Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design





Address: 2, Nemyrovych-Danchenko Str., Kyiv, 01011, Building 4, entrance from the street

Phones for reference:+38044-256-21-12, +38098-515-84-55




The purpose of the Student Center of Fashion and Creativity is to develop the creative potential and professional abilities of students improving the University’s rating and the social prestige of KNUTD students in society.

The Student Center of Fashion and Creativity provides an educational and methodological basis for the creative development of youth; develops the spiritual and professional culture of the individual; contributes to the strengthening of international and cultural ties of students using various forms of events, namely: the organization of creative meetings, seminars, workshops, art exhibitions, exhibitions of collections of decorative and applied arts, etc.

 The main tasks of the SCFCIC are:

  • to provide methodological assistance to the structural units of the University in organizing and conducting student professional and creative competitions, Olympiads, tournaments;
  • to create conditions for the harmonious personal development, meeting the creative needs of students, organizing their creative self-expression and presentation to the creative community of professionals;
  • to find, develop and support young talents, stimulate creative self-improvement of students, develop research activity in various kinds of creativity and professional activity;
  • to meet the needs of student youth in professional self-determination by personal interests and abilities;
  • educational activities.

The activities of the Student Center of Fashion, Creative Ideas and Creativity are aimed at promoting professional, cultural, and creative training of young people in various forms, namely: holding competitions and Olympiads, organizing a fashion model school, providing training courses, seminars, workshops, and presentations according to the traditional patriotic and European principles of young people education.


SCFCIC Regulations