On October 24, 2019, the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Energy Efficient University" was held at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.
The purpose of the conference was to exchange information and experience on the development and implementation of innovative energy-saving projects with representatives of higher education institutions, national and international organizations and foundations, leading specialists, scientists, representatives of local authorities and public associations.
The conference was welcomed by Professor Igor Panasiuk, Director of Education and Scientific Institute of Engineering and Information Technologies. Representatives of the Ministry of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the All-Ukrainian Ecological League, the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, the Institute for Renewable Energy of the NAS of Ukraine, as well as the directors of Amati-Service, IBS, Ecoterm Groups. Professor Panasiuk noted that scientists and representatives of business circles from Azerbaijan, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey are taking part in the conference.
Rector of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Ivan Gryshchenko addressed the participants with a welcome speech.
Doctor Gryshchenko thanked the partners for supporting the conference. He noted that the conference was held on the day of the 89th anniversary of the University.
The Rector described the major achievements, emphasizing the importance of energy efficiency and energy saving in the functioning of the University. He also wished the participants of the conference to receive useful information, get new communications and good mood.
Dmytro Petrunin, Director General of the Energy Efficiency Directorate of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine greeted the participants and guests of the conference.
Sergey Prokhorov, the first Vice President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (USPP) congratulated the participants and guests of the conference.
Tatiana Timochko, the chairman of All-Ukrainian Environmental League greeted the participants and guests of the conference.
Participants and guests of the conference were greeted by Oleg Mashkov, Vice-rector for scientific work of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management.
Ali Salim Ogli Kerimov, Senior Engineer at Solar Qaz export from Azerbaijan congratulated the participants and guests of the conference.
The following participated in the work of this year's VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Energy Efficient University":
Dmitry Polyakov - Area Sales Director Lucas-Nuelle GmbH with the report «Lucas-Nuelle: Efficient didactic systems for efficient electrical energy».
Oleksandr Sabishchenko - consultant on the project "Energy Efficiency in Communities II" of the international company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with the report «From Energy Saving to Energy Efficiency Using Hybrid Alternative Energy Systems».
Iryna Shvedchikova - Professor of the Department of Energy Management and Applied Electronic Engineering at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with a report on «Educational Trends in Energy Saving».
Alexander Shcherbaty - sales representative for boilers at HERZ | Binder SE "Hertz Ukraine" with the report «Technological solutions in biomass burning from HERZ and Binder».
Marina Shovkaliuk - Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal Engineering and Energy Saving of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" with a report «Energy efficient campus of KPI: tools and methods».
Pavel Serdychny - Master of the Department of Thermal Engineering and Energy Saving of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" with the report "Use of buildings energy modeling in the development of energy efficiency projects".
Short messages were made by:
Andriy Ponomarenko - PJSC Chornobyl NPP State Specialized Enterprise on the topic "Features of radioactive waste disposal at the Chornobyl NPP".
Oleksandr Miroshnyk, Professor, Head of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture on the topic "Energy-saving solutions for power systems of residential customers".
Volodymyr Bobrovnik, Chief Engineer of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design on the topic "Implementation of the Supporting Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Measures Program at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design" for 2019-2023”.
Lesya Zub, the Head of the Laboratory for Conservation and Reproduction of the State Institution "Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" on the topic "Assessment of the energy objects impact on natural complexes".
The student's contest for the best poster "Save ENERGY-2019" was been held at the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Energy Efficient University". 150 works of KNUTD 3-5 year-students of the Drawing and Painting Department of the Faculty of Design, supervised by prof. Ye.P. Gula, V.N. Bystryakova, T.A. Kugai, O.V. Maznichenko, A.M. Burtovoy, A.M. Osadcha were presented at the contest. Art director of the contest is O.V. Maznichenko.
The students' works were favourably reviewed by all the conference participants.
The contest winners were greeted by Vice-rector Liudmyla Hanushchak-Yefimenko and Dean of the Faculty of Design Maryna Kolosnichenko, who presented diplomas and valuable gifts to the winners.
After the break, the participants of the conference visited the training center "Energy Efficiency Center" of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. They had a look at the exhibits of the energy efficient equipment exhibition for private households, condominiums and industrial facilities, as well as the main activities and services of the "Energy Efficiency Center".
In general, the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Energy Efficient University" was held at a high scientific, organizational and practical level, was very informative and useful, which was mentioned in the speeches of the participants and guests of the conference.
The papers of the conference participants were published in the scientific professional journal «Bulletin of the Kiev National University of Technologies and Design (series" Technical Sciences")", № 4 (136), 2019.
We hope that meaningful reports and lively scientific discussions will be remembered for a long time by the participants of the conference and will be useful for them when developing new projects.
The Organizing Committee is sincerely grateful to all participants of the conference and contributed to its successful and meaningful work.