The training of a modern-level specialist is a responsible and important matter. One of the stages of student training and at the same time testing his level of knowledge is the holding of an Olympiad in a specialty. Every year, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty “Garment Design and Technology" is held on the basis of the Department of Fashion and Stile. Competitions in the specialty are conducted on theoretical and practical issues, in different nominations, in which the winners are elected. During the Olympiad, there are round tables and shows of fashion models of leading designers. The winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty ”Garment Design and Technology”" by the general indicators were in 2014-2015 n.y. - H.A. Smachilo, in 2015-2016 - N.R. Gubal, in 2017–2018 - E.A. Severin, in 2018–2019 recognized by D.G. Petrosyan, L.O. Shcherban.

Fragments of the All-Ukrainian Student’s Olympiad in the specialty “Garments design and technology”
Traditionally, every year, students are involved in various forms of scientific research work of the department, in particular, in participation in All-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works. Thus, in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge "Technology of light industry" in 2021, the winner was Yu.V. Happy In different years, students of the department won prizes in the fields of knowledge "Applied geometry, engineering graphics and technical aesthetics" and "Design. Fine art, decorative art, restoration".

Student reports at International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences
The Department of Modeling and artistic decoration of clothes, in cooperation with the Department of Design with the support of the North American Fur Auction “NAFA” (Canada), organized the 1st International Student Fur Design Contest “Ubiquitous Fur”, the final of which was successfully held on the basis of KNUTD.The contest winners, students M. Finik and M. Halushka were awarded a weekly internship in Toronto, Canada.

Students interning at the NAFA (Canada, Toronto)
Masters of EPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of products of light industry" T. Bogomazyuk and N. Gubal represented the University at the 3rd International Competition of Young Designers of Fur Products “REMIX-EURASIA”, which took place on November 10, 2016, in St. Petersburg. With the support of the Ukrainian Association of Furriers in July of that year, the girls were trained at one of the best fur companies in Ukraine “Tykafurlux” (Tysmenytsia city), where they produced competitive products. For their participation in the competition, students were awarded international personal certificates.
Since 2015, the best students of the Department have been working abroad within the framework of cooperation between the Department and the Flaxpol Garment Enterprise (Klyuchborg, Poland), which makes it possible to fully study the European experience in the manufacture of clothing of various uses applying modern technologies.

Internship by students at the Department at Flaxpol (Poland)
Within the framework of laboratory, course, and master’s degree projects and works, students can realize their potential, gain new knowledge in designing new models of clothes, and transform their creative ideas into their own collections. Students annually present the results of their creative work at international and all-Ukrainian competitions, shows, exhibitions, in particular at the International Competition of Young Designers "Pechersk Kashtani", International competition of one image and New Year's and Christmas decoration "Constellation "Chestnut", All-Ukrainian competition "Looking into the future", etc.
The Association of Ukrainian Designers in Paris (AssociationdesCréateursUkrainiens à Paris) in cooperation with the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design conducted a charity project called "Ode to European Ukraine". At the first stage, in April 2023, a selection of sketch proposals for clothing collections took place, according to the results of which, among others, the works of students of the OPP "Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products" by Yevgenia Onushko (MgShMK-22), Lyubov Stryzhak (BShMKsk-20) were selected among others ).

Competition work of Lyubov Stryzhak (competition from the Ukrainian Association of Designers in Paris, 2023)

"Ancient Denim" work by Anastasiya Molodan (Pechersk Chestnuts international competition, PRET-A-PORTER nomination, 1st place, 2023)

Collage of creative works of students of the specialty “Modeling, Design and Decoration of Light Industry Products”
(N. Holubievska, A. Navrotska, M. Klontsak, A. Afanasieva, O. Hrichanyuk, T. Trushina)

Designs of student`s collections of the Department in the competitions “Pecherski Kashtany” and “Suzirya “Kashtan”

The collection “BSD” Fall/Winter'13-14, a student`s work, the author is I. Frolov

The collection “Dawn within us”, a student’s work, the author is Ya. Orenchyna

The collection “Dawn within us”, a student’s work, the author is Ya. Orenchyna

The collection “Sirin”, a student’s work, the author is M. Tulskyh

"FrigusGothicam" collection. Student work, authors: I. Horyslavets, I. Oleksyuk

"Undine" collection. Student work, author M. Tulskikh

Collection "Whiteness" Student work, author R. Korsinov

Collection "Polimita Picta". Student work, author E. Neznayko

Collection "Soul Desires". Student work, author R. Migus
At the 11th International Competition of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in 2012, the collection of I. Frolov received the third prize in the nomination “Pret-a-porter Delux”, the collection of T. Korniychuk - II place in the nomination “Pro-art”. At the competition of young designers “Seasons of Fashion. A Look into the Future” the studio collection of I. Frolov became a nominee.
In 2014, a student of the Department Ya. Orenchyna, under the direction of an associate professor M.V. Ivasenko, took part in the International Competition of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in the nomination “Pret-a-porter Delux” with the collections “Simphonia 9” (1st place) and “Inside us” (2nd place). The collection “BSD Fall/Winter`13-14” by students I. Frolov I. and G. Akimova entered the final. In the textile competition of the XIII International Contest of Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany” in the nomination “Projects of Works” N. Gavrilko received 1st degree diploma of the winner of the competition from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). In 2015, students O. Morocco and M. Chebunina received 2nd place in the Pret-a-porter Delux nomination with the collection “Sangria”.
Graduate and teacher of the department I. Frolov was awarded a prize in the Digital Story nomination within the "Fashion Film Festival Kyiv", September 2-5, 2021. Ivan Frolov was awarded the prestigious award of the Ukrainian fashion industry Best Fashion Awards in the nominations: "Breakthrough of the Year" (21.01 .2021), "The best fashion production" (September 19, 2016). Also, I. Frolov developed an author’s dress for the singer Jamala, who represented our country at the international song contest Eurovision-2016 (May 2016). Later, this dress was handed over to ABBA the Museum, in Stockholm, Sweden. Participation of I. Frolov and FROLOV brand in the International Fashion Showcase 2016, Young Designers Festival, organized by the British Council in Ukraine and the British Fashion Council in the framework of the Fashion Week in London on February 4, 2016, was also noted.
To promote creative development and professional craftsmanship within the framework of the Kyiv Fashion International Festival, the project “Express-studio” was organized and implemented by the staff members and students of the Department, 20 apparel products were made for display at the exhibition center Expo Plaza.
In order to develop KNUTD in the market of the light and fashion industries, establish new contacts with enterprises-market participants, and increase the dissemination of information about the University, traditionally within the framework of the 31st Kyiv Fashion International Fashion Festival exhibition, new models of clothes and accessories were developed by the University teachers and students (4 groups of authors: I.V. Vasiliev, I.O. Prikhodko, M.V. Kolosnichenko, N.V. Ostapenko).

Collections “Express-atelier” (authors and models)