing items and creation of an information database of properties of raw materials and packages based on them;
  • creation of new materials and products from short flax-hemp fibers;
  • creation of multifunctional barrier materials for protection of the person and environment.


  • 4 doctoral and 27 candidate dissertations were defended;
  • published more than 1,100 scientific papers, including 7 monographs, 12 textbooks, 3 State Standards;
  • 36 copyright certificates and utility model patents were received.


International Scientific and Practical Conference of Textile and Fashion Technologies "KyivTex&Fashion"

Since 2017, the Faculty of Arts and Fashion of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design has been hosting the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Textile and Fashion Technologies "KyivTex&Fashion". The purpose of the conference is to exchange scientific achievements and practical experience in the application of innovative developments in the textile and fashion industry. Thus, scientific developments and practical results were presented by leading scientists and experts from the Republic of Lithuania, Georgia, the Republic of Serbia, Tajikistan, Israel, Germany, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Albania, Turkey, etc., namely from Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Akaki Tsereteli State University (Kutaisi, Georgia), the University of Belgrade (Republic of Serbia), Dangarin State University (Tajikistan), Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of Bar-Ilan University (Israel), Leibniz Institute of Composite Materials of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany), Technical University of Moldova (Moldova), Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University (Turkey), Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan), Kafrelesheikh University (Egypt), Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania), and others.


The Scientific and Teaching Staff

The Faculty provides high quality professional training for future experts in fine arts and fashion, education and psychology. The departments of the Faculty employ highly qualified specialists, including Honored Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honored Workers of Industry of Ukraine, winners of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honored Workers of Education of Ukraine, academicians and excellent students of Ukraine, members of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, members of the Union of Designers of Ukraine. Thus, the Borys Paton National Prize of Ukraine in 2021 for the work "Textile materials and products for special and military purposes" was awarded to Professor N. Ostapenko and a team of scientists from KNUTD, KNTU, Petro Sahaidachnyi National University of Agriculture, RA.DA LLC. The Borys Paton National Prize of Ukraine in 2022 was awarded to Professors O. O. Haranina, L. E. Halavska and Associate Professor S. I. Arabuli for the work "Technologies for military protection systems: functional materials, composites and coatings".

A traditional event is the University's participation in the largest Ukrainian industry exhibition in the light industry. The University constantly presents its scientific and creative achievements in the field of fashion and design, confirming the high level of training of specialists for various sectors of the fashion industry. Over the years, the Kyiv Fashion International Fashion Festival has become the main anticipated event for all professionals in the fashion industry, providing an opportunity to analyze the development of the light industry at the national and international levels. The festival has considerable authority and a long successful history, as evidenced by its positive development dynamics.



A powerful platform for demonstrating the achievements of the Faculty's scientific, technical, artistic and creative potential, attracting business, establishing new partnerships and monitoring the needs of the modern market, trends and directions of the fashion industry is the International Specialized Exhibition of Footwear, Leather Goods, Fur and Components "Leather&Shoes".

Traditionally, the School participates in the exhibition and presents its scientific and creative achievements - creative works of students, postgraduates, research and teaching staff for different consumer segments, taking into account the requirements of safety, environmental friendliness and aesthetics, made of artificial leather from vegetable raw materials, genuine leather, decorated with finishing compositions and laser engraving, customized and stylized with traditional symbols of Ukrainian embroidery.



At the Faculty, a great attention is paid to creative and scientific work with students. Two all-Ukrainian competitions for students of the specialties “Garment Technology and Design” and “Footwear and Haberdashery Design” are held annually in April, in which over 50 students from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova take part.

The high level of training of the Faculty allows talented young people with their creative developments to take part in international and all-Ukrainian competitions, such as "Pechersky Kashtany" (Kyiv), "Suzirya Kashtan" (Kyiv), "DIGITAL FASHION" (Kyiv), Battle of Fashion Designers (Lviv), and also be able to show their works at the advertising festivals and other events.


The students actively participate in the scientific work of the Faculty, which is demonstrated by the great number of research papers at the conferences of young scientists.

The integral part of the training of future specialists is their aesthetic education, the formation of creative principles based on human values. The Student Self-Government Council is actively working. Its goal is to promote harmonious growth of the student's personality, thereby developing his management and leadership skills.

The main tasks of the Student Self-Government are:

  • to ensure and protect the students’ rights and interests;
  • to promote research and creative students’ activities;
  • to provide students with appropriate conditions for living and leisure activities;
  • to support students organizations, associations, and clubs;
  • to promote cooperation with students from other education institutions and youth organizations.

The students of the Faculty take part in the University amateur clubs, participate in various festivals and contests of student works.


The best students of the Faculty, distinguished in education and active participants in the students’ life, can get educational scholarships from the President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the Mayor of Kyiv.

At the University, a great attention is focused on the study of foreign languages for professional and daily communication.

The students of the Faculty have an opportunity to use the University library, one of the largest libraries among Kyiv universities. It contains more than one million copies of scientific and technical literature. Students can also use a modern electronic library.

At the Military Department, the students can master a military specialty, which in the future allows them to choose the profession of a public servant in the sphere of light industry.

International Cooperation

Over the years, the Faculty has gained international recognition. We have numerous foreign relations with leading higher education institutions, in particular with Germany, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Romania, Lithuania, Belgium, Albania, the People's Republic of China, Georgia, Turkey, and other countries. International students study at the Faculty. Most foreign graduates of the Faculty work as teachers, researchers, and employees of various international organizations.


Foreign partners of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion

Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia

Polytechnic University, Albania

International Hellenic University, Greece

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Engineering in Bor, Serbia

Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Ankara HacıBayramVeli University, Turkey Association of Higher Education Institutions in Art, Design and Media, Finland Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Technical University of Moldova, Moldova University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering, Republic of Serbia

enterprise for the production of special clothing, Poland

Qilu University of Technology, China

Kaunas University of Technology, Republic of Lithuania TUD Dresden University of Technology , Germany

University of Kafreresheikh, Egypt


Domestic partners of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion

Lviv National Academy of Arts, Ukraine

Mukachevo State University, Ukraine

Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular
Weight Compounds, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine Khmelnytsky National University, Ukraine State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine


Ukrainian Association of Light Industry Enterprises (Ukrlegprom), Ukraine

DANA-FASHION LTD, Ukraine National Defense University of Ukraine, Ukraine Central Department of Development and Support of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,

Company "TK-Domashniy Textile"

TK-Style garment factory