Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Faculty of Arts and Fashion



Head of the Department, PhD, Associate Professor

Address: Academic building 1, rooms 1-0436, 1-0302 (Teaching room), Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenko) Street, 2, Kyiv

Phone: +38044-256-21-84, +38044-256-29-71


Provisions on the Department of Fashion and Style

Work plan of the department


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About the Department
Mission of the Department

The mission of the department is providing quality educational services regardless of the place of residence/stay of participants in the educational process; active participation in the education and improvement of abilities, formation of professional competencies of higher education students; training of competitive specialists in the field of production and light industry technologies at the national and international levels.

The purpose of the department is to developing the potential of participants in the educational and research process, providing quality educational services based on a student-centered approach, and training specialists capable of solving complex problems and challenges of light industry production and technologies both in Ukraine and abroad.


The history of establishment and development of the degree-granting Department of Fashion and Style reflects the overall history of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. The training of textile artists and fashion designers began with the creation of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Leather Industry, Kyiv Art Institute, and Kyiv (Kharkiv) Textile Institute, which in 1944 merged under the name of Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry. The department was established in 1944 as a department of sewing production. From 1944 to 1947, the department was headed by M.S. Dybrenko. In 1947–1954, the department was reorganized into the department of sewing and shoe production, which was initially headed by N.G. Topolyansky, and then O.O. Afanasyev. From 1954 to 1959, the department of sewing production, head of the department Orlov I.V. The Department of Fashion Design was created based on the Department of Garment Production in 1963. In 1996, the Department of Fashion Design became a part of the Department of Garment Technology and Design. In different years, it was headed by H. Trukhan (PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor), L. Ahoshkov (PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor), N. Kuznetsova (PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor). In 2005, it became independent and was named the Department of Modeling and artistic decoration of clothes. In the period of 2005–2014, it was headed by Maryna Kolosnichenko (Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology). Over the years, the staff of the Department have stabilized, there is a strong growth trend, promising areas of activities are implemented, ensuring efficient performance of the Department. In 2014, the Department of Modeling and artistic decoration of clothes, part of the Faculty of Design, was headed by Dr. Sc., Prof. N.V. Ostapenko, which stimulated its further development.From September 2022, students of higher education and teachers have been transferred to the department of modeling and artistic decoration of clothes of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion. Since July 2023, the department has been headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor T.V. Struminska. In August, the department of fashion and clothing was reorganized by joining it to the department of modeling and artistic clothing decoration of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion. As a result, the department was renamed to fashion and style.

Academic Staff

The Department has highly qualified, in particular practice-oriented, lecturers who train bachelors and masters, doctors of philosophy.

Tetiana STRUMINSKA, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department. Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

She graduated from the State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine in 1998 with the qualification “Garment Technology”. She has been working at KNUTD since 2000, and defended her PhD thesis in 2013 on the topic: “Development of protective gloves from the effects of high-temperature environment”. She provides consultations and supervises master's diploma works and projects. She is the head of the scientific direction "Digital esthetics of ecological fashion: theoretical foundations and design strategies of world brands" section and the student scientific club "Art and Fashion: A Creative View of Design". Author of more than 100 publications, including a textbook, collective monographs and chapters in collective monographs, scientific articles in international and professional editions, abstracts at scientific conferences of various levels, educational and methodological developments, and the patent of Ukraine. Member of the scientific and organizational committee of the international scientific and practical conference of textile and fashion technologies KyivTex&Fashion. She is co-executor of the International Educational Grant Project №101127950 “FashionTEX European Academy for Young Designers to Study Innovative Technologies in Digital Fashion Design” under the CREA-CULT-2023-COOP-3 topic within the CREA2027 program.


Maryna KOLOSNICHENKO, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology

Maryna Kolosnichenko graduated from Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1982, Specialty “Garment Technology”. She has been working in KNUTD since 1988. In 2004, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Engineering on the topic: “The development of scientific bases for the creation of thermal protective special clothes”. In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded her the academic title of Professor. She is the head of the “Design, Ergonomics and Technical Aesthetics” scientific school, "The art of fashion in digital measurement: the synergy of eco-design and innovative technologies" scientific direction, and “The creation of new types of special, industrial, uniform clothing with predictable characteristics” scientific student group.

M.V. Kolosnichenko is a member of the Expert Council for the theses expertise of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Technologies of Food, Light and Chemical Industries. She is a member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.102.07 for the theses defense for obtaining the degrees of a Candidate and Doctor of Arts in the specialty 17.00.07 Design. M.V. Kolosnichenko is the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Art&Design” (Category B), a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Technical Aesthetics and Design” (KNUСA), a member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science in the professional field of the section “Construction Technologies, Design, Architecture”. She has over 500 scientific works, including 12 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 12 monographs, 90 methodical works, over 200 scientific articles in international and professional editions, more than 15 patents, and abstracts at scientific conferences at various levels. She supervises postgraduate students and advises doctoral students in the specialties 182 Light Industry Technologies and 022 Design. She has prepared 15 PhDs and 5 Doctors of Engineering.

She was awarded the Diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2002, 2006), the Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2005), the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010), the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (2008), the Acknowledgement of the State Protocol Service of the President of Ukraine, the Acknowledgements of the Mayor of Kyiv (2001, 2004), the Badge of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2001, 2004). ), the Badge of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine "K.D. Ushynskyi" (2015), the Medal of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine "Lesya Ukrainka" (2020), the Big Silver Medal of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2019), the Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "For Scientific and Educational Achievements" (2020), "Honourable Mention of KNUTD" (2025).


Nataliia OSTAPENKO, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Borys Paton

Nataliia Ostapenko graduated from the State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine in 1998, Specialty “Garment Technology and Design”. She received a master’s degree in Light Industry. She has been working at KNUTD since 2001. She defended her thesis in 2017 on the theme: “Development of a scientific basis for design-projection of protective clothing using the principles of transformation”. She is the head of the scientific school “Ergonomic design of protective clothing and products of various purposes”, the guarantor of the educational and professional programme "Modelling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, co-leader of a scientific student circle “Creation of new types of special, production, uniform clothes with predictable characteristics”. She is a scientific supervisor of postgraduate students in the 182 Light Industry Technologies specialty and 022 Design. She is a member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.102.07 for defending dissertations for the degrees of a Candidate and Doctor of Arts in the specialty 17.00.07 - Design, a member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.102.06 of KNUTD. N.V. Ostapenko is a member of the editorial board of the scientific professional journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Art&Design” (Category B) and the scientific professional journal "Technical aesthetics and design" (KNUBA), “Fashion Industry” (KNUTD). She is a member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the specialty area of the section "Construction Technologies, Design, Architecture". Member of the expert group for assessing the effectiveness of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific activities in the "Technical Sciences" field. Member of the competition commission of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine. She has over 200 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 3 monographs, over 70 scientific articles in international and professional publications, 14 patents of Ukraine, abstracts of different levels. She has prepared three PhDs. She is co-executor of the International Educational Grant Project №101127950 "FashionTEX European Academy for Young Designers to Study Innovative Technologies in Digital Fashion Design" under the CREA-CULT-2023-COOP-3 program within the CREA2027 program. Head of research work carried out within the framework of the tasks of the Long-term Development Plan of the Scientific Direction "Technical Sciences" "Development of multifunctional protective 3D structures and components of a modular system for its placement and attachment on mobile equipment" (2024). Awarded with Gratitude of KNUTD (2024), the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2009, 2022), and the Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2021).


Olena KOLOSNICHENKO, Doctor of study of art, Professor. Winner of the National Boris Paton Prize of Ukraine, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Graduated from the Kiev National University of Technology and Design, master of design. In 2019, she defended her doctoral thesis on the specialty 17.00.07 - Design on the topic "Theoretical foundations of artistic and compositional shaping of special-purpose clothing." Supervisor of master’s and graduate students' research. Kolosnichenko O. is a member of the specialized scientific council of KNUTD D 26.102.07 for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of art studies in the specialty 17.00.07 - Design, a member of the editorial boards of specialized scientific journals (category B): «Art and design» (KNUTD), "Technical Aesthetics" (KNUCA), "Folk Art and Ethnology" (IMFE named after M.T. Rylsky, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine); member of the scientific and organizational committee of the international scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of modern design» (KNUTD). The author of more than 200 scientific works, including textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, monographs, patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine, more than 100 scientific articles in publications of various levels, and theses of reports at conferences.


Liudmyla Zubkova, Phd, professor of the university

Graduated from Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1980, majored in "Technology of Garment Products", technological engineer. She defended her candidate's thesis in 1997. The topic of the thesis is "Development of the principles of increasing the manufacturability of industrially produced clothing structures". Member of the expert commissions of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine for the accreditation examination of educational institutions. Deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific and industrial magazine "Fashion Industry". She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2005), the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2011), the Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (2011), the Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Educational Excellence" (2015 ), with the sign "Ushinskyi K.D." of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2018), the "Lesya Ukrainka" medal of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2020), and the Diploma of the KNUTD (2023).


Larisa BILOTSKAYA, PhD, associate professor

Graduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1990 with a degree in “Technology of Sewing Products” and qualified as a technological engineer. Has been working at KNUTD since 1990. Defended a PhD thesis in 1998. The thesis topic was “Ensuring High Quality of Sewing Products Made of Natural Fur Based on a Systematic Approach and Optimization Principles”. Provides consultations, supervises bachelor’s coursework and qualification projects, as well as master’s theses. Research interests: quality assurance and optimization of technological processes in the production of various types of garments. Author of more than 120 scientific, educational, and methodological publications, including articles in specialized scientific journals, international publications, and journals indexed in the Scopus scientometric database, as well as five textbooks. Serves as the guarantor of the educational and professional program “Design and Technology of Sewing Products” within the specialty 182 “Technologies of Light Industry” at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. Head of the student research group “Creative Design and Innovative Technologies for Garment Production”.


Arseniy ARABULI, PhD, associate professor

Graduated from the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design in 2002. Received a specialty: "Sewing products". He has been working at KNUTD since 2005. He defended his dissertation in 2006. The topic of the dissertation: "Improvement of wet-heat treatment of sewing products during ironing of seams." The direction of scientific activity: improvement of processes of wet-heat treatment of sewing products, electronic textiles and its use in sewing products. Conducts consultations, supervises qualification projects and master's theses.

He is a member of the editorial board of the scientific and industrial magazine of Ukraine, category B "Fashion industry. Fashion Industry". Author of more than 100 scientific and educational and methodological works. It is the guarantor of the educational and professional program Design and technology of sewing products, specialty 182 Technologies of light industry of the second (master's) level of higher education.

He is a co-executor of international scientific projects:

  • "International Capacity Building in Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship with focus on ShaRed Expertise in Higher Education Institutions" (2023–2024);
  • "Functional textile materials and products for the needs of the military, doctors, hospitalists and civilians (acronym - ORTOKNIT)" within the program of joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian cooperation (2024–2025);
  • "Digitalization of the advanced rehabilitation products development for people with special needs (after limb amputation)" within the program of joint Ukrainian- German cooperation (2024–2025).

Awarded with the Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2021), the Gratitude of the Kyiv City Mayor (2020), the Certificate of Honor of the Kyiv City Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (2019). Scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2009-2011. Since 2014 head of the KNUTD trade union committee. 


Alla RUBANKA, PhD, Associate Professor. Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2009 with a degree in “Clothes”. Qualified as an engineer-researcher. She has been working at KNUTD since 2015. Has 12 years of experience working as a designer of clothing. She defended her thesis in 2017 on the topic: “Improvement of design-projecting of protective clothing for the emergency-rescue works in aviation”, the scientific adviser – Dr.Sc. N. Ostapenko. Practice-oriented teacher, she has 14 years of experience as a garment designer. Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science in the professional field of the section “New materials and production technologies: new technologies of material quality control”. She is the co-leader of a scientific student clubs “Clothing design using digital technologies” and “Creation of new types of special, production, uniform with predictable characteristics”. Based on the results of the research, more than 100 papers have been published, including 1 manual, 6 sections in collective monographs, 25 scientific articles in editions of different levels, 4 patents of Ukraine for utility models, 1 author’s certificate, more than 70 abstracts at all-Ukrainian and international conferences. Guarantor of the educational and professional program “Modeling, Design and Artistic Decoration of Light Industry Products”, specialty 182 Light Industry Technologies of the second (master's) level of higher education. Responsible executor of the International Educational Grant Project №101127950 “FashionTEX European Academy for Young Designers to Study Innovative Technologies in Digital Fashion Design” under the CREA-CULT-2023-COOP-3 topic within the CREA2027 program.

Co-executor of research work carried out within the framework of the tasks of the Long-term Development Plan for the Scientific Direction "Technical Sciences" "Development of multifunctional protective 3D structures and components of a modular system for its placement and attachment on mobile equipment" (2024).

Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018-2020). Awarded with the Gratitude from KNUTD (2021). Тhe Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to young scientists was adopted 2021.


TETIANA LUTSKER, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

Graduated from the Kiev National University of Technology and Design in 2001. Qualified as an engineer-technologist-designer for the specialty “Sewing Products”. KNUTD has been working since 2005, defended a candidate’s dissertation from 2012, specialties are “technology of textile materials, sewing and knitwear” with the topic: “Development of emergency rescue special clothing for petroleum refinery workers.” A lecturer in the discipline “Industrial manufacturing of products”, conducts consultations and graduate work supervisor. Author more 90 publications, including monographs, more 48 articles in international and foreign publications, 3 articles in foreign publications, articles in Scopus and Web of Science, 43 abstracts of scientific conferences, 5 Ukrainian patents for industrial applications. Awarded with thanks KNUTD (2021).


Halyna OLIINYK, PhD, Associate Professor. Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

She graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2012 with a degree in “Design and technologies of sewn products” qualified as a research engineer. She has been working at KNUTD since 2016. She has experience in practical work at a garment company as a fashion designer. She defended her dissertation in 2020 on the topic of "Improving the design and engineering of a relief vest for military personnel", the scientific adviser – Dr.Sc. N. Ostapenko. She is the co-leader a scientific student club “Creation of new types of special, production, uniform, sportswear with predictable characteristics”. A practice-oriented teacher is an individual entrepreneur. Published more than 80 scientific works, including 5 sections in collective monographs, 5 articles in professional editions of Ukraine, 3 articles in foreign editions, 5 methodological developments, 450 theses of reports at scientific conferences, 1 patent of Ukraine for utility model. Co-executor of research work carried out within the framework of the tasks of the Long-term Development Plan for the Scientific Direction "Technical Sciences" "Development of multifunctional protective 3D structures and components of a modular system for its placement and attachment on mobile equipment" (2024). Scientific supervisor of students who took the prize (first) place at the 1st International Competition of Scientific Papers for Higher Education Applicants in the field of "Fashion Industry" in 2023. She was awarded the Gratitude from KNUTD (2021). Тhe Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to young scientists was adopted 2021, Kyiv Mayor's Award (2023).


Liliia Navolska, PhD, Excellent Worker of Education of Ukraine

Graduated from the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2001 with a degree in Sewn Products, qualification of a design engineer. She has been working at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design since 2015. She defended her dissertation on "Form-building in menswear: genesis, evolution, modern tendencies" in 2023. The direction of scientific activity: innovative digital technologies in clothing design, 3-D modeling and computer design of products. Conducts consultations and is the supervisor of qualifying master's theses and projects. He is the co-head of the scientific student group "Clothing design using digital technologies". Basing on the results of her research, she has published 20 articles in international and professional journals and abstracts at various conferences. She has 20 years of teaching experience, a teacher of the highest category, and the pedagogical title of "teacher-methodologist". Since 2021, she has been a member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Sector of Professional Higher Education of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, co-author of the standard of professional higher education in the speciality 182 "Light Industry Technologies".

She was awarded the Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2015), the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellence Worker of Education" (2020).


Tetiana REMENIEVA, PhD of Art Criticism

Graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2007 with a Bachelor's degree in "Artistic Costume Design." In 2008, she received her Master's degree in "Photo-Video Design" from the same university. In 2024, she defended her PhD dissertation on "Decor in Costume and Author Projects: Modern Trends in Design Concepts." Tatiana is the author of 12 publications, including scientific articles in international and professional journals, theses of reports at scientific conferences of various levels, and educational-methodological developments. Since 2014, she has been the founder of a brand specializing in decorative finishing of clothing, interiors, and author works. She owns the art space TataDecor and regularly conducts creative workshops in various art directions. Tatiana is also a professional art therapist with over 20 years of experience, working with children of various social and mental categories. In 2024, she is set to graduate from the "University of Modern Knowledge" with a Master's degree in Psychology.

Ivan FROLOV, PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine

He graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2015 with a degree in “Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products”. He has been working at KNUTD since 2015. He is the winner of the International Competitions for Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany”, “Look into the Future”, “To Be Next”. He is one of the practice-oriented teachers of the department who has extensive experience in the specialty. Ivan Frolov is a famous Ukrainian fashion designer and founder of the FROLOV brand. Since 2013, he has been a regular participant of Ukrainian Fashion Week shows. In 2014 and 2016, he received Best Fashion Awards in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination, and in 2015, 2016, 2018 in the “Best setting” nomination, in 2020 in the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination, and in 2021 in the "Social Responsibility Award" nomination. In 2023, Ivan Frolov was included in the fourth national Forbes list "30 Under 30: Creators of the Future". According to Forbes Ukraine magazine's 2023 list, the Ukrainian brand FROLOV is one of the most popular Ukrainian fashion clothing brands abroad. He defended his dissertation in 2021 on the topic "Author's collection of modern clothing: methods of creation and means of identification.". According to his research results, he published more than 30 scientific publications, 7 articles in scientific journals, abstracts of reports at scientific conferences of various levels. He has 1 certificate of registration of the computer program and 6 utility model patents. I. Frolov was a Fellow of the President of Ukraine from 2017 to 2018.


Svetlana LOZOVENKO, assistant

In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Kyiv State University of Technology and Design (now KNUTD), majoring in "Sewing products". In 2000–2005, she worked as a designer of sewing products at enterprises in Kyiv and as a freelance inspector of "Bureau VeritasUkraine". She has been working at KNUTD since 2005. From 2010 to 2013, she studied at KNUTD graduate school, majoring in 05.18.19 - Technology of textile materials, sewing and knitted products. He is the head of educational practice and coursework of students, consultant of the design sections of master's diplomas. He is working on dissertation research in the scientific direction "Quality assurance and optimization of the technological process of manufacturing various products", the scientific supervisor is Ph.D., associate professor L.B. Bilotska. He is the author of more than 100 scientific and educational-methodical works, including articles in scientific specialized publications, international publications, and publications indexed in the Scopus scientometric database, 3 educational manuals and one reference book. Co-head of the scientific student group "Creative design and innovative technologies for the production of sewing products".


Yana MAMCHENKO, assistant, postgraduate student

She graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2020 with a degree in «Consumer industry technologies» and qualified as a research engineer. Since 2021, she has been studying in the postgraduate course of KNUTD. She is working on her dissertation research in the direction of military product design; the scientific supervisor is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Nataliia Ostapenko. She is a co-leader of the scientific student group “Designing clothes using digital technologies”. Author of more than 30 scientific publications, including 5 articles in foreign and professional editions of Ukraine, and abstracts at national and international scientific conferences, symposia. She is co-executor of the International Educational Grant Project №101127950 “FashionTEX European Academy for Young Designers to Study Innovative Technologies in Digital Fashion Design” under the CREA-CULT-2023-COOP-3 topic within the CREA2027 program.

Co-executor of research work carried out within the framework of the tasks of the Long-term Development Plan for the Scientific Direction "Technical Sciences" "Development of multifunctional protective 3D structures and components of a modular system for its placement and attachment on mobile equipment" (2024).


Tetyana AVRAMENKOhead of the laboratory

She graduated from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in 2006 and received qualification of an engineer-technologist-constructor. In 2003, she graduated from the Institute of Postgraduate Education at KNUTD, specialty “Management of Organizations” with qualification of an economist-manager. She has been working at KNUTD since 2003. Head of the Department Laboratory. Student of the ED, the scientific supervisor is Prof. M.V. Kolosnichenko. PhD thesis is carried out within the framework of the scientific school “Development of competitive thermal protection special clothes”. Published 5 articles in professional and foreign publications, 7 abstracts at scientific conferences, received 1patent for a utility model.


Educational and Laboratory Facilities

The department of fashion and style includes 9 classrooms, 3 educational and scientific laboratories, 2 educational laboratories for practice and a computer class.

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation of the Association of Furriers of Ukraine with the university and the personal assistance of the rector I.M. Hryshchenko, a laboratory for the production of fur products was created and equipped at the department.



Opening of the research laboratory "Design-technology of fur products"


A new educational sewing laboratory was created and equipped at the department for high-quality practical training of higher education students who study in the specialty 182 Technologies of light industry. The laboratory is equipped with industrial sewing equipment, a cutting table and wet-heat treatment equipment.

Acquaintance of 1st-year higher education students with the educational laboratory of creative design and innovative technologies for the production of sewing products


In the classrooms for the design of new forms of clothing, classes are held for students in the disciplines "Design of plastic forms of clothing", "Artistic and graphic composition", "Modern technologies of modeling and artistic decoration of products", etc.


Classes in “Designing of plastic clothing forms”


Classes in “Artistic and graphic composition”



Training practice in educational laboratories of the department of fashion and style  


In the educational and scientific laboratory on the problems of creating personal protective equipment, specialists of the scientific school work under the guidance of D.Sc. in Engineering, Prof. M. Kolosnichenko in the direction “Creation of competitive special protective clothing”. They are at work upon the development of a rational structure of the range of special protective clothing for a predetermined number of productions with the introduction of modern information technologies. The laboratory also conducts laboratory and practical work in the courses of “Designing products for special purpose”, “Comfort in wear and clothes safety”.

Training laboratory for the design of new forms of ergonomic clothing


In the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Quality Examination and Conformity Assessment of Garments and Materials for Their Production (room 1-0274), laboratory work is conducted for students of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education, masters and students of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, under the guidance of scientific and pedagogical staff have the opportunity to conduct experimental research on scientific topics. 

Educational and scientific laboratory on the problems of designing and designing clothes using information technologies


In the educational and scientific laboratory for designing clothes from various materials using modern information technologies (room 1-0293), classes are held in the disciplines "Computer Product Design", "Design of Sewing Products" and course projects are completed.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to master modern systems of computer-aided design of clothes JULIVI, Gracia (Ukraine) and others, which are leaders among the software of Ukrainian garment enterprises.

Scientific Activities

The participation of teachers in research work at the Department is carried out in the following forms: research work included in the educational process; in scientific conferences and competitions; participation in the inventive activity; demonstration of the research results in scientific journals.

The department constantly carries out scientific and research works financed from the state budget.

The teachers, postgraduates, and students of the Department carry out research on current topics and participate in regional and international conferences and seminars. According to the results of scientific research in recent years, the staff of the Department have published about 200 scientific articles in journals of various levels, received more than 60 patents, presented more than 300 papers at conferences. The effectiveness of scientific work is confirmed by the increase in recent years in the number of scientific publications and their citations in journals and conference proceedings included in the science metric databases Scopus, Web of Science, etc. In recent years, members of the Department have published more than 50 monographs, textbooks, and manuals.

The 2021 Boris Paton National Prize of Ukraine for the work "Textile materials and products for special and military purposes" was awarded to Professor N.V. Ostapenko and the team of scientists of KNUTD, KhNTU, NASV named after Petro Sahaidachnoy, RA.DA LLC.

Scientific research work of the teachers of the Department is carried out in scientific areas:

  • The Art of Fashion in the digital measurement: Synergy of Ecodesign and Innovative Technologies (supervisor: Prof. M. Kolosnichenko);
  • Ergonomic design of protective clothing and products for different purposes (supervisor: Doctor of Engineering, Prof. Ostapenko N.V.).

The results of the scientific work “Creation of competitive special protective clothing” were taken as a basis of the National standard of Ukraine “Fireman clothes - protective. General technical requirements and test methods”. The scientific staff of the laboratory improved methods of evaluation of thermal insulation properties of the packages of clothing, made a unique device, and proposed methods for determining thermal characteristics of materials and packages, as evidenced by the patents of Ukraine for inventions.

Developed varieties of thermal protective clothes are repeatedly demonstrated at exhibitions of international and national levels.

The research results of the developed thermal protective sets are confirmed by acts of implementation, specifications, and patents of Ukraine for industrial design. The developments have been implemented in fire and rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency of Ukraine, the oil and gas industry and used by rescue workers during liquidation of accidents in underground mines, etc.

Teachers of the Department worked on the research work of DB 16.04.59 “Development of a rational structure of the range of ergonomic clothes of servicemen with predicted properties of non-flammable heat-resistant materials”, implemented at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design of DB 16.04.65 “Development of design-ergonomic solutions of protective, uniform clothing for military personnel in the face of different types of hazards and risk assessment” (2019-2021), DB 16.04.68 “Design of military and corporate clothing based on the theoretical foundations of ergonomics and design” (2020-2022).



The exposition of research and development of the Department: special clothing for various purposes


Under the guidance of Prof. M. Kolosnichenko and A. I. Rubanka, the design of clothes based on modern computer technologies is carried out. In cooperation with the developers of CAD JULIVI (SAPRlehprom firm, Odesa) we do research and development in the field of automation of design cycles and three-dimensional geometric dress designing.

The Department has 3 scientific clubs–“Creation of new types of special, production, uniform with predicted characteristics” (Prof. M.V. Kolosnichenko, Prof. N.V. Ostapenko, PhD G. M. Oliinyk), “Design of clothes with the use of information technologies” (Prof. O.V.Ezhova, PhD A. I. Rubanka), Creative design and innovative technologies for the production of sewing products (associate professor L.B. Bilotska, assistant S.Yu. Lozovenko).

Scientific and creative developments of the Department

Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Project “Modern School Style”, included in the program of Kyiv Fashion International Festival, a collection of school uniforms in the nominations “School style” and “Holiday spirit” was developed by the teachers and students of the Department.  Teachers of the Department took part in the meeting of the Round table on the discussion of problematic issues and prospects of the development and stimulation of the production of goods of school assortment, revival of Ukrainian industry of school clothes and footwear with the participation of manufacturers, designers, representatives of central executive bodies.

Collection of school uniforms “Holiday routine”


The results of scientific research of the teachers and postgraduates of the Department were presented at conferences of different levels, seminars, round table meetings, including the Technical Scientific Conference of Undergraduate, Master and PhD Students: Tehnica-UTM (Chisinau, Moldova), the International Conference "Valorization of ethno-cultural heritage in research and education" (Chisinau, Moldova), International scientific-technical conference of staff, postgraduates and students (Moldova, Chisinau, Technical University of Moldova), IV international scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students ”Contemporary issues of development of light and food industry” (Evpatoria city, V. Dahl Eastern Ukrainian National University), International scientific-practical conference of higher education graduates and young scientists "Youth - science and production: Innovative technologies of light industry" (KHNTU, Kherson), International scientific-practical internet conference of young scientists and students "Resource-saving technologies of light, textile and food of Industry" (KHNU, Khmelnytskyi), the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Design" (Kyiv, NAU), 20th Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Innovative potential of Ukrainian science - XXI century”, Zaporizhia), the International scientific conference “New technologies in textile industry” (Khmelnitskyi city, KhNU), the International scientific-practical conference “Light and textile industry: current status and perspectives”, Kherson, KhNTU), the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with the participation of foreign scientists “Modern technologies in light industry and service”, Khmelnitskyi, KhNU), etc.

Teachers of the Department of Modeling and Artistic Decoration of Clothes take an active part in the International conference of textile and fashion technologies "Kyiv Tex & Fashion" and International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Modern Design”. At the conferences, there is an exchange of experience and results of scientific research on topical problems light industry technologies of design, the creative collaboration of educational, scientific, public and business of Ukraine, other countries of Europe, and the world, etc.

Scientific and technical conference "Creation and modernization of weapons and military equipment in modern conditions" 



KyivTex&Fashion international conference


An important indicator of the activity of the department is the quantity and quality of training of scientific personnel of higher qualification. The proportion of scientific and pedagogical staff with scientific degrees and academic titles is increasing. In recent years, 15 theses have been defended under the guidance of the department's faculty, among which 8 candidates of technical sciences are members of the department.  In the framework of the activities, our staff organizes round tables, conferences, and seminars and realizes a scientific collaboration with other student organizations in Ukraine and the world.

Scientific Schools

Head of the scientific school "Design, ergonomics and technical aesthetics is Maryna V. Kolosnichenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Excellence in education of Ukraine, State Prizewinner of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

One of the inspirers of the scientific school was a candidate of technical sciences, professor L. Tretyakova (1931-1994)trained by Ph.D. M. Kolosnichenko and more than 17 candidates of technical sciences continued and developed the scientific direction.

Scientists conduct theoretical and experimental research on relevant scientific topics, which allowed for forming a project concept and prognostic models for the formation and research of design works, expansion of creative and scientific research, conceptual approaches, and methods of creating design objects based on the use of synthesis of traditional and newest methods of modeling.

The scientific school consists of 19 candidates and 4 doctors of science. Continuity in research directions is ensured by the quantitative and qualitative training of highly qualified scientific personnel. M.V. Kolosnichenko trained 5 doctors (L.D. Tretyakova, N.V. Ostapenko, K.L. Pashkevich, N.V. Chuprina, N.V. Skliarenko) and 15 candidates of science (T.A. Polka (Barkovskaya), N.V. Ostapenko, A.A. Slityuk, R.Y. Kozhushko, T.V. Tseselskaya (Lutsker), T.V. Struminsky, M.S. Vinnichuk, T.I. Nikolaeva, O.S. Vasilieva, I.A. Prikhodko-Kononenko, A.V. Omelchenko, I.V. Frolov, YE.O. Holovchanska, L.V. Navolska). Professor N.V. Ostapenko trained 3 candidates of science (A.I. Rubanka, H.M. Oliinyk (Tokar), O.Yu. Mikhaylyuk). Two doctoral dissertations are being prepared for defence.

Head of the scientific school "Scientific principles of creation of multifunctional textile materials and products with predicted properties" Bereznenko Serhiy Mykolayovych, Ph.D., professor, academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, awarded with badges "Petro Mohyla" and "Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi ", laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology

Thematic direction: "Scientific principles of creating multifunctional textile materials and products with predictable properties."

The head of the scientific school defended 4 doctoral theses and 27 candidate theses, published more than 1,100 scientific works, including 7 monographs, 12 textbooks, 3 state standards, received 36 copyright certificates and utility model patents.

The active pedagogical activities of the scientific schools have been also confirmed by the training of highly qualified personnel by the heads of scientific fields in the directions “Technology of light industry”, “Design”.

Scientific Cooperation

The Department carries out the Agreements on strategic partnership between the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management, the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and our University.

In the field of educational and scientific activities, the Department cooperates with specialists from SAPRLegprom company (Odesa, Ukraine), developers of apparel computer-aided design (CAD) JULIVI, developers of CAD Grazia (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Dana Fashion Ltd (Kyiv), SIE “Ikar” Ltd (Kyiv), fashion clothing brand "FROLOV" ("Frolov Hart" LLC, Kyiv), fashion clothing brand "KASS" (FOP Kass B.V., Kyiv), TD "Promin" LLC (Kyiv), LLC " Protection Textiles" (Kyiv), LLC "Advertising Textiles" (Kyiv), where teachers, postgraduates and masters of the Department implement their scientific developments in production.

New designs of special protective, uniform, and sports clothes are available on the request of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The Department maintains fruitful scientific cooperation with “Katran”, “Ikar”, “Diving Plus”, “Vikom”, “ONIKO” scientific-production associations.

Educational and Methodological Support

The publication activity of the team in recent years is evidenced by the scientific output of more than 1,200 works of scientific and educational and methodological literature in various languages in compliance with the principles and norms of academic integrity. The effectiveness of scientific work is confirmed by the increase in recent years in the number of scientific publications and their citations in journals and conference materials included in the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science, etc. In recent years, the members of the department have published more than 50 monographs, textbooks and educational aids, among which the most significant are:

  1. Graphicdesignininformationandvisualspace: Scientificmonograph / М. Kolosnichenko, Ye. Gula, К. Pashkevychetal. Riga, Latvia: BaltijaPublishing, 2023. 280 p.
  2. Технології експериментального та підготовчо-розкрійного виробництв швейної галузі : навч. посіб. / С. М. Березненко, О. І. Водзінська, Л. Б. Білоцька, С. Ю. Лозовенко. – Київ : КНУТД, 2023. – 340 с.
  3. Адаптивна роль плакату в контексті розвитку сучасного мистецтва : колективна монографія / під наук. ред. М. В. Колосніченко. – Київ : КНУТД, 2023. – 220 с.
  4. Графічний дизайн в інформаційному та візуальному просторі : монографія / за заг. ред. М. В. Колосніченко. – Київ : КНУТД, 2022. – 227 с.
  5. Інноваційні технології виробництва текстильних матеріалів і виробів спеціального та військового призначення: монографія / О.В. Чепелюк, Ю.Г. Сарібєкова, О.Я. Семешко, П.І. Ванкевич,  А.Д. Черненко, Н.В. Остапенко,  О.В. Колосніченко,  А.С. Прохоровський. Херсон, Олді-Плюс, 2021. –408 с.
  6. Вироби спеціального та військового призначення: дизайн і технології / Остапенко Н.В., Колосніченко О.В., Колосніченко М.В., Третякова Л.Д., Луцкер Т.В., Рубанка А.І., Токар Г.М. –К.: КНУТД, 2021. –231 с.
  7. Fashiondesignin a multiculturalspace: Monograph / М. V. Kolosnichenko, К. L. Pashkevich, Т. F. Krotovaetal. – PublischedbyAcademicSocietyofMichalBaludansky, Printedby UK TechnicalUniversityofKošice, Slovakia, 2020. – 258 p.
  8. Дизайн одягу в полікультурному просторі: монографія / М. В. Колосніченко, К. Л. Пашкевич, Т. Ф. Кротова та ін. – Київ: КНУТД, 2020. – 268 с.
  9. Проданчук І. В. Технології та конструювання спідниць жіночих : навч. посіб. / І. В. Проданчук, С. М. Березненко, Г. Г. Білоусова. – Київ : КНУТД, 2020. – 152 с.
  10. Технології волого-теплового оброблення, клейових, зварних з’єднувань та хімізації у швейній галузі : навч. посіб. / С. М. Березненко, О. І. Водзінська, Л. Б. Білоцька, С. В. Донченко. – Київ : КНУТД, 2020. – 303 с.
  11. Основи живопису та кольорознавства / В.О. Мусієнко, М.В. Колосніченко, Н.В. Остапенко.  – Київ, КНУТД, 2018. – 250 с.
  12. Основи охорони праці на підприємствах індундустрії моди / В.О. Мусієнко, І.В. Панасюк, О.О. Романюк – Київ, КНУТД, 2018. – 660 с.
  13. Розробка колекцій одягу: навчальний посібник/ А.М. Малинська, К.Л. Пашкевич, М.Р. Смирнова, О.В. Колосніченко. – К.: ПП «НВЦ Профі», 2018. – 140 с.
  14. Мода і одяг. Основи проектування та виробництва одягу: навч. посібник / М.В. Колосніченко, К.Л. Пашкевич. – К.: ПП «НВЦ Профі», 2018. – 237 с.


All the courses of the Department are provided with educational literature. Our staff prepared electronic lecture notes, guidelines for the implementation of practical and laboratory work, tutorials, and textbooks for the courses. The Department is constantly working on the renewal of information for the modular environment of KNUTD educational process.

Publications of the Department in recent years 


The Department is degree-granting and trains bachelors and masters in the specialty:182 “Light Industry Technologies” according to the educational program “Modeling, designing and decorating of light industry products”, « Design and technology of sewing products»:  

  •  first (bachelor) level of higher education;
  •  second (master's) level of higher education.

Forms of education: full-time, part-time and distance learning.

Training is carried out both by the state order and at the expense of individuals and legal entities (on a contractual basis).

Admission to the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programs is governed by the Rules of admission to Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

The department is a graduation department and provides training for the third (educational and scientific, doctor of philosophy) educational and scientific program "Technologies of light industry".

All academic groups of education seekers who study at the bachelor's level of education are assigned to tutor teachers who familiarize students with documents to ensure the educational process, carry out group and individual consultations for the purpose of drawing up individual study plans of students; supervise the implementation of individual study plans of students; protect the educational interests of students; help young people to participate in the cultural life of the university and the capital. Students taking part in mass cultural events, regularly visit theaters, exhibitions, museums and galleries. KNUTD has clubs where each of the students can realize their own abilities and skills in creative activities, sports competitions and theater clubs.

Students lead an active social and scientific life, attend specialized exhibitions, participate in scientific competitions, Olympiads, and conferences of various levels.


All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in the specialty "Design and technology of sewing products"


The teaching staff of the department is constantly working on the comprehensive improvement of the practical component of specialist training. On the basis of the approved training plans, end-to-end practice programs have been developed.

Creative works of students of the OPP "Modelling, design and artistic decoration of products of light industry", performed as part of the educational practice


Permanent bases of production practice are the following enterprises: LLC "Dana-moda", Kyiv; LLC "Ukrtekstil", TM OZON, Kyiv; Olvitekstil LLC, Kyiv; RA.DA LLC, Kyiv; FROLOV fashion clothing brand, FrolovHart LLC, Kyiv; KASS fashion clothing brand, Kass B.V. m. Kyiv; LLC "Robochiy Styl" Sewing Association, Vyshneve; PJSC "Luga", Volyn region, Volodymyr-Volynskyi; Zoryanka Garment Factory PJSC, Kropyvnytskyi; "BRAND LENKA" LLC (Kyiv); Sohochic LLC (Dnipro); "VOVK GROUP" LLC (Kyiv); "Innocentia" LLC (Chernivtsi); Volodarka PJSC, Vinnytsia; PP Sewing factory "Marichka", Zhytomyr; "IDOL LTD" LLC, Kyiv; FOP Ahayan-Antonenko D.K., (Design studio of Diana Ahayan) Kyiv; "Tykaferlyuks" LLC, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Tysmenytsia, and others with whom contracts have been concluded for its implementation.

Passing of industrial practice by higher education graduates of the OPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products"


The university concludes long-term contracts with leading enterprises, organizations, institutions, etc., for industrial, research and pre-diploma internships for students.

A wide range of placements of internships makes it possible to bring internships as close as possible to the permanent place of residence of students, especially correspondence form of education, to reduce the costs of purchasing materials and manufacturing products, and to coordinate the subject of diploma projects with the range of products of enterprises.

In the context of budgetary topics, farm contracts and license agreements, the University's specialists closely cooperate with industry specialists: scientific research is conducted on order manufacturers, scientific developments are introduced into the technological processes of enterprises. It is also worth noting that during educational practice, students in the workshops of the department under the guidance of experienced teachers make products of various purposes for the needs of the university.

To develop the creative and scientific potential of student youth and teachers within the framework of a strategic partnership with leading specialists in the field, the department has introduced scientific and practical seminars with the involvement of leading foreign companies "Coats", "HänselTextil", "KUFNER" (Germany), "СamelaPL" (Poland ), "NOVATEX UA" (Czech Republic), "LainieredePicardie" (France), "GERBER TECHNOLOGY" (USA), etc., as well as master classes with well-known experts in the field of fashion, including Daniil Grachov, Jannet von Klingen and others.

As part of the cooperation between KNUTD and the sewing company "Flaxpol" (Klyuchborg, Poland) and the agreement on sending full-time university students to internships with full provision of accommodation, food and travel expenses compensation in 2015, industrial and pre-diploma students - I. Horislavetsi O. passed the practice and presented our glorious institution with dignity. Velichko In 2016 – student L. Shcherban, in 2019 – master’s student I. Fesyuk, in 2020 - Yu. Vesela, V. Alekseenko.

As part of the academic mobility and cooperation agreement between Kyiv National University of Technology and Design and Dangara State University (Dangara town, Tajikistan), in 2019, students of the Master's degree of the Department of Fashion and Style - A. Babienko and K. Pyatigina - underwent training - pedagogical and pre-diploma practice in the Republic of Tajikistan.

The purpose of the visit was to exchange knowledge and teaching experience in higher education institutions. Namely, conducting lecture and laboratory classes by graduate students in the disciplines "Design of sewing products" and "Computer design" for students studying in bachelor's programs.

Various cultural and educational activities are aimed at raising the cultural and educational level of students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the department. On more than one occasion, the department has been the organizer of field trips of university students and teachers to the Korsun-Shevchenkiv state historical and cultural reserve in art galleries, where the exposition of the famous Ukrainian artist, candidate of technical sciences, prof. V.O. Musienko


Prof. Musienko V.O. conducts a tour of an exhibition of his own works


Creative works of the students of the "Design and technologies of sewing products", exhibition "Spring and Ukraine" 


Exhibition of creative works of students of the OPP "Design and technology of sewing products" and teachers of the department,
dedicated to the International Forum FUR Futures


IV International Forum of FUR FuturesUkraine "Natural fur - a responsible choice", KNUTD


Students of higher education studying under the OPP "Modelling, construction and artistic decoration of light industry products" acquire knowledge of clothing design, artistic and constructive modeling of clothing from fabrics, leather and fur, knitwear, construction of women's, men's and children's clothing, the main clothes, underwear, corset products. They have the opportunity to acquire practical skills in the development of collections of clothing models, modeling of clothes of complex shapes and cuts, computer-aided design of clothes, which gives the opportunity to become qualified specialists of high quality and work in the fashion industry.


The training of a modern-level specialist is a responsible and important matter. One of the stages of student training and at the same time testing his level of knowledge is the holding of an Olympiad in a specialty. Every year, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty “Garment Design and Technology" is held on the basis of the Department of Fashion and Stile. Competitions in the specialty are conducted on theoretical and practical issues, in different nominations, in which the winners are elected. During the Olympiad, there are round tables and shows of fashion models of leading designers. The winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty ”Garment Design and Technology”" by the general indicators were in 2014-2015 n.y. - H.A. Smachilo, in 2015-2016 - N.R. Gubal, in 2017–2018 - E.A. Severin, in 2018–2019 recognized by D.G. Petrosyan, L.O. Shcherban.

Fragments of the All-Ukrainian Student’s Olympiad in the specialty “Garments design and technology”


Traditionally, every year, students are involved in various forms of scientific research work of the department, in particular, in participation in All-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works. Thus, in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge "Technology of light industry" in 2021, the winner was Yu.V. Happy In different years, students of the department won prizes in the fields of knowledge "Applied geometry, engineering graphics and technical aesthetics" and "Design. Fine art, decorative art, restoration".


Student reports at International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences


The Department of Modeling and artistic decoration of clothes, in cooperation with the Department of Design with the support of the North American Fur Auction “NAFA” (Canada), organized the 1st International Student Fur Design Contest “Ubiquitous Fur”, the final of which was successfully held on the basis of KNUTD.The contest winners, students M. Finik and M. Halushka were awarded a weekly internship in Toronto, Canada.



Students interning at the NAFA (Canada, Toronto)


Masters of EPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of products of light industry" T. Bogomazyuk and N. Gubal represented the University at the 3rd International Competition of Young Designers of Fur Products “REMIX-EURASIA”, which took place on November 10, 2016, in St. Petersburg. With the support of the Ukrainian Association of Furriers in July of that year, the girls were trained at one of the best fur companies in Ukraine “Tykafurlux” (Tysmenytsia city), where they produced competitive products. For their participation in the competition, students were awarded international personal certificates.

Since 2015, the best students of the Department have been working abroad within the framework of cooperation between the Department and the Flaxpol Garment Enterprise (Klyuchborg, Poland), which makes it possible to fully study the European experience in the manufacture of clothing of various uses applying modern technologies.

Internship by students at the Department at Flaxpol (Poland)


Within the framework of laboratory, course, and master’s degree projects and works, students can realize their potential, gain new knowledge in designing new models of clothes, and transform their creative ideas into their own collections. Students annually present the results of their creative work at international and all-Ukrainian competitions, shows, exhibitions, in particular at the International Competition of Young Designers "Pechersk Kashtani", International competition of one image and New Year's and Christmas decoration "Constellation "Chestnut", All-Ukrainian competition "Looking into the future", etc.

The Association of Ukrainian Designers in Paris (AssociationdesCréateursUkrainiens à Paris) in cooperation with the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design conducted a charity project called "Ode to European Ukraine". At the first stage, in April 2023, a selection of sketch proposals for clothing collections took place, according to the results of which, among others, the works of students of the OPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products" by Yevgenia Onushko (MgShMK-22), Lyubov Stryzhak (BShMKsk-20) were selected among others ).

Competition work of Lyubov Stryzhak (competition from the Ukrainian Association of Designers in Paris, 2023)


"Ancient Denim" work by Anastasiya Molodan (Pechersk Chestnuts international competition, PRET-A-PORTER nomination, 1st place, 2023)



Collage of creative works of students of the specialty “Modeling, Design and Decoration of Light Industry Products”
(N. Holubievska, A. Navrotska, M. Klontsak, A. Afanasieva, O. Hrichanyuk, T. Trushina)


Designs of student`s collections of the Department in the competitions “Pecherski Kashtany” and “Suzirya “Kashtan”

The collection “BSD” Fall/Winter'13-14, a student`s work, the author is I. Frolov

The collection “Dawn within us”, a student’s work, the author is Ya. Orenchyna

The collection “Dawn within us”, a student’s work, the author is Ya. Orenchyna

The collection “Sirin”, a student’s work, the author is M. Tulskyh

"FrigusGothicam" collection. Student work, authors: I. Horyslavets, I. Oleksyuk

"Undine" collection. Student work, author M. Tulskikh

Collection "Whiteness" Student work, author R. Korsinov


Collection "Polimita Picta". Student work, author E. Neznayko

Collection "Soul Desires". Student work, author R. Migus


At the 11th International Competition of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in 2012, the collection of I. Frolov received the third prize in the nomination “Pret-a-porter Delux”, the collection of T. Korniychuk - II place in the nomination “Pro-art”. At the competition of young designers “Seasons of Fashion. A Look into the Future” the studio collection of I. Frolov became a nominee.

In 2014, a student of the Department Ya. Orenchyna, under the direction of an associate professor M.V. Ivasenko, took part in the International Competition of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in the nomination “Pret-a-porter Delux” with the collections “Simphonia 9” (1st place) and “Inside us” (2nd place). The collection “BSD Fall/Winter`13-14” by students I. Frolov I. and G. Akimova entered the final. In the textile competition of the XIII International Contest of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in the nomination “Projects of Works” N. Gavrilko received 1st degree diploma of the winner of the competition from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). In 2015, students O. Morocco and M. Chebunina received 2nd place in the Pret-a-porter Delux nomination with the collection “Sangria”.

Graduate and teacher of the department I. Frolov was awarded a prize in the Digital Story nomination within the "Fashion Film Festival Kyiv", September 2-5, 2021. Ivan Frolov was awarded the prestigious award of the Ukrainian fashion industry Best Fashion Awards in the nominations: "Breakthrough of the Year" (21.01 .2021), "The best fashion production" (September 19, 2016). Also, I. Frolov developed an author’s dress for the singer Jamala, who represented our country at the international song contest Eurovision-2016 (May 2016). Later, this dress was handed over to ABBA the Museum, in Stockholm, Sweden. Participation of I. Frolov and FROLOV brand in the International Fashion Showcase 2016, Young Designers Festival, organized by the British Council in Ukraine and the British Fashion Council in the framework of the Fashion Week in London on February 4, 2016, was also noted.

To promote creative development and professional craftsmanship within the framework of the Kyiv Fashion International Festival, the project “Express-studio” was organized and implemented by the staff members and students of the Department, 20 apparel products were made for display at the exhibition center Expo Plaza.

In order to develop KNUTD in the market of the light and fashion industries, establish new contacts with enterprises-market participants, and increase the dissemination of information about the University, traditionally within the framework of the 31st Kyiv Fashion International Fashion Festival exhibition, new models of clothes and accessories were developed by the University teachers and students (4 groups of authors: I.V. Vasiliev, I.O. Prikhodko, M.V. Kolosnichenko, N.V. Ostapenko).


Collections “Express-atelier” (authors and models)

Opportunities for Students

Educational activities at the Department oare carried out in the direction of the training of designers, designers of modern fashion clothes, who after graduation successfully work in the sewing industry, technologists, experts in the fashion industry, stylist buyers in the fashion industry and clothing buyers in chain stores of fashion products, managers of sewing enterprises of various capacities, engaged in clothing design by individual order and working in creative workshops of leading Ukrainian designers.

In addition, students who have proven themselves well in the scientific field have the opportunity to continue training under the program of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education (doctor of philosophy), and after successfully defending their dissertations — to hold the positions of associate professor and professor.

Career path

Bachelor's degree graduates  

Master's degree graduates

Graduates of the department are currently well-known Ukrainian brand designers Mikhail Voronin, BOBKOVA (Hrystyna Bobkova), SEREBROVA (Alyona Serebrova), ALEXANDR GAPCHUK (Olexandr Gapchuk), POUSTOVIT (Lilya Pustovit), Aina Gasse, Diana Dorozhkina, Alyona Serebrova, directors of the enterprises of JSC "Victoria" O.S. Matulyak, OJSC "Elegant" N.I. Vilshanska, General Director of the Cherkasy Industrial Sewing Association K.V. Boyko, Chairman of the Board of the Chernivtsi ATVT "Trembita" S.O. Stankevich, Chairman of JSC "Smirnova-Lastochkina" E.P. Churenova, Director of Model House G.I. Korsunenko, Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration and Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine L.V. Denysyuk, Chief Technologist of JSC "Kashtan" T.I. Konstantinenko, etc. as well as designers-modelers, technologists, managers of many Ukrainian sewing enterprises of various forms of ownership. The department maintains relations with its graduates, whose enterprises become platforms for practical training of students and further employment of graduates: brands FROLOV (Ivan Frolov), KASS (Bogdan Kass), ANDRE TAN (Andre Tan), DOMANOFF (Dmytro Domanov); etc.


Famous graduates of the Educational Program "Styling, design and artistic finishing of fashion industry products": Prof. department Maryna Kolosnichenko with designer Lilia Pustovit in the jury of the final of the "Cave Chestnuts" competition, an open lecture by Ivan Frolov, the leading designer of Ukraine, the founder and owner of the FROLOV brand


Graduates of the Educational program "Styling, design and artistic decoration of products of the fashion industry", designer Andre Tan in his own creative workshop and Kateryna Tarasova with the medal "For Defense Assistance" from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for a significant contribution to the creation and implementation of the summer field suit for women


Anastasia Krasulina, graduate of the EP "Design and technologies of sewing products", author and owner of the Founder brand at "Krasulinadesign"


Tetyana Tuz, graduate of the EP "Design and technologies of sewing products",
owner of the brand Designstudio "TUZ" 
author's clothes in Lviv



Olena Dydyrko, private entrepreneur,
owner of the "ELN" brand, designer of knitwear and clothing for dance and sports teams,
graduate of the "Design and Technologies of Sewing Products"



Yuliya Rizyk, graduate of the "Design and Technology of Sewing Products" vocational school, technologist-quality controller in the department
of technological control of products of the JASMINE LINGERIE brand

International Cooperation

Cooperation in the field of educational and scientific activities is carried out with the following higher educational institutions: the Technical University of Moldova, Yassky Technical University named after Georgiy Asaki (Romania), Qilu University of Technology (Jinan, China) Kutaisi State University named after Akaki Tsereteli (Georgia), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), and State Pedagogical University named after I. Creanga (Moldova), Textile Institute of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, and other leading educational institutions of the world.

The department cooperates with the following foreign enterprises: sewing enterprise "Flaxpol" LLC (Klyuchborg, Poland), EMI Sabinovs.r.o., (Sabinov, Slovak Republic), ZPD "Olimpia S.A." (Lodz, Poland).

The department conducts scientific and practical seminars on new materials and clothing manufacturing technologies for industry workers, scientific and pedagogical workers and students with the participation of leading foreign companies "Lainierede Picardie" (France), "Freudenberg", "HANSEL Textil", "KUFNER" (Germany ), "NOVATEX UA" (Czech Republic), "CAMELA" (Poland), etc.

The results of scientific research of the academic staff and postgraduate students of the Department were reported at conferences of various levels, seminars, and round tables, including the international scientific and technical conferences of staff, doctoral students, and undergraduates (Moldova, Kishinev, Technical University of Moldova).

The department maintains close scientific and educational ties and trains students and postgraduates for such countries as Moldova, Georgia, and China.

Scientific and pedagogical workers, post-graduate students of the department carry out scientific research on modern topical topics, in particular: development of resource-saving technologies for processing bast fiber materials, natural and artificial leather; creation of multifunctional materials and products, including for the health protection of personnel and the environment. Started research in the field of application of nanotechnology in the production of products for various purposes.


Scientific cooperation within the framework of the academic research "Development of shielding textiles with a high degree of protection against electromagnetic radiation (EMR)"
(in the photo, Associate Professor, Eng. Vladimir Baizik (Liberets Technical University) and Associate Professor Arseniy Arabuli (KNUTD))



International seminar "The world of detailed materials on VileneInSights"


In 2023 professor N.V. Ostapenko represented our University at the International Symposium at the Technical University of Moldova (Kishinev, Moldova). The result of that trip was the signing of a strategic partnership agreement. 

Since 2018, the departments of scientific and pedagogical workers have been undergoing international internships and advanced training at the European Universities of the Slovak and Czech Republics, the Republic of Latvia and Poland: "European education in the context of sustainable development: best practices and global trends" (2018); Michal Baludanskyi Academic Society, Central European University "Trends in the education system in the changing European information society" (2019); "Academic Uczciwość" (2019); at the Polish University of Economics "New and innovative teaching methods" (2020);European League of Professional Development, Collegium Civitas (2021); "Experience of teaching disciplines in the field of culture and art in Ukraine and EU countries: traditions and new approaches" (2021), Baltic International Academy (2023)   and receive certificates.


Internship of teachers of the Department of Fashion and Style, Art and Fashion Design at the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia)
within the framework of the ERASMUS+ academic mobility programme (2023)


The department actively participates in international events, and at the same time supports active cooperation with its graduates. An outstanding events is the participation of students, graduate students and graduates in the shows of collections as part of Berlin Fashion week, which took place on September 6-8, 2022 and July 10-13, 2023.  

In 2022, the following collections were well received: "Infiorescenza" (author Klontsak Marta-Olga, supervisor Prof. O. V. Yezhova); "Romance d'Arc" (authors Olga Serdyuk and Marina Kharchenko, supervisor Prof. N. V. Ostapenko); Folkgraphia (author Anastasia Navrotska, supervisor Prof. K. L. Pashkevich and Assoc. Prof. I. A. Prikhodko-Kononenko); “Liberty” (authors Tetiana Zhamaniuk and Anna Zaletska, supervisor Prof. K. L. Pashkevich and Assoc. Prof. O. D. Gerasimenko); “V for Victorian” (author Ekaterina Pogodina, supervisor Assoc. Prof. I. A. Prikhodko-Kononenko).


Collection "Folkgraphia" (author A. Navrotskaya)


Collection "Liberty" (authors T. Zhamaniuk, A. Zaletska)


In 2023, in the show of collections as part of Berlin Fashion Week, students of the fashion and style department presented in online format a video of the creative collection of the "Barbiecore" collection of student Lyubava Bratchikova (head of Natalia Ostapenko), the collection of "Symphonyofcultures" of student Yaroslava Shibovska (head of Olga Yezhova). Master of the educational and professional program "Modelling, design and artistic decoration of products of light industry" Yevgenia Onushko presented her collection "Brillar" (head Natalia Ostapenko) in the showroom of the exhibition space.

Evgenia Onushko with the "Brillar" collection in the exhibition space of BerlinFashionweek, 2023


"Barbiecore" collection (by Lyubav Bratchikova), 2023